Environmentalist Bronies 19 members · 0 stories
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Group Admin

Hello everyone, please feel free to use this thread to introduce yourselves and why did you decide to join.

(Also, share photos of Tree Hugger, Landscapes and other MLP character in nature if you like)



I'm not going to say "my name is" or anything like that, because you can see it and there's a good chance I'll change it anyway. Currently when it comes to politics I'm really trying to laser-focus on talking about money in politics for the sake of restoring democracy, but if we ever accomplish that, the environment is one of the most important issues to me, maybe even the most important overall.

So far as I know, I have leftist views almost all across the board (at least, what the current American spectrum of politics would consider to be left.) I'm a bit more of a moderate on gun control, and my objection to the death penalty hangs only on the fact that four percent of people sent to death row aren't the right person.

The environment was one of the first political issues I was ever interested in (maybe the first, period.) I joined for that reason, and also because I'm going to get bored of YouTube or don't currently have my head in a video game. I love video games, especially ones with a good story.

My love for electronics--for example, using this laptop I'm borrowing right now--kind of conflicts with my dislike for the way that electricity is usually generated, but I consider the best way to combat the negative effects of human's use of electricity is to push for the age of clean-energy and alternative fuels that we should already be in, rather than attempting to prevent a flood by trying not to spit in the river.

Hi. I'm Nacho, and I have a degree on Sustainable Tourism. As such, I studied how to do modern business under sustainable practices: non-depredative to the environment, positive to the employees and the local community, and profitable. And I will tell you the following: it is far easier to pressure business into going greener if you put it in terms of marketing benefit, tax credits (and other incentives) and/or mid- to long-term profit, than if you just want them to touch their hearts.
As to my personal environmental ethics, I consider myself mid-green: while I go to some length to have a minimal personal footprint (up to the point where I sold my car a few months back in favour of using my bicycle), I don't go psycho on other people for making less of an effort than I do. (Besides, I've found that passive-aggressive harassment is far more effective.)

And sorry if I might offend some Yank sensitivities, but I would be something other than sad if some deep-green group went and assassinated George W Bush for ruining the Kyoto Protocol, or The Man Child of Wall Street for retracting from the Paris Agreement. Although I am also quite conscious that the momentary glee would be rapidly replaced by the dread that sympathy votes would nail the Conservatives into the White House and the US Congress for a good decade; thus making sure the US is not a participant of any new climate deals, and also making sure that US educational standards continue to drop, and thus voters are even more likely to vote Conservative.

And sorry if I might offend some Yank sensitivities, but I would be something other than sad if some deep-green group went and assassinated George W Bush for ruining the Kyoto Protocol, or The Man Child of Wall Street for retracting from the Paris Agreement.

Headline: Group of Tree-Hugging Hippies Go On Rampage.

"This song shows . . ."

If and when you find yourself trying to enlighten a climate-change denier (I'm not going to say "debate" because there's nothing to debate,) please don't submit a song as evidence. :twilightsheepish:


That's where my enemies land when I throw them. :pinkiecrazy:

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