The Barcast 1,118 members · 2,311 stories
Comments ( 24 )
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Group Admin

Alrighty, so to start you're probably wondering what I'm talking about! Well, stop that. We aren't here to think hard about things. You've probably seen the three written interviews we did with Tatsurou, Samey90, and Ice Star! They're some amazing writers here on the site and you should give there written interviews a read!

Now don't freak out. The Barcast will still be streamed live on twitch on the weekends like usual. We're just stepping into new territory and giving a shot at doing some basic written interviews. A series of 15 to 20 questions that I'll make up as I go base entirely on my super sleuthing of the person being interviewed!

Here's the real kicker. This is open to anyone that wants to be interviewed! Post in this thread saying you want in, hit me up in pm on here, or on discord at Milk#6453 and let me know. The plan at the moment is to get names, put numbers to them and roll a die and see who it picks! that way its fair for anyone signing up to get a fair chance at being next and what not.

Now to cover a few bases!
1) This isn't replacing normal Barcast broadcasting. This is just me trying a new thing.
2) No, this does not block you from being on the normal cast. You can still participate in both!
3) It'll be done on a GoogleDoc, where you'll have time to write your responses as long as you'd like.
4) There's no time limit for completion at the moment but I might crack out the whip and whiskey bottle if you take a really long time!
5) If you have any more questions not covered in the above, hit me up and ask me anything you need to know!

It'll take some time for the interviews to start rolling out after the start, but if this interests you and you'd like to give it a go, then drop me a line!


I write comedy and more comedy!

Ah hell, why not?

Bring it on.

Why the fuck not? Hit me with what you got.

Count me in.

Also, call me The Count of Monte Cristo while you're at it.

Actually, call me Ishmael as well.

Eh, fack it. Have at me, fruit cake. Leshee where this takes us. (To the bar, perhaps for vodka??? :rainbowkiss:)

Group Admin


I'm starting work on getting the questions out to everyone. I'm doing them in a semi-random order so keep an eye out on the PM boxes!

Can we nominate other people for this?

Also I symbolically refuse (yet accept in theory), because I want to be heard, not read, and if I cannot be the former, then I will not be anything ever. My beard told me to write this.

Group Admin

your beard is wise, all-knowing, and well groomed. Id say yea to nominating people for it.

I kind of take the opposite view from archonix: it's way easier for people to digest a written interview instead of picking through a recording. I am all about efficiency of communication.

yos birb man, I will request as well cause I'm bored and want something different.

I just like the sound of my voice.
Noice. I will be back shortly with a short list.

I saw TMT's interview and I thought ' this might be cool.' So if you want you can sign me up for an interview too.

If not, well, at least now I'm lookin' at your stuff.

-GM, master of ice.

Group Admin



I've added you both to the list. There's still lots of people to get through so it make take some time but I promise I'll make it to you soon!

Is it too late to join?

Group Admin

Not at all. I'll add your name to the list!

I would love to do a written interview. May I please be added to the list?

Group Admin



Got ya both. <3

Admiral Biscuit... Ashfur...
Just nine more to go.

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