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So I have watched the first 6 episodes of Make Your Mark and to be perfectly honest, it's kind of a mixed bag for me so far. Here are my thoughts on the episodes.

Episode 1: Izzy Does It

Honestly, wasn't a fan of this one.

Thd first half of the episode is nothing but filler. But what annoyed me the most is the exposition. The characters keep giving speeches on things they're about to do or things that are about to happen. Pipp gets a message on her phone and spends like half a minute discussing what she should do with it. She decides to read it and then she decides to have a snack first and then read it. And then answer to it. Like, is this supposed to be entertaining? Motion picture should be all about show, don't tell!

And the second half isn't much better. Nothing really happens in this episode. Izzy runs off, finds a wrecked motorbike, unicycles it, the end. And didn't she already have that in Tell Your Tale? The only thing of substance that happens is Misty dropping off that spy mirror for Sunny. It actually surprised me that the main overreaching story kicked in this soon. Usually in modern cartoons, the first half of season one is just random shenanigans before the plot begins. Star vs. The Forces of Evil comes to mind. But if that small bit of story development was all this episode wanted to do, they could have done that much better.


Episode 2: Growing Pains

This was definitely an improvement over episode 1.

First of all, it had a story to fill out the episode. No filler and no exposition. Second of all, Hitch is finally acting like he was in the movie! He's competent and responsible, which was a real joy to see after that incompetent moron we saw in the special. Even if he was a bit unreasonable and did make the problem worse. And finally, the episode did a good job at furthering the overall plot with Twilight's message. We learned that she knew about Opaline and the two do have some history. Which I'm looking forward to learning about.

I'd say this episode should have been the first one to kick things off.


Episode 3: Portrait of a Princess

This was easily my favourite of the bunch.

This episode sheds a whole new light on the relationship between Zipp and Pipp. And it even gave Queen Haven some time to shine. I thought Sunny was seriously going to regret asking her to sing, but turns out she was actually good at it. It's clear who Pipp got her talent from.

And we finally saw some commonality between Zipp and Pipp
Honestly, those two couldn't be anymore different. It's actually so hard to believe that they're related that one would assume Zipp is either adopted or from a different father. But to learn just how close they were when they were little, how they worked out their differences and their little song was really heartwarming.

Though I admit Zipp is starting to bug me a little. The special did establish she likes to solve misteries, but it looks less of a liking to me in the series and more of an obsession. It had completely overtaken the rest of her personality. We didn't even see her do flying stunts in the series yet. She is now spying on evreypony, making random notes on every single little thing.

But the epsidoe itself I really liked. Easily my favourite so far.


Episode 4: Ali-Conned

Ali-Conned. A. K. A. The episode where we learn that Maretime Bay is full of superficial flankholes who don't deserve a spit of what Sunny's trying to do for them.

Sunny is giving a speech about eating healthy and nopony cares. And then she randomly turns into an alicorn. And suddenly everypony starts worshipping her. I guess no matter the generation, ponies never stop licking the hooves of alicorns. And look, Sugar Moonlight is back! Turns out, she's a fame seeking bitch who even denies knowing Sunny as an earth pony and only wants to hang with the alicorn to look cool.

The episode brings up the concept of Opaline trying to sway Sunny to her side - which could have been really interesting to flesh out - just to drop it immediately after. And seriously? Sunny doesn't even find it a little weird that her mirror is talking to her? And then completely forgets that it happened.

Honestly, Sunny, the only thing you should do with your alicorn abilities for the ponies of Maretime Bay is summoning your wings and giving them the middle feather.


Episode 5: The Cutie Mark Mix-Up

My least favourite of the bunch.

It didn't even take five episodes for the show to get lazy and dust off one of the oldest clichés in cartoon history: the role swapping. Hitch and Sunny switch cutie marks and personalities due to Sparky's magic and spend a day in each other's horseshoes. It could have been at least funny but they did absolutely nothing with it. Hitch tries to make and sell smoothies like Sunny for one scene. Turns out he sucks at it and wants his old job back. Sunny tries to herd some critters like Hitch that are messing up the lighthouse like Hitch for one scene. Turns out she sucks at it and wants her old job back. They apologise to each other, get their cutie marks back, the end.

Oh, and the rest of the Mane 5 chase some critters in the lighthouse in the meanwhile too. One of which was Opaline's projection which she used to spy on the lighthouse. Just like with the first episode, it feels this was made only to further the Opaline plot just a little bit.

Thanks, Make Your Mark, but Magical Mystery Cure already did this and ten times better.


Episode 6: The Traditional Unicorn Sleep-Over

This is the episode where the main story starts to pick up.

