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NicLove #1 · April 28th · · 4 ·

Can anyone help him out ?

does any of you know ?

What do you think really happend ?


recording, but I asked MLP comic writer Jeremy Whitley about the comics. He also mentioned to me that G4 characters are very unlikely to appear in G5 outside of special exceptions like Twilight, but that the G5 comics have free range to use anyone from G4. I didn't mentioned the Equestria Daily article or GM Berrow's quote at all to him, he brought it up on his own. And he works on the MLP comics, so he'd know about this.

Hub was a joint 50 50 split between Hasbro and Disc, but Hasbro sold 10% to Disc, giving them a majority stake in the channel, and all content and series produced for Disc Family, IE Season 5-9. This is also why only Seasons 1-4 remain on Netflix. Hasbro owns the MLP IP and all characters for merchandise and comics, but Disc owns television rights for many aspects. My guess as to why Hasbro has to pay Disc for Twilight (a character Hasbro owns), is because the appearance in Growing Pains was very specifically "Twilight Sparkle from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic", a Discovery Family series, appearing in another series on another network. Yeah it's technical, and cruddy, but that's
business. But like everyone is saying, it would be nice if G5 could break away more from G4 and truly stand on its own, and I think it is slowly getting to that point.
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This has been debunked a thousand times over. Even the one in charge says it wasn’t because the toys are selling well. Gen 4 and Gen 5 fans are split and there have been flame wars over which is better and I do not think blaming Discovery is the best way to go. The internet has the tendency to stir up a lot of drama whenever they cancel a show but never look into the numbers or the reason why it was cancelled. I was guilty of this too once upon a time so the next time we try and blame the company I think we should look at the data and what was going on behind the scenes.

Indeed whether it was discovery or not doesn't matter
G5 ISNT dying
...we are the problem
New younger fans are clashing with the ideas the older fans have
...but we must understand that friendship unites us all

Dude that is awesome that you recognize that.

...though to be fair you telling me that did help
I thought it was discovery as well
But after you said a higher up said it wasn't? Then i believed you

Comment posted by AnimeFan419 deleted April 29th

I meant to say the group admin but I am still glad you were able to recognize the issue.

I also wanna compliment you on how you said that we are the problem. I wish there were more fans like you because not many are willing to say. This extends to Marvel, DC, Disney basically anything that is popular, people would rather blame the company and act as though it is the worst thing ever.

I get it that for some, G5 will never resonate with them the way G4 did. Unfortunately, a lot of G4 fans really set the bar high and can never feel satisfied with anything after this or even before it in that matter. Just because it may not be as good, doesn't mean that it's going to fail. Although I'm not trying to attack G4 fans, I feel that some need to stop acting like snobs and learn how to chill.

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