Jinglemas 488 members · 646 stories
Comments ( 5 )
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Group Admin

All of the 2023 Jinglemas assignment PM's have been sent out!

And since I'm awesome, I'm confident that everything went perfectly!

~ however ~

If by some bizarre twist of fate you:

1. Did not get an assignment
2. Got more than one assignment
3. Somehow got assigned to yourself

PM me as soon as possible so I can fix it!

Otherwise, get writing!

Due to the large number of participants this year 142,
the posting deadlines have been broadened, ranging from Dec 23rd to Dec 29th!

One additional extra day to post? Heck yeah :yay:

cooooooool :moustache:

7908582 I have a question. Let's say a story has 7+ chapters. Should the first chapter be published in the designated period or the last?

Group Admin

The story should be published in its complete form on its due date.
If it's 7 chapters, publish all 7 chapters.
If you publish the first chapter, it should be able to be a standalone story,
with any further chapters being more of a sequel.

  • Viewing 1 - 50 of 5