Opaline sends Misty to infiltrate Sunny's circle of friends and she meets them for the first time. Though I found it weird how Sunny didn't mention how she looked familiar to her because they already met in Ali-Conned and the only disguise Misty was wearing was one of those weird grill glasses. Izzy is thrilled to have a new unicorn friend so she throws a sleepover for her as it is tradition in Bridlewood. Bridlewood has some odd traditions.

The episode plays out exactly how you'd expect. Misty struggles to fit and raises some suspicion with Zipp, but eventually has fun with them. The episode itself was decent, but it appears to be taking the show into a direction I'm not so sure like. We all know where this is going. Misty will eventually grow to like them and betray Opaline for them, becoming their friend for real. This confirms one of my biggest concerns. That this will be a carbon copy of the Ducktales reboot season 1, which did exactly the same thing with Webby, Lena and Magica.

Like, just for once, can't we have a villain and a minion who are on the same wavelength and want the same thing? It would be a breath of fresh air.


My opinion of the G5 Cast and Crew:

"A Poor Player Struts and Frets his Hour upon The Stage, and then is heard no-more..."

My review of G5:

"...It is a Tale told by an Idiot. Full of Sound and Fury signifying: Nothing."

- Macbeth

G5 is so shallow that it's incomprehensible to ever consider it a real sequel to G4. To think that 3d animation had regressed to this point when we had something completely bangers as the duel between Maul and Pre Vizsla where the viewer understood the moral complexities of both groups and the very culture that Mandalorians subscribe to. And that scene still holds up 9 years later.

to be fair, early g4 was also incredibly shallow
entire season 1 was literally just "characters does stuff and learns the most obvious moral of the day." with next to no variety or surprises.

7744313 Maybe so, and there is still time for G5 to improve as it goes on. But from what we've seen so far from the movie, the special and now the Netflix series, it doesn't seem like G5 is able to keep up with the higher level of quality G4 elevated the franchise to. G5 seems more like a regression to what we had before, maybe slightly above that. Not really bad, but not mindblowingly good either.

the only difference between the slow beginnings of G4 and G5, is that G4 was standalone and didn't have any connection with the previous Generations of My Little Pony to try living up to: a blank slate and an empty page that was meant for any sort of story to be written. And boy did G4 pick a real winner to spearhead its' story: Lauren Faust, who not only had experience in animation and storytelling with such works as Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends and The Iron Giant, but also was the wife to Craig McCracken who created shows like Dexters' Laboratory and The Powerpuff Girls, and even more impressive was that both of them were students of the legendary Gennedy Tartakovsky himself: the genius behind shows like Samurai Jack, Sym-Bionic Titan, and Primal. It resulted in a triple-whammy that helped to put G4 on the map in the first place.

G5 is first and foremost seen as a direct sequel and continuation to the story of G4, and as such is expected to hold to G4 as the gold standard of quality, which it is failing to do in every conceivable way with a crap comic, a lousy videogame, a piss-poor pilot episode, and a mangled movie.

The Blue EM2
Group Admin

G4 got off to a similarly shallow start. The bulk of Season 1 is a series of disconnected episodes focusing around teaching the viewer moral lessons, with any sense of 'canon' being firmly pushed to the background. It was only really in Season 2 that G4 began its transition towards being a plot-driven, canon heavy format.

I've noticed that the video game often gets flak for not advancing the story, which in my opinion is a bit of a moot point. The core issue with extended universe media is that whilst it can be used to flesh out elements of the backstory, it is equally important that such information does not become too plot-critical, or else people who have not looked at EU media will be instantly lost when it gets referenced in the show.

To give two examples:

Thunderbirds had a range of tie-in comics released between 1966 and 1971. These comics expanded upon the world shown in the series, and some of the equipment featured in them actually turned up in the episodes. However, the equipment was incorporated in such a way that the viewer could still understand what they were without needing to read the comics.

Moffat-era Doctor Who, however, was notorious for filling in plot-critical information and fixing plot holes through extended universe media such as comics. This meant that those who hadn't read them would have no clue what was being referenced.

TL;DR: A viewer should not have to read a comic or play a videogame in order to understand what is happening in a film.

TL;DR: A viewer should not have to read a comic or play a videogame in order to understand what is happening in a film.

Unfortunately, it seems like Disney doesn't seem to understand that message:

And if Disney is not able to understand that people don't like having to do Homework to attempt at understanding their plots, than other lesser companies and corporations like Hasbro will not understand this little detail either.

The Blue EM2
Group Admin

This may well be a first, but I agree with you on that front. Funnily enough, Star Wars used to be better than this back in the day; there was all that EU content, true, but you didn't need to know it to follow what was going on in the films.

I recall that the MCU used to be like that as well.

Ever had one of those exams in school where the teacher expects you to watch a movie and jot down information that you saw in it for homework or schoolwork?

