In Memory of GreyGuardPony 35 members · 18 stories
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The purpose of this series/setting bible is to serve as a reference guide for both new and experienced Rainsverse authors. It will provide information on the setting, characters, themes, and so on of the Rainsverse. This is intended largely as a guide, not a straight jacket. Having said that, anything written in bold green text forms a part of the core intents or ideas of the Rainsverse. While even these are not immutable, changing them should only be done by the author after talking the idea over on the message boards.

Table of Contents
1. Outline, Tone and Themes.
2. The Setting
3. Primary Characters
4. Secondary Characters

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The Rainsverse is an alternate universe of the FiM TV show that spins off a basic premise. What if the Mane Six were the evil alicorns, seeking to bring about Equestria's fall? The result is collection of squabbling successor states to the previous Equestrian empire and a very different setting, tone and sense of governance. In this world of fractured kingdoms and squabbling nobles, the Elements of Harmony have gone to six completely different ponies than the canon universe.

Tones and Themes

The Rainsverse is a fanfiction series targeted at an older audience than the show and thusly skews darker. The great empire of Equestria has collapsed, the Eternal City of Roam has fallen, no pony is even sure if the eastern provinces across the sea still exist for international trade has massively constricted, and some of the greatest beacons of harmony became ponykind's greatest scourges. As a result, the mood of kingdoms that rose in Equestria's place is one that has fallen into a fatalistic cynicism, mixed with fear. Fear of the unknown and what might lurk over the next horizon.

Despite this, the kingdoms sit on the edge of a changing of the tides. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, the return of the Elements of Harmony is stirring the embers of hope. The overall feel of most stories should be "things are bad, but they will get better with hard work".

Despite the settings darker tone, it is in no way a grimdark setting. Themes regarding such adult themes as sex, addiction and violence are fine to use, but crossing over into misery porn where every negative detail is obsessed over and where the situation will always remain broken will not be considered for canon stories.

The Rainsverse runs on a sense of continuity, long stories can and will be built upon. Characters will grow and change and the status quo will never be 100% set in stone.

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The Heartlands

Official Name: The Just and Harmonious Kingdom of The Heartlands.
Motto:"Through harmony, we endure."

The Heartlands is the Equestrian successor state where most of the Rainsverse takes place in. Founded after the collapse of Equestria, it is made up of most of the central and southern provinces of the old empire; today it is the largest and most influential of the successor states.

- The exact size and population of The Heartlands as a whole is not defined and will not be; distances are exactly as large as they need to be for the purposes of plot. But, for the sake of scale, it can be thought of as being roughly the size of the southern half of France and all of Spain.

- The Heartland's overall technology level is that of 1440 on earth. The printing press has recently been invented and books are starting to be sold to those other than the noble class, though vast swathes of the country still can not read. Gunpowder is still new, with the arquebus being the height of firearm technology. Surgery and medicine are still crude, with the first illustrated surgical atlas having being published fifty years ago. Most ponies still live rural lives, with cities being comparatively small.

- That being said, the Heartlands are still a magical realm, which lets them punch above their weight class when it comes to the practical effects of technology limits. Earth pony magic leads to large harvests, which allows for greater populations. Unicorn healers allow for greater fighting of diseases and as such the Heartlands (and the other successor states) have avoided anything as horrible as the onslaught of the Black Death. Pegasus weather magic helps avoid the worst droughts and most horrible winters.

- The Heartlands are an absolute monarchy, with power and authority lying in the hooves of King Sombra and Queen Chrysalis. While the two rulers do have absolute authority on paper and their own military forces, most of the effective power lies in the hooves of the Heartland's various dukes and duchesses. They control the Heartlands at the provincial level and call upon the barons, earls, and vicounts to support them via their army levies and taxes.

- The currency of the Heartlands is the golden livre, which is divided into twenty silver sous, which are in turn divided into twelve copper deniers; officially at least. In reality, most ponies refer to the livres and sous as "bits" using the metal they're made of as a further designation if they wish (though that's uncommon). Deniers are commonly referred to as "jangles".

- The rural economy is based around the manor house, supporting surrounding farms. In towns and cities, trade guilds are common. The most powerful guilds in the Heartlands are currently The Most Honorable Guild of Tailors and Seamstresses, The Guild of Builders, Masons and Carpenters, and the Guild of Transporters and River Ponies.

The Exalted Solar Prelate

Official Name: The Highest and Most Exalted Solar Prelate

The Solar Prelate is to the east of The Heartlands and is the second smallest of the successor states. Centered around the formalized worship of the concept of Harmony, it is made up of the eastern provinces of old Equestria.

- The exact size and population of the Solar Prelate as a whole is not defined and will not be; distances are exactly as large as they need to be for the purposes of plot. But, for the sake of scale, it can be thought of as being roughly the size of the Italian peninsula and Sicily.

The Lunar Kingdom

Official Name: The Most Serene Lunar Kingdom

The Lunar Kingdom is to the Heartland's west and is the second largest successor state. Insular and mysterious to the other successor states, the Lunar Kingdom doesn't make friends easily. It is made up of the western provinces of old Equestria.

