Pandemic 284 members · 30 stories
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I completely forgot to post this before, we were discussing the timeline in the Pandemic Discord not too long ago, and I organized it into this handy reference timeline that shows when each of the active canon stories takes place, just so it's a little easier to follow.

Stories are organized by start date, and color coded to each author.

[Higher res link in case the preview breaks for whatever reason: ]
Next project is organizing a ton of lore and world building info into a larger timeline that focuses on individual/larger events.

You should put it in CampFire

I have a timeline for events on my side of the universe, both events included in stories and outside of them. Putting spoiler tags on because this covers over 19 years worth of timeline, with a few major in universe events noted.

March 2023: Birth of Jessie Middleton, ETS spreading.

April 2023: Events of What You Are Meant to Be

May 2023: Events of Picking Up the Pieces

November 2023: Dreamwardens vote to censure Sha'am Maut. Phobia Remedy contacts the US government and begins plan for revealing Dreamwardens to the world.

August 2024: Dreamwardens cease to demand oaths from Dreamwalkers.

January 2025: Final trial conducted by Dreamwardens.

February 2025: Official announcement by the US government about the existence of Dreamwardens.

March 2025: The Mind Magic Regulation Act passes Congress and the Senate, and is signed into law by the president.

June 2025: US government and Dreamwardens begin negotiations with United Nations to establish international law regarding mind magic and dreamwalking regulations.

November 2025: Yinyu Wu Yan asks Wild Growth to aid a homeless pegasus filly by the name Rebecca Riddle and the filly's human mother. Wild Growth pays for housing for them and gets Rebecca's mother a job at a PonyCo affiliate.

January 2026: United Nations sign international agreement (with some nations abstaining) establishing basic mind magic and dreamwalking regulations, also establishing the OMMR as a United Nations entity run by the Dreamwardens.

July 2026: OMMR starts requiring all mind magic users to register with the OMMR if they intend to make use of mind magic. Start issuing Mind Magic Licenses that must be renewed every year. Jenny Tanner issued her Mind Magic License.

February 2027: Sha'am Maut dies of old age, becomes permanent undead resident of the dream realm.

July 2027: Events of Pony in the Mirror

2028: Uneventful year

November 29th 2029: Dreamwardens realize that Devourers are coming much sooner than expected. Reach out to Twilight Sparkle and universities for assistance verification of data.

December 1st 2029: Genocide of Morocco. Ghadab dies and becomes permanent undead resident of dream realm.

December 3rd 2029: Cataclysm of Riverview. Wild Growth burns herself out while trying to contain the damage. Tonya Middleton becomes Dreamwarden, and then dies. Sha'am Maut commits herself to the eternal dream. Tonya Middleton takes the name Arbiter, Warden of Song.

December 4th 2029: Jessica Middleton rehumanized. Process leaves her in a functional partial state (still possesses pony ears, tail, non-human hair and eye color, fur on legs, earth pony strength)

December 12th 2029: Wild Growth formally takes control of SPEC, begins researching Sunset Blessing's special projects.

December 17th 2029: Sunset Blessing pardoned by president for any involvement in the Cataclysm of Riverview. Sunset Blessing officially breaks from Shimmerism and declares it abhorrent.

December 25th. 2029: Faction of Shimmerists in Florida break away from Shimmerisn and declare themselves Blessingists. Blessingists declare it their intention to bring humans magic and expand magical knowledge and capabilities for humans and ponies. Other small groups elsewhere take up the Blessingist Oath. Sunset Blessing refuses to endorse the Blessingists, but does not condemn them. Sunset Blessing restated her condemnation of Shimmerism, Blessingists issue own condemnation of Shimmerism.

January 15, 2030: Twilight Sparkle and the Dreamwardens tell the US government their findings about the Devourers.

February 1 2030: US government calls closed door meeting of the United Nations to discuss the Devourer threat.

April 13, 2030: Yinyu Wu Yan attempts to flee from China with her family to the USA; ends up very publicly commuting suicide through self-immulation to distract authorities so her family can escape--as well as to garner attention about the situation in China. Yinyu becomes permanent undead resident of the dream realm.

March 2031: Tihiky Krik retires to Equestria, citing that he is the oldest Dreamwarden on Earth, and Yinyu's death has made him very conscious of the fact he could die at any time. Appoints a human as Dreamwarden in his stead. Becomes an aide and servant to Luna on Equestria.

August 2031: Jessica Middleton begins college at M.I.T

Febuary 2032: Riverview changes its name to Skytree

November 2032: Wild Growth Elected to US House of Representatives.

January 2033: Number Crunch becomes new leader of SPEC.

March 2033: Sunset Blessing appointed US Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.

May 2033: Jessica Middleton completes her B.S. degree with a double major in Math and Physics with a minor in Electronic Engineering.

May 2035: Jessica Middleton Completes her Masters degree in Astrophysics

May 2037: Jessica Middleton completes her Doctorate in Astrophysics.

November 2037: Psychic Calm retires to Equestria, becoming a second aide and servant to Luna. Appoints Rebecca Riddle as successor at just 18 years old. Rebecca Riddle takes the title Warden of Creativity (keeps human name).

May 2038: Jessica Middleton completes second Masters degree in Electronic Engineering.

May 2039: Jessica Middleton completes second Doctorate in Quantum Physics.

June 2039: Jessica Middleton certified as an auto mechanic (side hobby is working on cars).

August 2039: Jessica Middleton takes professor of physics position at University of Colorado. Begins working part time with Beverley.

2041: Arachne (Tabitha Stone-Remedy) begins selling spider-silk in large quantities, quickly amassing a small fortune while still in high school.

January 2042: Wild Growth appointed US Senator by SC to fill vacant Senate seat following the disgrace and retirement of previous Senator.

May 2042: Charlotte Stone-Remedy joins the Army under the name Charlotte Martinez.

July 2042: Arachne (Tabitha Stone-Remedy) takes control of SPEC.


A quick question but in the second to last date is that last name in reference to another story's MC’s last name or did you just randomly choose it?

Assumes human last name of her birth mother (Haley Martinez aka Rosetta Stone), distancing herself from association with her other mother.

She doesn't hate her mother, but hates the fact her mother is constantly brought up when anyone realizes who her mother is, and doesn't want to be defined by that relationship.

I'll take a look at that sometime, I'm not familiar with it but it seems interesting

Definitely going to look at both of these. Something I've been meaning to do is organize a lot of the reference info we've discussed in the discord into a more easily readable and accessible format. IE: Characters/descriptions, locations, Organizations and groups, etc. Really just everything that's been brought up across each of the stories, because there's quite a bit of crossover between some of the side stories, even if it's only small details that get dropped in from time to time

Both of then are made for that

Here's an updated version of the timeline, the only major changes are Dreamers/Dreamers being merged into one story and being pushed slightly forward, and Marshmallow Dreams being added. I'll probably work on modifying it a little to make it easier to read when I'm not as busy

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