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Dragonborne Fox
Group Admin

The system is as follows: six categories, all amounting to sixty possible total points, and any other categories the Detectives review for a fic that are not these six are strictly artistic and may not, in any way, affect the main grade other than being bonus points separately. If the story scores about 75%, it passes the review. Here is the rubric, divided into main categories and minor. Note that minor categories are free game, and will vary from reviewer to reviewer, but I have nonetheless added highlights.*

Main categories:

Grammar/Spelling: x/10
Readabillity: x/10
Merit: x/10
Characterization: x/10
Success in execution: x/10
Flow: x/10

Minor categories (optional):

Use of show canon: x/5, x/10 if a fic is a crossover that tries to adhere to source material on top of MLP , may not apply to AU fics
Plot consistency and coherence: x/5 apiece
How well story adheres to genre tags: x/5 per genre, max total of 60
Uniqueness: x/10
Realism: x/5**

*Highlights are subjective
**Applies only to things like clopfics that don't delve into absurd fetishes, and gore that is not over-the-top.

Sounds good

I think you should re-weight them such that they add up to 100 and make more objective things which become glaring faults count more.

For example...

Grammar / Spelling / Formatting: x/20
Readabillity / Flow / Coherence: x/20

Plot Consistency: x/10
Lack of clear Missed Opportunities: x/10 (-1 or -2 for every one, depending on how major they are)
Exploration of Concept: x/5
Characterization: x/5
Logical Consistency: x/5

Uniqueness: x/5
Utilization of Setting: x/5
Realism: x/5

I'm taking out "Adherence to genre tags" because unless it's a gross violation, the ability of an author to write within the site's constraints shouldn't be a criteria. Also "Artistic Merit", because that's entirely subjective.

Dragonborne Fox
Group Admin

6123966 The current rubric was made on the fly, because I started packing to move on literally the same day it was created.

Now that that particular clusterfuck is mostly over and done with, I can start the whole mending-the-rubric process. Your suggestion has been noted, and dutifully at that.

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