- The exact size and population of the Solar Prelate as a whole is not defined and will not be; distances are exactly as large as they need to be for the purposes of plot. But, for the sake of scale, it can be thought of as being roughly the size of northern France and southern Germany.

The Crystal Empire

Official Name: The Glittering Crystal Empire

The Crystal Empire is far to the north, buffered from the other major Equestrian successor states by a collection of minor kingdoms, small fiefdoms and independent city states, it is made up of the northern most provinces of old Equestria.

- The exact size and population of the Crystal Empire as a whole is not defined and will not be; distances are exactly as large as they need to be for the purposes of plot. But, for the sake of scale, it can be thought of as being roughly the size of England and Scotland.

The Border Princesses

Official Name: None.
Motto: Various, by individual kingdom.

The Border Princesses are a shattered collection of squabbling nobles, tin despots, want to be freedom fighters, independent traders, free collectives and other micro-kingdoms. Lacking any centralized power base, they only come together in issues of mutual defense. Even its name, The Border Princesses, comes from the other Equestria successor states.

- The exact size and population of the Border Princesses as a whole is not defined and will not be; distances are exactly as large as they need to be for the purposes of plot. But, for the sake of scale, it can be thought of as being roughly the size of northern Germany.

- Sandwiched between The Heartlands and The Crystal Empire, The Border Princesses have somewhat of a chip on their shoulder. An inferiority complex on a kingdom wide level.

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Main Characters

Adagio Dazzle

Tribe: Unicorn.
Special Talent: Spell songs and singing.
Element: Magic.
Job: Baroness of the Ponyville Barony.

Character History

Defining Characteristics

Crafty and devious, Adagio has a true love for the great game of politics. She's insightful when it comes to other pony's motivations and desires, something that she's used to her benefit many, many times in her life and career. She is very confident in her own abilities and clever in the use of her spell songs while in battle.

As the baroness of Ponyville Adagio is the final political authority within her barony, barring being overruled by one of the nobles she is pledged to.


Adagio is arrogant and more than a little vain. She very much likes being in charge and can sometimes be a little too enamored with the sound of her own voice. Sometimes her confidence can drift into overconfidence, especially when it comes to her political schemes. She can easily forget to take the feelings of other ponies into account, much to her detriment at times.


Advance up the social ladder and make it to the rank of duchess. Understand the Elements of Harmony better. Strengthen the bond with her new friends.

Sonata Dusk

Tribe: Earth pony.
Special Talent: Cooking based on sound.
Element: Kindness.
Job: Owner of the Southern Breeze restaurant.

Character History

Defining Characteristics

Ponies who know Sonata tend to describe her as living in her own little world. Sonata has no idea what those ponies are talking about. She loves to cook and help ponies feel a little better with their bellies full of delicious food.

Sonata's desire to help those in need makes her well liked around Ponyville and has earned her many friends, even before becoming an Element Bearer.


Her lack of education. The rumors that she's rather stupid largely come from the fact that she is the least educated of the group, having never really learned how to read or write beyond which coins have which values and how to properly charge for meals. There are many details about how the world works that she does not understand. It is a fact that leaves her feeling very self conscious around some of her new friends. Especially Adagio and Starlight.


Continue to run her restaurant. Train up a generation of apprentices. Stop the mean alicorns so that they won't destroy things.

Aria Blaze

Tribe: Pegasus.
Special Talent: Love of intense weather, especially thunderstorms.
Element: Honesty.
Job: Head of Ponyville's weather patrol.

Character History

Defining Characteristics

Aria is known for her grumpy and stand offish nature. She doesn't suffer fools lightly and tends to view most ponies as fools. While she does make connections with other ponies, the deepest of her scorn is reserved for adherents to what she calls the "Celestia cult".

She is almost always seen outside Ponyville during severe storms as she loves the roar and rumble of weather at its most intense and free.


Aria's temper gets her in trouble, as that and her mouth will have her flying off half cocked. Her standoffish nature does also leave her in a distinct disadvantage in social situations.


Suri Polomare

Tribe: Earth pony.
Special Talent: Clothes making.
Element: Loyalty.
Job: Adagio's assistant.

Character History

Defining Characteristics



Starlight Glimmer

Tribe: Unicorn.
Special Talent: Magic.
Element: Generosity.
Job: Mayor of Ponyville.

Character History

Defining Characteristics



Lightning Dust

Tribe: Pegasus.
Special Talent: Pursuit of excellence.
Element: Laughter.
Job: Chapter Master of the Black Rook Lodge of the Everfree Rangers.

Character History

Defining Characteristics



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Secondary Characters

Adagio's Retainers

Iron Will



Moon Dancer


Starlight Glimmer's Assistants

Sugar Belle

Party Favor

Night Glider

Double Diamond

Sonata Dusk's Employees

Sour Sweet



Baron Fancy Pants

Master Tirek

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