The Barcast 1,118 members · 2,314 stories
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Group Admin

Ayyy, time for our next interview! Join us this Saturday as we get frosty with this next star, Ice Star!

If you missed last times episode, don't worry! We're on Youtube! Don't forget to subscribe for more Barcast silliness!

Also don't forget to check out our new hub site with links to everything we're currently working on or more information on the podcast!

Make sure to tune in at the usual time this weekend (4 pm PT) (5 pm MT) (6 pm CT) (7 pm ET) over on our twitch page!

1. What's your favorite non-MLP franchise?

2. Have you ever done anything for a non-MLP franchise?

3. Is it good or bad that I want to make some ice-related puns, but don't wish to irritate you? Is that... cool of me? :p

Can you eat my child

How does this make you feel?:

  1. Why are you gay?
  2. WHY are you ghey?
  3. Is there a point where you just had to stop yourself and ask what the actual heck you're doing with your life, spending valuable time that could be better spent elsewhere about little horsies that go clip-clop all over the shop?
  4. If you could be any species other than human or French, what would you be?
  5. Are we destined for hell?
  6. How do you summon the motivation and courage to write a story, and how do you personally go about writing? What's your typical process like?
  7. Which story of yours do you feel the most proud of and why?
  8. Do you seriously have no idea how you got so many followers?
  9. You're a good person.

Just wanted to say, congratulations on the cast, buddy.

Who do you curse with eternal kidney stones?

Who is best strange waifu. Example: Thingpone, Orchid (kaiju pony), plones, lamias.

1-) If you are Ice star, where's fire black hole?
2-) How do you make worst pony become best pony?
3-) Gay, Ghey or Gwey?
4-) What super power would you like to have?
5-) Did you, during your life, sat down on your chair and said to yourself: "Why do i like this colorful equines?"
6-) What's the funniest thing you ever saw in your life?

1. How many kids have you eaten and whose kids were they?
2. Why ship Luna/Sombra?

1. Why are you mean to green horse aka Nonny?
2. Is lemon tea better than iced tea?
3. Are you a bottom?
4. Congrats! Happy to see you interviewed!

What is your favorite overused trope that you know is so generic and terrible but it's soooooooooooo good anyway?

What do you do to get in the zone for writing?

What is your favorite thing you've ever written and why?

Why did you give my kids to Muggonny?

Do spider have pusspuss?

Best student 6?

Who are your sixth favourite and fifth least favourite ponies?

What is one of the most helpful and memorable pieces of writing advice you've received?

Is there a point to any of this?

What obscure character deserves more attention and why?

What's your writing workflow like? Do you procure thousands of words all at once, or trickle a steady stream of ideas like a melting cube of iCE GET IT ITS A PU--
Do you write outside of MLP?
What's your favorite trope?
Have you ever gone back and rewritten an old story?

What drew you to writing Sombra so much?

You guys are 2 1 away from 900 members. Congrats! You see, I congratulated you guys before you hit 900 that way I would be the first and because I have a high IQ. Anyways, onto the important stuff:

1. What's your favorite book or books?
2. Are there any books you want to recommend that aren't your favorite but you enjoy so much anyway?
3. If any, do you have a favorite video game? Movie? TV show? (I just realized that this is similar to RK Striker's question, so sorry if it's redundant!)
4. Who's my daddy?
5. What steps would you take to get away with murder?
6. Lacklustre is superior. lol
7. Why do you eat kids? At what age are the kid's too old to eat?
8. I'm having a niece soon. Anyway, you coming over for Thanksgiving?
9. Plz keep being a good writer.

Thanks for the card btw.

If you could teach a form of close combat to a pony, what would it be and what style of combat would you teach sensei?
There is a large space of fighting styles such as wrestling, karate, mma and more.
And what pony would you teach it to?

One - What is your favorite meal, snack, or foodstuff that is really unhealthy but so friggin' delicious?

Two - What is the biggest or weirdest fear that you have?

Three - Why is Bagged Milk the Best Milk?

Four - What is your one annoying habit?

Five - What's the theme song for your sex life?

Six - Watch Anime by chance? If so, what are your favorites? -- Bonus points if you're a fan of Durarara!!

Seven - It is now the wonderful month of Spooky-Spook! So do you have any unexplainable stories of Spook from your life, that you'll share with us tonight?

Eight - Just how big is your porn stash?

If you had only one perfect story to tell, what would it be?

Why doesn't that story contain donkeys? Also, donkeys: yes or super duper yes?

Do you play any musical instruments?

Ahh, Ice star... you and I frequently find ourselves at odds with one another in the comment section, but before I decide that I don't particularly like you, maybe we can find some common ground, perhaps a few questions to break the ice... (pun intended? I don't know, you decide.)
1.What kind of music do you listen to?
2. Do you have a favorite color?
3. You have written so many stories, like a lot dude... how do you find so much time to write?
4. Hypothetically speaking if I were trying to build a machine that can harness all of your writing talent, filter it and use it for my own personal gain... would you have any advice on how to do so?
and most importantly of all...
5. Boxers or briefs? (Remember the answer isn't nearly as important as is how you interpret the question!)

Are you Sombra?

Why do you deny it?

If you were trying to conquer the Crystal Empire, what would be the most effective means to protect it from you?

1) do you have any funny stories about pasta?

What is your favourite sugary treat? :pinkiehappy: Also, hail King Sombra^^

1. What would you say is your favorite literary style?
2. Right now, off the top of your head, what are your three favorite horror novels and why?
3. What are some of your favorite film adaptations of popular novels? Jaws and Jurassic Park for the win, baby.
4. Can you briefly take us through your writing process?
5. I love you <3

Group Admin

What would you whisper into a vagina?
What would it whisper back?
Give a story prompt to the chat. Who knows? Maybe one of them will give it a shot!

  1. How big do you like your ponies?
  2. How big do you like your crotchboobs?
  3. Whose mane do you wish to braid most?
  4. How long can you hold hooves before it becomes lewd?
  5. Do you have any aspirations for original fiction? Would you mind sharing?
  6. Wanna watch Spaceballs with me someday?
  7. Why are you running?

Word of advice: instantly assume every pony OC is for the purposes of lewdness; you'll be far less surprised/disappointed.

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