Muggonny's Totally Radical Fan Group 6 members · 12 stories

This is a fan group dedicated to Muggonny.

Who is Muggonny, you ask? That's a good question! I don't know either! But that's not important!

Well, if you must know, Muggonny's this totally cool editor and proofreader. Are they any good? Who knows? All I know is they have good taste in waifus, and this one time they whined about not having a dedicated fan group, so behold!

Here are the group rules:

1. Do your very very very very very very best not to be a total douchebag.

2. Put stuff in the right folders.

3. Always turn the lights off when you leave.

4. Do not trust large bears offering money. They are most likely the secret evil lurking at the heart of all sinister plots.

5. Abide by any normal site rules that I may have missed in my urgency to make this twisted fantasy a reality.

6. There is no Rule Six.

7. It is entirely forbidden to go on and on and on about rules purely for the purposes of referencing old sketch comedy from Britain. Please note that the current circumstance is technically a reference to Australian philosophy, so there.

8. And no being cheeky.

Comments ( 2 )
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415416 Speaking of, I do hereby entrust you with adding all the stories you've edited to the appropriate folder.

Are they any good?


Unfortunately, most of the request I get are from fanfic writers without an audience, so hardly anyone knows me.

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