Environmentalist Bronies 19 members · 0 stories
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Trump is a compulsive liar, and actions speak louder than words.

There could also be a very slim possibility that Ellon Musk finally managed to get through Trump's skull; thus that Trump now sees the fact that there will be tens of thousands of manufacturing, sales and installation jobs, plus potentially billions of dollars per year in exports, from wind and solar.

Of course, I'm not exactly holding my breath. Trump actually growing a brain, rather than his current approach of playing windsock, pointing at various opinion polls? The Bible Belt would need a megadrought followed by another Katrina before polls would change direction.


Trump wouldn't understand any of that, not that he'd care if he did understand. He just wants to wear the title of president, let the planet-hating, warmongering sociopths run the country, and please the last person in the room with him.

He also wants to be accepted by the coporate donors that rejected him during the campaign.

I wouldn't be surpised if he came out and said "The envionment, very bad. Carbon emissions are tremedous, believe me. We have to take out our children. A deer looked at my hands the wrong way."

In my opinion, Trump has a nasty habit of talking out of both sides of his mouth while saying nothing but shit regardless of what he claims to stand for. Hell, the man's stance on anything could not be any weaker if there was a 6.0 earthquake at the Whitehouse.
Hit that inhaler, Trumpcare isn't going to cover your replacement.
See my first remark above and your Trump-Tweet made me laugh. "Take out our children" could've been something he'd actually say. Also, don't worry Trump, I'll get that buck for laughing at you, it's not like he'd be able to kill, clean, butcher and cook your own food that rich crybaby.
Trump is an egotistical moron who, for the life of him, can't understand that people don't like him. Add to that he honestly believes that only he knows what's best for us, and you have a recipe for disaster.

Now, my own thoughts on global warming. It's bullshit. Before anyone jumps at me or I get kicked out, please let me finish. I'm a Texan, and I love my state not only for the strong liquor, weak gun laws and abundance of gas and meat. My state is beautiful, and I'd like it if my nieces and nephews (maybe my own children some day, if Donald Trump doesn't take them out) can witness it as I have. I also hunt, reasonably in my opinion, so I understand the need for not only the land but the animals that call this state home just like me need protection. I don't want barrels of radioactive waste thrown out in the woods any more then you guys want me shooting near your houses. I find myself happiest when I'm freezing my nuts off trying to get several dozen pounds of meat and a trophy in the early morning hours.

I live in Texas, and I'm a democrat. I'm pro union, I'd like to see the chain link fence at the border get repaired or upgraded (a wall will work for me, but I know Mexico isn't about to pay for it), my father built those massive power plants that dot our country and provide much of the needed energy we need back before solar and wind were more than concepts. I know in my heart that I live in a great country, and anyone who thinks we need to "Make America Great Again" can't see that. My vote doesn't matter (again, I am a democrat who lives in Texas, I know my vote doesn't matter) yet I voted anyway. I respect the military, although I have no desire to join.

I know that Climate Change is bullshit. I know that China damn sure didn't invent it and Obama didn't collaborate with them to destroy America. American meteorologist created it, and it's as pure a bullshit as a Nuclear Winter. The PLM complex and the State of Fear are our enemies, not suddenly running out of resources. The Political-Legal-Media complex has scientists run a calculation or test a theory and as soon as one matches their agenda (money, plain and simple) it's a race to the finish line. Lawyers sue over powerlines, politications make bills and laws, the media convinces everyone to take a side for good or bad.

It took six days after a press conference back in the Cold War to convince everyone that a Nuclear Winter was a real threat. The fact of the matter was only a few scientists supported that theory and many dismissed it out of hand once they conducted their own experiments and science stuff. But none of that changed the fact that everyone now had a new thing to fear.