Because I had to suffer through SIX Movies of that kinda nature: The Core, The Day After Tomorrow, and Twister for my Science Class on the accuracy of weather and geologic phenomena, Far and Away and King of The Hill for History in-regards to immigration and The Great Depression.

That sixth Movie I had to see for my History Class was Amazing Grace and that film was different than the others. Unlike with before where I could have just rented the films from the Library, Amazing Grace only just came out in Theaters; and the Teacher provided us with Movie Tickets along with a 22 Q&A paper to write down the answers of what happened in the movie.

So instead of me watching the uphill battle that helped Great Britain to abolish the Slave Trade Industry, I instead had to spend my evening writing down what the main character had saw in the mirror... and I had no other choice but to do it in one sitting.

The Blue EM2
Group Admin

I know the feeling. It sucks.

To think that a new generation of kids wanting to try and get away from crap like that in school, are now going to have to do these exact same scavenger hunts within Star Wars and G5: just to understand what the story even is about.

The whole point of a series is to have it stand on it's own, if you require information from another separate show or series to try filling in the gaps or answering important questions, than it is a failure of storytelling. While there are indeed works that do this such as Trilogies and Sagas; they are all a part of a Set that must require experience from beginning to end. G4 should have had absolutely no bearing on G5 since it shows a shaky trust by the writers in the brand. Along with time and resources that should have been put into developing the G5 world and characters to make them stand on their own without being directly compared to those from G4, now being pushed aside while the story of G5 constantly feeds us G4 Member Berries.

The Blue EM2
Group Admin

I will admit I am rather guilty of this in my early fanfics.

But yes, having to bounce through loads of different bits of media to understand the plot is bad. It's often a case of the writers realising something in the main media doesn't make sense then filling the plothole using some other media. Pony of Shadows arc in G4 (hell, the Pillars in general) is an excellent example of this.


TL;DR: A viewer should not have to read a comic or play a videogame in order to understand what is happening in a film.

AT4W - Linkara response clips

7747481 7746380

The Blue EM2
Group Admin

That video sums my point up so very, very well.

Glad to know I am not alone in my assessments.

Am I the only one keeping in mind that the entire nine seasons (and EG and the movie) of Gen 4 weren't written overnight?

Come on, people, stop expecting them to crank out another gem on the first go. If nothing else, let's give the creators a chance to show that they're hearing us and are willing to improve.

That is precisely the point: G5 wasn't given the time to be properly fleshed out: Hasbro and Netflix wanted to have it ready and rarin' to go out the gate when it hadn't even been more than five years since G4 ended, and the movie creator took liberties by creating a blank story to go off of with absolutely minimal world-building: fully-expecting the shows' writers to try and fill in the gaps on their own: "The Left Hand having no idea what The Right Hand is even doing" basically.

G5 was too much rushed, its producers wanting to have a show to try and capitalize on the audience that G4 built up without even having the vaguest idea about what got us attracted to the show in the first place. G5 is actively attacking itself at every possible turn from having no narrative direction, flat main characters, and flimsy shoe-horned moral systems: the show has been doomed to failure because of boredom and disinterest by the majority of the G4 audience. And because the characters of the Movie that was to serve as the pilot for G5 managed to complete all of their set goals within the Movie: it means that there is no narrative purpose to have a G5 series to begin with.

7744238 Here is my commentary for the first 6 episodes:

Make Your Mark - episode 1 - Izzy Does It

I watched the episode and... meh.

It feels like the writers of G5 were just staring at the wall, agreeing that they a creative block. All they have to work with was a toy of a cart that Hasbro will sell DLCs for.

Then they all agreed that since they have nothing noteworthy to write, they'll just make ponies their mouthpieces and talk about their lack of ideas.

And that's basically the whole episode...

With how slow and conflict-free everything is, I feel like there's zero heart in this and the targeted audience are literally 3-year-olds.

I really wanted to say good things about this. I'm actually not hard to please. But there's just nothing there...

I respected them for going 3D and wanted to say at least something positive about that. But even the animation feels lazy. I mean, it's passable, but you could point to animation irks at every scene.

I feel like the creators of G5 aren't doing this because they want to do it. They're just doing it because they're getting paid to do it.

