Environmentalist Bronies 19 members · 0 stories
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Scott Pruitt

The climate change denying, 14-time EPA suer, fossil fuel industry shill, who for some ungodly reason, is now the head of the Environmental Protection Agency.

He's also the first inductee in our Anti-Environmentalist hall of shame. I suggest you flood his Twitter feed and ask him how he sleeps at night, possibly over the stacks of money big coal and oil gave him over the years.

Can we just have, like, a complete overhaul and reelection of the US government, please? Maybe elect some honest people who know their stuff for once?


Justice Democrats

Justice Democrats is a grassroots organization started by former Bernie Sanders campaign staffers, with a platform mostly written by Kyle Kulinski of the progressive Youtube channel Secular Talk. You can nominate yourself or someone you know to this movement. So far, they have over 7,000 nominees. The ones that make it past a thorough vetting process will be trained, and made to make a pledge not to take corporate money. The idea is to replace as many corporate-sellout Democrats that they can, though just winning a few seats would help.

Then they can immediately work toward getting big money out of politics, open up the primaries in all the states, and implement ranked choice voting. That has to be the first thing they take care of, to make it extremely difficult to put big money back into politics.

Brand New Congress

Brand New Congress is a grassroots organization—also started by former Bernie Sanders campaign staffers—that's doing the same thing as Justice Democrats, except for both parties. For example, they're supporting an Arkansas pastor named Robb Ryerse who's running as a progressive Republican.

These are primary-election strategies, and we'll have to see how the 2018 midterms go. For a general election strategy, if we can't infiltrate either of the two major parties, I would recommend voting Green regardless of their chances of winning. I say specifically Green Party because it's more widely known than other progressive third parties, and making a new progressive party just seems pointless to me.

Once we have money out of politics, and a progressive government that works for the people—not corporations—climate change and other environmental issues are just some of problems that'll be taken care of.

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