Jinglemas 488 members · 646 stories
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If your due date is 12/28, post it today!

Pod 6: The New Generation!
Stories with characters from Gen 5. Though some requests have a mix of Gen 5 and 4, somehow. I can't wait to see how our talented writers managed to pull it off!

I shall read the Sprout stories if there is any! :yay:

Guess G5 is substantial enough now to justify its own day! Though it did have its own pod last year, just shared with other days. Given the decline in fics for it (having a show that does not easily invite character extrapolation or lore expansion will do that), wonder whether there will be more or less G5 fics this year relative to last year, which had 7. I’d still guess more, to get its own day all to itself (even the Student 6 didn’t get that off of 8 fics currently). We’ll see.

Ah, statistics, my immortal weakness…! :pinkiegasp:

EDIT: Hm, 10 stories. Dunno if that quite fits getting a whole day for this pod, but of course it’s not accounting for late stories or ones Breezies might have to pick up.

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