Make Your Mark - episode 2: Growing pains

There's just one pony with a mustache in Mare Time Bay, and his occupation is styling mustaches. He gave it 20% off, yet for some mysterious reason, nopony took him up on the offer.
Nopony wears a hat. Not even the one selling hats. How do these ponies make a living?
Hitch is scared of tentacles. I mean vines...
If you ever try to impress me, just open the door for me with tentacles.
Apparently, Hitch didn't like tentacles but is totally cool with them now. I mean, with magic.
Is it scary that birds are more intelligent than ponies?
Sea Shell was stuck on tentacles. She seemed quite happy about it, for some reason.
The fillies want ALL the tentacles! No rules. No holding back.
Hitch approves.
Fillies use telepathic synchronization. Because... magic, I guess.
Sprout is back! And this time, he's not useless. He's destructive.
The berry bounces from... a curve? And then from... a bush?
Hitch can save everypony except himself.
No, Sunny, Hitch didn't make an impact. He was the impact zone.
Fruit juice can stay in your mane for weeks, says Hitch who bathed in it and doesn't have a single drop of it in his mane.
A new sign was invented: Stand under barriers.
Sunny wants to make a profit off berries.
She wants to become so rich that she could take over the planet.
But hitch knows that absolute berries corrupt absolutely.
Permissious education is the way to go, says Sunny.
Queen Opaline has a spying mirror. But she doesn't need it since she can still see Sunny even after she closes it.
Also, is she really just standing in front of a mirror days upon days? Why does she even need Misty to spy for her?
I guess she does since she'd check her personal mirror every minute.
Queen Opaline needs Misty's care. Misty's body is not ready.
Hitch wants more rules. Sets zero rules for the baby he's responsible for.
"That was so funny!" Izzy forgets to laugh. I really wish there was more show and less tell in Gen 5.
Izzy has a fetish for dragons.
Potential threats and dangers. Being turned into a random object at every hiccup does sound dangerous.
"There will be no use of Earth pony magic!" Hitch uses magic to hold onto cards even though they should have fallen off his hoof.
Hitch wants to collect data about magic from ponies who are forbidden to use any magic. It's like learning to extract oxygen from water from a fish that is dying in the desert.
We don't know what's possible yet and we never will if nopony uses magic.
Ponies accept Hitch's tyranny like the ship that they are.
More tentacle fun.
Hitch made stickers to remind everypony not to breathe fire.
Izzy asks Sparky if he wants food. He does. Wants to take a bite out of Izzy.
Turns out Sparky can ask. I've never heard him talk, though.
Dallia's superpower is suicide by alergies.
Izzy is unable to use magic anymore. Because she has a tomato on her horn.
"Destroy everything, Sparky. Destroy! I'll get so many uphooves for this video!"
"I can grow food." Hitch says, "Don't do it again."
The hooves glow green and Pipp screams, "Not a good look!" Because everypony hates green. Green is the worst color.
The lesson of the day is: Celibacy makes priests abuse little children. Put an end to celibacy.
Hitch has a bright idea, "Remember how we destroyed everything about Gen 4 when we did Gen 5? Let's do that again but with Gen 5. Let's destroy the crystals."
Isn't it nice when babysitters come at the exact moment you need them? I've never seen any creator make use of plot armor as the creators of Gen 5.
Hitch destroys everything and then asks himself, "What am I doing?"
Hitch is not the sheriff they need, but he is the sheriff they want.
Forget magic of friendship. Cutie-mark magic is what Gen 5 is about.
Pipp records every little minutia. Fails to record the most important recording of Twilight.
"You are exposed to the world once again." - Is this a meta thing? Like, if there's magic, there's a show and now they're exposed to us seeing them? Twilight, you're making 0 sense.
"Hitch, you have to reverse action." - So, inaction?
Izzy knows Opaline how?
Opaline's plan is the same as Sunny's plan was. Bring moar magic. So, why is she the villain?
"Express yourselves!" - Then the ponies do the exact opposite and unexpress everything.
Hitch draws a satanic ritualistic symbol on the ground. "The power of Satan compels you, giant berry."
Tentacles can save you from getting dirty, somehow.
The perfect blend is no bland at all. Pipp criticizes Sunny's smoothy making between the lines.
Turns out that the best way to take care of Sparky is to not take care of Sparky.
Hitch was permissive before and now he learned to be even more. Not sure if any of us are learning good lessons here.
After hundreds of uses of dragon flame, Sunny opens her eyes for the first time and notices that Sparky can use magic.
Sparky is a shaman.
Sparky arms the nuclear tree. The doomsday clock is ticking.

