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Kibat Grenbuku
Group Admin

Oh boy, my first forum post as an admin!:raritystarry:

But, in all seriousness, how did Argyle even knew about Ancient Equestria's lore, and who told him? In the beginning of ANG, we could clearly see many of G4's memorabilia, from the old map, to Grogar's bell, heck there's even the memory stone from Equestria Girls if you look hard enough!

He has so much relics of the past, yet we aren't told as to how he came across them and why they are here!

"Well, maybe he's a collector and he keeps them there for further study that he and his daughter can explore together." I hear you say. Again though, that still doesn't tell us how he got them. Heck, even the stories of Ancient Equestria! Why is he the only one who has that knowledge?!

So, I ask again, how and who told him about Ancient Equestria?

What do you guys think?

Well since there have been theories that Twilight is Sunny's mom, Twilight probably taught him about the old days of Equestria, and trust him to keep some artifacts safe.
Another theory, and head cannon, is passes down from family member. In this case, Argyle might got some of the artifacts from his parents, and their parents before that.
Heck, Elder Flower might have known Argyle...since ponies can live a long time...Elder Flower might be 200 years old or something

Kibat Grenbuku
Group Admin

As much as I want to believe Sunny's mom is Twilight, there's a lot of pointers that I will have to shoot down. First of all, look at Sunny's design, she's an apricot orange mare, not an indigo or in the bluish-purple spectrum. Unless she's adopted, I doubt she would've looked like Twilight.

"Oh, but she as a star cutie mark!"

Yes, but that doesn't mean didilly squat. Remember, cutie marks sometimes don't take up the same design as their parents. Twilight earned her cutie mark after a magic exam, meanwhile Sunny showcased her leadership.

I'm not arguing with theorists that it could be Twilight, but there's a huge amount of evidence that isn't the case. So, sorry guys, I don't honestly believe Twilight is Sunny's mom.

SweetAI Belle
Group Contributor

I don't really believe Sunny herself is Twilight's daughter. I do suspect Argyle himself might be descended from her or her family, though.

Fur colors do vary within families. OTOH:
Twilight Velvet:

Night Light:


I'm thinking Sunny gets her looks from her mother, but her father's the one related.

--Sweetie Belle

Hello Kibat,

First of all, welcome.

Secondly, I have some headcanon that may provide a kernel of actual lore.

My hypothesis is that the stories of G4 Equestria were maintained by methods that were utilized to allow us to know how life was in Rome around the change from BCE to CE. This included people dedicated to recreating documents from Rome (monks in real life), pottery and other durable goods, as well as ruins to be investigated by archeologiests. Heck, the Roman Catholic Church did a great deal for us by preserving the language from Rome (Latin).

I hypothesis that similar things happened between the time of G4 Equestria and G5 Equestria (although the length of time between the series is much less than between Ancient Rome and now).

This ties into another theory I have regarding the Main 6 and Sunny. We know from the movie and TV series that the overarching knowledge of the Main 6 survived, but some of the details of the various ponies was lost. My headcanon is that Twilight's book was maintained by records, but that book does not give all the details of Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, etc. Because of this, G4 relates to G5 in one of 2 ways:
1) G4 is an accurate representation of life in Early Twilight Equestria and due to loss of records, G5 has tried to fill the gaps in their knowledge and gotten things wrong.
2) G4 is the artistic recreation of Early Twilight Equestria (where the gaps in knowledge were filled with fictious storytelling) and we do not have an accurate depection of Early Twilight Equestria.

I tend to lean towards option 2, given that there were so many other species introduced in G4 that we have not encountered in G5 (like the kirin or griffons) that it may be that those races were artistically added to the narrative told to Sunny because all the ponies of G5 know is that those races exist somewhere (and it may only be hints that those races exist, like Bigfoot).

Anyways, that is my headcanon. I hope that helps.

TalB #6 · April 13th · · ·

Knowing the nature of this franchise, it's most likely we'll never know how that was the case especially since they aren't known for giving backstories for this.

Kibat Grenbuku
Group Admin

Hmm, that actually seems to fill in some gaps, amd your headcanon sounds very interesting. Still though, the one thing that's bothering me is the drawing of the memory stone. Some of the directors of EG says it's not canon, while others say it is, and here it is the on Argyle's research board. So why is it there, and how did he come across it?

Regarding the question of the Memory Stone, that simply be that the directors of G5 took the direction that EQG was canon to G4 so they included it as an easter egg.

The only evidence that EGQ is canon in MLP is the appearance of the Sirens. Otherwise there has, to my knowledge, been no other mention of EQG in MLP.

Well, Sunset Shimmer DID have a "blink and you will miss it" picture cameo among Twilight's "Friendship Memories" in the final episode.

The Blue EM2
Group Admin

Either the items he has in his collection are family heirlooms (my family has all sorts of strange things in our collection) or he picked them up through years of collecting. Stuff like maps of Equestria would probably be fairly easy to find, as well as some of the diagrams in his study, but it's not clear how he got his hooves on the Bewitching Bell.

It also appears Opaline is an avid collector of old things too. In Cutie Mark Blossom Bash, the Box with the Six Locks can be seen in her potion room.

The Blue EM2
Group Admin


Sunset Shimmer is visible amongst the characters in the concluding montage of The Last Problem.

He's probably an Archeologist and Historian. Via things like old books and artifacts he likely pieced together what the world used to be like.

Sunny is Twilight’s distant direct descendant, and Sunset’s too.

Argyle got all this stuff somehow, maybe it’ll be explored in Tell Your Tale.

Hmm that is always such a good question it could be like their generations of Sunny's family or something like that passing on the story so nothing like this ever forgotten to others like keeping records stories even the items to keep or something like that and even keeping the Legacy alive

Another thing I would like to know about that movie is how Sunny had toys of the Mane 6 and how those even existed to start with, but we probably won't get a backstory on that either.

Kibat Grenbuku
Group Admin

My guess is that Argyle made them. If you look closely, the figurines seems to have a colored wood texture on them. Argyle must've been one heck of a wood carver in his younger days.

I just thought that the Mane 6 had toys made after them at one time.

Kibat Grenbuku
Group Admin

I thought so too, but I don't think there was such an instance of them having toys made after them. I could only guess that Argyle found some picture of the group together and started to design off of them at their young adult age.

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