Reverse Gender Role Equestria (RGRE) 2,151 members · 293 stories
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1) How easily could a human male commit crimes in a RGRE setting?
2) What crimes would be best?
3) How easily could a human male stop crimes in a RGRE setting?
4) Finally, how would any DC/Marvel hero/ine react to an RGRE setting?

1. If it is like a woman in current USA they could get away with crime very easily. Since RGRE is even more biased by gender rolls I would say a man could be caught red handed, and if he cried, he would be let off.
2. Since RGRE is usually a fun parody with a very utopia type setting I would say something goofy would be best. Walking on grass that has a no walking sign. Eating then swimming with out waiting 30 minutes. Forgetting to return a library book
3. He could be a goofy superhero with a punny name. Like Big Mac would be Mac Daddy!
4. Wonder Woman would be funny in an RGRE world. She would come across as a villain. Saying bad things about men would probably cause her a lot of issues.

1) in a natural environment or on the dirt streets of poorer villages such as ponyville (would work best at night to avoid witnesses, but thats a no brainer) if a human were to wear something that imitates the shape of a ponies hooves or animal paws, the detectives would look for a pony or animal hoof/paw prints, however if the animal is a quadruped they would notice some irregularities, such as there only being 2 sets of prints instead of four which would raise questions and would generally confuse the authorities

1) Depends on the crime. Being the only human means that you're very, very recognizable. That said, if you were to spin it as something done in a fit of whimsy, or at the bidding of an evil mare, it should be fairly easy to get off with a slap on the wrist.
2) Really depends on what kind of story you want to tell. Off the top of my head, using sexwork to get blackmail material would be easy enough for a human male, but he would have to carefully manage his reputation. Being a drug mule might be low risk enough, if the human plays his cards right. On the softer side of things, being some mare's pretend coltfriend for a school reunion.
3) More realistically, a human would probably only be good at stopping earth ponies from committing crimes, as pegasi would be too hard to catch and unicorns would be able to leverage their magic to decent effect. More unrealistically, the human would be potentially irresistible bait for any number of sting operations.
4) Batman might have to seriously overhaul his costume and methodology. If he is cut off from his Earth, he would have to depend more on his investigative ability and stealth. He would have a lot to learn to be effective, including how to fight the various races and especially against magic users. He probably would end up in some sort of superficial administrative role within the disaster response organization under the princesses, slowly carving out more impactful duties as he adapts to the world and how it works. The sexism directed his way would probably be frustrating, but the sexually aggressive mares would be something he is used to dealing with from the villainesses of his rogues gallery. I doubt he would accept being inducted into the nightguard, but Luna might give him some sort of deputized authority if needed. Or perhaps a nightguard watcher/partner.
More super-powered heroes would likely just continue to be vigilantes, and get even more attention/appreciation for running around in tight clothing. Heroines would likely find being respected, without the lurking/implied "for a woman", to be refreshing. However, they would probably be unsettled by how their friendships with mares aren't nearly as supportive and sensitive as they are used to.

1) it would depend on how strong his halo effect is if you don’t know what that is I’ll summarize it for you it’s that one whenever we meet or look at very attractive people we subconsciously Believe they have good traits like honesty and kindness it’s actually a lot harder for us to hate good-looking people and we prefer to hate ugly people it’s why sometimes attractive people get smaller prison sentences even if they commit exact same crime and if you take an ugly person who commit the same crime they get a harsher on the normal.
2) lying

1) depends on the crime and how heavily the gender role imbalance is. Cuz I have read some fics where even just a lip quiver would get the dudes anything and that isn't accounting for looks.
2) tax evasion/fraud, theft, murder/arson, and a weird type of slavery that is almost like having an extreme sugar moma.
3) depends on how the male power is and if just having a female glare at them is a crime. Cuz if it is like that then they could easily stop crimes with a camera and an angry pony.
4) they prob. be very confused but would most likely let things stay the way they are if the males aren't glorified slaves and the way they got to where they are wasn't due to someone messing with DNA, hormones, time, ect.


1) How easily could a human male commit crimes in a RGRE setting?
2) What crimes would be best?
3) How easily could a human male stop crimes in a RGRE setting?
4) Finally, how would any DC/Marvel hero/ine react to an RGRE setting?

  1. The more utopic you make the setting, the harder. Even as little as occasional pickpocketing will attract attention.
  2. It would depend on your design of the power bias. If an average human saw eye to eye with the average pony, he would be out-weighted three times, out-powered four times, out-ran easily on short runs (even if we would win marathons), and likely outmanoeuvred by pegasai. Nonetheless, we would be able to easily penetrate through fences meant to keep ponies out. Our relative thinness would also allow for much better navigation on dense vegetation. So: burglary and highway robbery. If we were the same mass, we would tower over ponies, and while they would likely have a slight strength advantage, us having hands well above their heads would open the possibility of seriously using as little as a leaded gauntlet as a deadly weapon.
  3. Watch the movie "Zootopia". That entire movie is your answer.
  4. Don't ask me DC, unless you want a rant on why I despise DC's philosophy of making larger than life caricatures of legendary heroes surrounded by sheep. Ask me Marvel or Dark Horse, and I'll answer "how would react normal people, normal cops, or Jews fleeing the Holocaust?".


I agree, except that I would add that WW very much depends on her writers. As a proud Amazonian warrior princess that embodies true feminism, she would be fawned over by the stallions and envied by the mares, she may be subject to comedic misunderstandings, but she will come out of it, with respectable PR. As a Feminazi, she will be hated, universally.

3. Also watch the anime "Beaststars". It's premise is the same a Zootopia, but it goes to very different places.

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