Make Your Mark - episode 3: Portrait of a Princess
Did Pipp start filming herself the moment she woke up?
Portrait day. Pipp turns on her head to look presentable.
What's with the whorse lipstick?
"I'm busy!" *Zipp looks at a picture of Twilight
Private investigation on the most public place. Smart, Zipp.
What Twilight was warning us about was the portrait day!
I still hate how Sunny's rollers just disappear when she turns. And why do they have to show the mistake twice?
I guess literally everypony is watching Pipp's streams.
Twilight Sparkle is STILL interfering with the plan. My god, you must be old.
Why rid of two princesses if only one is the problem?
So, Zipp is older? Oh, right, that's why she'll get to be the queen. So that's why Pipp is always overcompensating by attentionwhorsing?
Gives her the flower, doesn't give her any instructions. *puts flower in her mouth
Pegassi money? Does everypony use that or do they have exchanges?
Stand still for hours? Oh, because it's not a picture day. It's a portrait day. Now I get it.
We all saw that hologram, right? If anypony is blind, please state your disability now.
Sabrina Storm? How do you get from that to Zipp? Or is it Zappherina?
Why not enjoy it while the world crumbles around us?
I order you to hug me! Zipp, get with the program!
Sunny has her own chair in the salon. Could have fooled me with that chaotic mane of hers.
Dogs are vegetarian.
Music makes ponies shut up. Who knew?
Pipp makes selfies of her ugly muddy face.
Sunny's impression is spot on.
Sender unknown. Not suspicious at all.
Ugh, that stuffy salon. What stupid, fat pony runs that place, anyway?
Let's get the flower by seeing the hologram again. Wait, what?
Bitch activity seems calm, so how could somepony take a picture of a flower. Wait, what?
Picture seems similar to the hologram, somehow. Wait, what?
Searches close to the ground, by flying.
How can somepony steal magic if we have magic. That doesn't make any sense. Wait, what?
A running filly can be important evidence? Zipp? You're not trying to take the filly into your basement where you hold all the other 'evidence' are you?
Pipp talks about portrait day which everypony knows about. Zipp: "This stuff is supposed to be secret!"
Thank you for all your gifts for the portrait day. I won't use any of them.
I may be a queen but I'm messier in more ways than you'll know.
Sing a song with me by yourself.
The queen rejects the microphone and substitutes it with her own.
They have geolocation, but the picture didn't have it. Why?
How dare you ignore the flower, Pipp. I'm the one who doesn't care about the flower!
I don't care about your social profile. That's reasonable. Everyone only cares about their own social profile. Why would anypony care about somepony's else social profile?
I'm not giving up. I'll find the lilly and with it, I'll skip portrait day, somehow. Wait, what?
"It worked!" You could have just used geolocation...
Zipp gets embarrassingly excited and her wings erect.
"Take your picture." What kind of voice was that, lol?
This is the most secret thing of all secret things. Take a picture of it. Wait, what?
Filliyish. New word adopted.
Oh no, we're trapped, if only we had a mobile phone with geolocation. Oh, wait, we do...
Don't push that mess business again. Mess is my fetish. If you push me too far I just might.
They just texted me, but I don't have to read it because I have telepathy.
"They are doing okay on their own, right?" I've let them on their own for years, but just this very second I'm starting to wonder about it.
"Living together brought them closer." "I'm so happy to hear that. Incest used to be my fetish too."
"That's not what I wanted." Wait, what? You kept saying you wanted to skip portrait day...
Zipp wanted to play hoofy, whatever that is. Why didn't they just play it? Why did they need a cave for it?
Singing is magic.
Mobile phone is their last hope. *splashes water at it
I'm sure we can find a way out. *touches random stuff
Digging works. Who would have guessed?
I have an idea, let's put some random foals in danger!
It's working! If we get enough foals to fall in, we can surmount their corpses to get out.
Bitch cave? Oh Pipp, you foul mouth you!
Show me what those hooves and horns can do. Wings are inferior. Pegassi are a lesser race. It's canon.
Foals throw boulders down, killing both princesses. They cheer at their violent deaths.
Let's ignore the foals who just saved our lives.
Err, Pipp, Zipp, you have some tentacles on you...
Pipp streamed she's in trouble and nopony informed the queen?
I love it. I'ma steal it from you now.
Did you trap them? I always watch Pipp's stream but now I just preferred to sit and look into nothingness.

