Looney-Tunes Crossovers 48 members · 8 stories
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In the past, I debated with others over "Space Jam" being a great film or not. What would start as a mere comment on someone's thread in the Crossovers group grew into a discovery that a lot of people consider "Space Jam" to be one of the best movies ever made, whereas me...I consider it to be one of the worst. Both being because of how headache-inducingly bland and lifeless the film was, and due to it being nothing but a film Warner Bros. made to make a profit off of Michael Jordan and the Looney Tunes being in the same movie.

In the process, some newly found thoughts began to form as to what I think of the film's villains: Swackhammer (played by Danny DeVito), and the Mon-Stars.

I will be adding my detailed thoughts of them into my review of the film, but I wanted to take the time to tell you all what I think of the characters here.

On the subject of Swackhammer...I never really cared for him at all. He was basically one of the most bland and forgettable villains I've ever seen. He was nothing but a one-dimensional theme park owner who had little in the ways of a personality, development, or sense of humor. His lack of ultimate motivations other than to find a way to keep his park going did not help in making him more compelling whatsoever, and the fact that he wanted to enslave the Looney Tunes just to "improve" his theme park was likewise not only ridiculous but extremely stupid. In addition to this, Danny DeVito's talents were clearly wasted thanks to getting cast as the character. Along with his performance lacking personality and humor compared to much of his other work, DeVito sounded as if he was openly restrained.

Likewise, the Mon-Stars were less-than-memorable additions, and the reasons behind that are pretty much the same as Swackhammer. Even when they absorbed the talents of the other basketball players featured in the film, they were nothing but irritating and idiotic cardboards who lacked personality and depth.

What do you guys think?


I will be adding my detailed thoughts of them into my review of the film

Didn’t you already review this film before?

I did. I just figured it wouldn’t hurt to add this into it.

Actually, you might as well make a re-review of it soon.

You said you wanted to add this information to your review of it (which you already did); if so, why not make a re-review of it? Besides, you are no stranger to making re-reviews of movies.

I mainly only do re-analyzings of stuff when my feelings towards something change. Despite my revealing of what I think of the villains in “Space Jam” today, my feelings towards the film as a whole haven’t changed enough for me to re-rate it like other films have.

Make sense?

Would you be interested in making your own review on “Space Jam”, by any chance?

Yep. I’ve been planning to review it for a while. You’ll see it soon. :raritywink:

I can’t wait to see your review. It oughta be interesting to see what your thoughts on the film are.

How soon will your review on “Space Jam” be posted, by any chance?

Dude, I never forget what movie I plan to review. You should know that by now.

I know. The wait is just making me anxious is all.

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