World War II, the Cold War, Global Warming and it's many different names and slightly different ideas, terrorist attacks. It seems that as soon as we stop having this one thing to fear, someone in a lab coat discovers the newest threat to the American people. West Nile, Zika, every other fucking disease that's spread by mosquitoes keeps getting scarier and scarier. And yet, we banned DHT from our mosquito repellent because some scientist claimed that it was harmful to the planet or people or whatever it was (the truth, however, is that DHT is safe enough to eat. People did just that during a two year study). Afterwards, with the threat of economic sanctions and want not, many poor nations no longer had a simple way to keep the bugs away and thousands died. All because of the PLM complex and America's current State of Fear.

Now, I will admit I'll probably receive some well deserved scoffs and stares for that, but I'll leave with this. Humanity, on a whole, has seen little evidence of species being wiped out. We can't even count how many we have and people expect me to believe we're losing dozens a day? Please. Go into the woods, set aside a acre or hec-acre of land, get on your knees and start counting everything. Every bug, bird, plant, animal. Count them all, by yourself. Then, ten years later, count them again. How many died while you were gone? How many moved away? How many just didn't do their part to procreate life? That's how we keep track of wild life. You can guess just how ineffective it is without ever putting your shoes on.

Do I believe that mankind can influence the environment? Yes. Do I know that Climate Change is bullshit? Yes. Are these ideas anti-thesis to one another? No. Scientists have found ways to jump-start rain as well as overcharging stormclouds and making the downpour even stronger. We know how to make a glacier fall off as well as make our own tsunamis. Hell, we can even turn a hurricane. Pegasi have their own weather magic, but we've been on track to preforming our own magic since the eighties.

Now if only we can leave this State of Fear, and we might actually start doing some real good.

Oh, and the upkeep on those wind turbines is remarkably low. Those power plants my dad put up thirty and forty years ago are falling apart. Prepare for a lot of construction jobs in the near future.

Group Admin

Yes, because 97% of every single scientist on Earth is on the whole “Climate Change” conspiracy.

Did you know that we have indeed seen species get wiped out, countless times, and almost all of those instances where partially or wholly our fault? Also, did you know that DDT (not DHT) nearly caused the Bald Eagle (America’s national symbol) to become critically endangered?

And to anyone who needs a refresher of what’s going on:

So, Texas, right?

This is the heat map of melting in progress in Greenland, 2012 data, compared to average melting between 1980 and 1999.

Keep in mind that Greenland contains enough water to rise sea levels by 7 metres, on its own.

Now here’s the elevation map for the northern gulf coast and southern East sea board, carefully denoting areas under 80 metres in altitude.
Remember that everything in yellow will be lost when Greenland collapses:

And here’s a heat map regarding mid-September soil humidity, comparing 2012 data versus same-time-average between 1948 and 2009.

Texas seems to be experiencing a drought...

Oh, and the upkeep on those wind turbines is remarkably low. Those power plants my dad put up thirty and forty years ago are falling apart. Prepare for a lot of construction jobs in the near future.

Sure: so wind turbines have a higher overhead than thermoelectric power plants.
So, do you propose that we sit and wait until petrol runs out, or should we reduce dependence today?
Because the Arab World seems to be investing rather heavily on renewables. Here’s the Bahrain World Trade Centre, in the Emirate of Bahrain:

And some more data:

They seem to know something that you don’t.


and your Trump-Tweet made me laugh.

*Takes a bow*

Although ADRNEL and Nacho already addressed your comment about climate change, I'd like to add that the extremely small number of scientists--extremely small--who disagree, largely if not entirely include the same scientist that tobacco companies paid to tell us cigarettes don't cause cancer.

Billionaire corporations like Exxon Mobile and Koch Industries don't want to be regulated, and they don't want people to lose dependence on their product. Both cost them profits. There's your agenda, there's your conspiracy. There's no profit for the world's scientists to come to a consensus that climate change is real and it's caused by mankind. No one is funneling millions of dollars into their bank accounts to come to that conclusion, because the mega-powerful are not going to personally profit from the end of global dependence on oil or the end of unregulated industrialization.

The world is not being rescued from the nefarious plot of the entire global scientific community by a plucky band of billionaires and corporations, climate change is real, and our opinions on an absolute fact don't matter. There's no more debate to be had on whether the problem exists. it's time that humankind take real steps to deal with the problem.

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