Make Your Mark - episode 4: Ali-conned
"I have an announcement that will change all your lives: I'll run you over with my rollers to death because I'm hurrying so much to tell you this."
We're eating too much junk food. Just look at Pipp. Don't you all agree that she's fat?
And forget that my smoothies also make you fat.
We could magically combine plants. Or just mix them together, you know. Both can work.
We could even... cook!
Yuck to pony food.
French fries, because France is a place in Equestria.
There are so many things that need changing. Why won't everypony obey me?
That orgasmic face Sunny makes whenever she turns into an Alicorn...
Oh, Sunny suddenly became sexy. I'll pay attention to her now.
Am I finally a full-fledged attentionwhorse? He-he! My dad always told me that I'm special.
I said it's not about selling more smoothies, but I lied. It was always about corporate profits.
Oh, I can't turn my head to look at my wings. I have to use a mirror. And me flying didn't give it away, either.
My wing erection was an accident! Why does everything excite me? Why am I pansexual?
The professional attentionwhorse has been outwhorsed.
So, if her horn is translucent, could you see directly into Sunny's brain? Just wondering.
"Sunny can transform into an Alicorn? I've never seen this before." So, she herself was born an Alicorn?
"If Sunny is always an Alicorn, she will be at my side." Wait, what?
"I bought a smoothy that I don't like the most."
"It's time to plot." With plot like yours, I bet you can do a lot of plotting.
"Misty, I'll need you to infiltrate like you've done a hundred times before." "But how?"
"Speaking of plot, I want to see Sunny vulnerable on my bed. Make it happen."
Monkeys are canon. She was probably referring to humans.
Shadowbanishement. Has Youtube made it to Equestria with its evil policies?
Food, yuck. Stones, mmm.
You wish to adopt my precious? Sure, he's yours now. Freedom!
Don't be yourself. Be a better version of yourself. Be an Alicorn!
You need to get me excited first, foals. Can you do that? Can you make me excited?
"I wanna be an Alicorn when I grow up." Who doesn't, filly? Who doesn't?
Sunny has big checklists. Twilight reincarnated as Sunny. It's canon.
"We made a chimera plant. It's alive!"
"We made an Alicorn happy." Oh, I love it when a service has a happy ending.
Misty has a hard-time blending. *blends with the most famous mares, somehow
"We're super influential." Oh, are you Alicorn too? No? Well, then you're noponies.
Freshen up in the hardware store. It's an Alicorn thing.
Oh no, where did my erection go? How will I perform without it?
"Am I going insane?" "Yes."
"I'm your inner voice. You know, as the one schizophrenics have."
"Ha-ha, I manipulated Sunny into becoming more powerful. I'm so smart."
Pipp is cringy as heck. There go all her subscribers.
Pipp rage-quits and destroys a cell phone.
"What does Sparky have that I don't have, except for the most powerful magic on Equus."
"I have another idea and you'll listen to me because I'm an Alicorn and you're not."
Izzy destroys. "Perfect!"
"What is my skillset if not being an attention whorse?"
"Would an Alicorn want to be friends with a branch?" That's an odd question to ask a god.
Sunny doesn't want to lose her master-race status. Decides to lose her master-race status.
"I told everypony to meet me at the podium. Where's the podium?"
Sunny wants to speak about her passion, but the magic just isn't there anymore, for some reason.
We all know you have two personalities now, Sunny. Just kill yourself so we can have more of the other you.
Sunny hugs a pillow because nopony likes her. I know the feel, Sunny. You'll learn to embrace it and revel in it eventually.
"Being an Alicorn doesn't make you different." Oh, shut up Izzy, you know not of what you speak of.
"You're everypony all in one like a true schizophrenic."
"Thank you, Izzy, I guess I am a special snowflake after all."
"I think it will put you in even better spirits. After all, you can't get below zero."
"This recording of me will ruin it. But by the streamer code, I have to post it for everypony to see."
"Oh no, my plan to make Sunny powerful and somehow make her my slave by some unknown means failed."
"I can finish this myself, the way it's always been." I've yet to see you lift a hoof, much less finish something...
"To drain all their powers I'll need dragon flame. Oh, I actually changed my mind, I'll need the unity crystals."
"I need to find a new way in. If only buildings had doors..."
"Two more steps to the left." *Sunny stands still
"A community garden without the community? That's so stupid that I'll laugh at you now."
"I... I... I'm getting interrupted by an orgasm again, aren't I?"
"I think I can transform into an Alicorn when I'm truly helping somepony." That's not what the mirror said...
"It's not about being perfect but being true to yourself. And since I'm a failure at everything, I posted a video that reflects that."
"Where is Sparky?" Wasn't he ridding Pipp? I mean on her back, not... riding her like... You all have dirty minds! Stop thinking!

