Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 16 members · 0 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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So, my complaint with Don't Hug Me I'm Scared, right off the bat, is the title. I understand it's a parody and it's trippy and absurd, I get it, but I have to be opposed to the name of the project, the title of the thing itself.

To me, the phrase Don't Hug Me smacks of this affection-fearing individual isolationism I feel many are suffering from in our modern world. Second, combined with the second part, it projects this innocence which you'd expect to be reflected by the characters in some way, yet isn't. The title is a parody of morality and self-esteem based programming aimed at promoting togetherness and belonging, yet the only sketches so far have been parodies of objectivity and educational programming. It's the difference between an emphasis on family/friends themes and children's learning. The former is fundamentally absent throughout the show, even in the episode about Love, it was more of a parody of educational programming than actual love.

Also, I'm just not happy about the title itself. It reflects nothing said or implied by the cast and I just really don't like it. I've expressed this to the YouTube channel itself and as you'd expect, I received an absolutely glowing lack-of reply from them.

Anyway, enough about that. Hope your new group works out well, I do enjoy the content even if I don't care for the title and felt such need to express that here. Is that Beck from TRON: Uprising? That show was awesome, so disappointed they canceled it JUST when we finally got to CLU. Or is it Clue? Whatever his name is.

Group Admin

It is CLU, and also my profile pic is of Tron from the very first episode before he gave Beck the white suit. I really loved that show too and am amazed that they would cancel a very great show.

honestly I was getting a different context of the series; a whole 'Art vs Commerce' angle as the episodes get weirder and weirder as they derail from the overall episode theme, signifying the big wigs pushing their views over the actual intention of the show. but yeah the title doesn't make much sense.

Agreed, and I enjoy the whole "breaking the illusion" concept they were going for.


I always read it as implying "Don't hug me, I'm scared of you". It reflects Yellow Guy's relationship with the teachers and Roy, who are supposed to be supportive authority figures, but are fucking terrifying.

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