Make Your Mark - episode 5: The Cutie Mark Mix-Up
No, the scissors aren't big. It's just Sunny that's insignificant because she's not even in her Alicorn state.
"Welcome to the garden of magic. An Earth pony made it in 2 seconds flat. It's infested with all sorts of parasite creatures though."
"This one square meter will be your place to grow fresh foods."
Telekinesis is float magic. You know, because that's all they're good for.
"There's enough room for everypony, as long as only one pony comes inside."
Tormenting critters bring smiles to ponys' lips.
"We're Earth ponies and can use magic. Or better yet, let's stomp everything until it's dead."
"Amazing!" says Sunny upon seeing a tentacle.
Another rabbit stampede. It's the revenge of the flower ponies.
"Sunny seems stressed and tentacles have nothing to do with it!"
Opaline orgasms hard. Orgasm is magic.
Izzy orgasms. For no reason.
Izzy stops the animals... by stopping them.
Why are they suddenly arguing?
Oh, the cutie mark swap again. Do we really need to recycle things already? We're only on episode 4...
Hitch turned gay.
Zipp is the worst detective ever. Doesn't even look at their plots.
"Hi, friends." Zipp apparently has Izzy's cutie mark.
"No, no, no, I don't want to have Hitch's ugly cutie mark!"
"Butt I'll get to the bottom of the plot." I'm starting to like you, Zipp.
"Not until I confirm my theory." All you have is a hypothesis, Zipp. You're a long way off from getting all the scientific community behind you.
Surely nopony will notice that the sheriff is now suddenly a mare.
Everypony wants to have a piece of gay Hitch.
They try to catch critters. *don't notice the most glowing critter
"Now that we're on the inside..." Err, where exactly did you send that critter, and are you sure it'll fit in there without hurting the pony?
"AAA! Sunny, your cutie mark is horrible!"
Why does Sunny have recipes if she always makes them on the fly?
We finally get to see Zipp's notes. They suck.
Bumping them together didn't work. At least it will make for a great viral video.
"Nopony can be Hitch like you can." "And nopony can be gay like you can."
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" "Oh, yea!" Fade to black time.
Naruto's hoof signs do the trick. Great thinking Zipp. Oh, wait, you didn't actually do anything.
"It's a miracle. Hitch isn't gay anymore!"
"Cool, tell me more while dozens of ponies wait in line."
Who needs Unicorn's floaty magic if everypony can just float things on their hooves? I hate lazy animators.
Sunny shows her plot and everypony laughs because she's as plotless as Twilight.
Opaline can't see inside the lighthouse. She ponders about it while looking inside the lighthouse that she can't look inside off even though she's doing it.

Make Your Mark - episode 6: The Traditional Unicorn Sleepover
From now on, whenever I do something wrong I'll just say, "I'm just getting my sillies out."
Was that Sprout Cloverleaf? And he wasn't trying to destroy everything? How peculiar. The lobotomy they performed on him must have been really effective.
Why do ponies have 4 long legs if they're exhausted after a short run while a dragon on two small legs doesn't even break a sweat?
"Hi, friend, what's your name?" How can you not know? She's part of Filly 4! The most famous group. I still don't know how she got the part, though.
Also, Misty, you're not even medium sneaky.
Sparky is a dog, and he didn't even need to teleport to EG universe.
"You, me, we can be: Unicorn master race!" Or just friends. I guess that could work too...
Misty received bad touches and hugs from Izzy. And she's not even of age since she doesn't even have a cutie mark yet.
Izzy is Pinkie Pie.
Something feels different. It must be Misty's mane. I haven't seen such messy hair since the sexy Fluttershy scene in EG.

Izzy has been missing Bridlewood. Is she assuming all Unicorns live there? That extinction event must have really done a number on ponies. Thanks, Twilight.
Izzy lived in Bridlewood all her life, yet it's not sus at all that she sees another Unicorn from Bridlewood for the first time. Bridlewood really didn't look so big to me that you could miss somepony for 20 years in it.
"What's a sleepover?" It's when I invite you to my place and get you drunk. Then, when there's no more public transport for you to get home, I invite you to sleep at my place. And when you get settled in your bed I tell you that's my bad and the only one in my apartment. And when I nuzzle against you, I tell you that I'm allergic to all clothes, so those have to go. And I only have one small blanket, so we'll have to sleep very tightly together; like basically becoming one. That's what sleepovers are, right?
Wheepover is when you cry for not having lunch. Misty, is Opaline starving you?
So, Misty gets invited to the lighthouse where that rainbow glass she wants to steal is stationed at, but she says no to an opportunity like that? Why? If Opaline heard you right now, she'd spank you until the color of your plot matched your belly.
Sparky hates Misty's guts, but suddenly forgets that and stays with her like a best friend. So now, Misty has a chance to steal a dragon flame as well.
And, she just stands there.
You're not going to steal the magic lantern. You'll party all night and only then steel the magic lantern, for reasons.
But you're the expert in parties. Oh wait, you've been stuck in this castle for centuries all alone. Oh, the burn.
Find that lantern that we know exactly where it is and we're also looking at it right now even though we can't look into the lighthouse.
Girls, girls, you won't believe this. I just saw: A Unicorn!

"She sounds like a unique Unicorn." - Oh, shut up Sunny. You don't know what unique means. Izzy just told you that she was looking a copy of herself. She probably found a mirror.
"Sparky growls at everypony." - No he doesn't. This is the first time he growled.
Equestria still exists, apparently.
"More yarn! How do you expect me to tie her up if I don't have enough yarn?"
Oh, she brought her own pillow. How pathetic is that?
Let the pony inquisition begin.
Somepony being a friend never stopped Zipp from detectiving her.
Misty's evil pillow shows its true colors!
Remind me to never play chess with Izzy.
Misty searches for the magic lantern that she knows exactly where it is. But maybe they moved it under the table an hour ago since she has last seen it.
"Misty, pee cups are for fortune reading, not for drinking. Why would you want to drink pee, anyway?"
"Remember?" Well, since fortune reading is a Moonglow family tradition, there's no reason to assume it's Bridlewood tradition.
"This is the best thing I've eaten in my entire life. Opaline hasn't feed me even once."
Joypad can act as a TV remote. Who knew?
I thought only pegasi had the technology. Apparently, watching TV is also a Briddlewood tradition.
"What's jinxy?" You said the forbidden word! Next, you'll ask what mayonnaise is.
"You mean you never talk to yourself? So only Unicorns are schizophrenic? Misty, you're a Unicorn, tell them about the voices in your head."
"So, where's the little dragon that I also want to steal besides your magic lantern?"
"Dragon fire? I've never heard it before even though Opaline's every other word is dragon fire."
Dragon fire can even transform cutie marks, but not if you're a blankflank like you, Misty. Something can't come from nothing.
Izzy gives a crystal a blowjob. "We do this all the time in Bridlewood."
"Wow, Misty, your version is even better than mine. What if I'm the imposter and I haven't actually grown up in Bridlewood? I know I'm sus, but please don't eject me."
This party is all about Misty. Nopony notices Misty as she slips away.
"Hmm," says Misty while looking at the lantern. Looks at it again, "Where is it?"
"This thing doesn't work inside the Brighthouse." Yes, it does. That's the whole point of why you gave it to Sunny. Opaline can look everywhere else even without this mirror.
"Opaline, I'm blind and dumb. What do I do?"
"Think, Misty. If you can't find the lantern where it is, try finding it where it isn't. Be like a homing missile."

"Don't come back without the beam. Are you keeping count? Get the dragon flame, the lantern and now also the beam. The longer you suck, the longer the list will become."
"Why isn't it working?" Yea, why isn't it? It's not like they can read hoofprints, right?
Misty magically escapes the elevator from one scene to the next.
"I could take you to see the view right now. It would take only a moment. But I'm evil, so I won't do that."
Sunny is a party mare, and there's no better way to party than... telling stories...
"This is a true story about the guardians of harmony." Nope, not true. You've already messed up. There were no guardians of harmony.
"She was as bright as the sun." That's not the Twilight I remember...
And then racism began. Not when all races were in a war over resources, but when one single Unicorn broke up with an Earth pony.
Twilight overreacted by going Tirek on the whole planet.
That only made racism worse. Twilight was the worst princess ever.
All races stayed with their own and Twilight was all alone because she wasn't any of the three races.
And we finally have a timeline. All this happened forever ago.
All magic came from a queen that looked like a sheep. The princes stole her magic but didn't keep it like you usually do when you steal things. They hid it away, for some reason. And even though the princess didn't have any magic, she cast a spell that would ensure nopony had magic that nopony had. And then ponies build towns with stolen magic even though nopony had any magic.
"I didn't mean anything by interrogating her like a criminal. I do that with all ponies. That's why I don't have any friends."
Sunny still wants to party. Pipp isn't sleepy anymore because she slept through all of the boring stories.
Holding your breath for a long time teaches you how to form long sentences. I did not know that.
Wait, does Misty have a cutie mark? And why is it a butterfly?
"I have to cut off somepony's hoof to use the elevator. Whose hoof should I cut off?" Well, that turned dark fast.
"Izzy feels down. Let's worsen her depression by leaving while she's talking to us."
Pipp is super sneaky.
"What is all this stuff? It's the exact opposite of everything I love!"
"Look at the branches. There aren't any... but look at them anyway!"
"You girls are the worst! I can't even talk to you."
"To our defense, we hate it when you open your mouth, so that makes us leaving you okay."
"I'm back. I ate all evening, but I'm still hungry. I have to make up for 20 years of starvation, you see?"
"...And sing along. Misty, take it away!"
Misty, you were basically caught lying, that's why you ran away. Nothing has changed. Why are you here?
"Opaline, I have the lantern right here, but I won't steal it, for some reason."
No fun allowed!
Misty is talking to Opaline whom Twilight warned us about. Just a tiny little bit sus for detective Zipp. At least she's awake now and can get to the bottom of everything. You've got this, Zipp.

The Blue EM2
Group Admin

My personal approach to canon is to take MYM as the main canon, and if stuff that turns up in other media contradicts it, MYM takes precedence. Case in point:

MYM shows Cloudpuff living with Queen Haven, despite Cloudpuff having travelled with Pipp and Zipp to Maretime Bay in TYT. In this situation, I disregard what was shown in TYT.

Another example: Izzy Does It and Dumpster Diving produce a continuity snarl. In this situation, Dumpster Diving is disregarded.

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