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Comments ( 6 )
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Dragonborne Fox
Group Admin

With few votes, mostly in favor of a grading rubric... how will we construct said rubric? I also want to include "merit" somewhere in it, as someone suggested it to make it more impartial.

I also don't want the rubric to turn into a clusterfuck like the one I have in place for Story Standards. Something short, simple, to the point please.

Dragonborne Fox
Group Admin

6123529 Sounds reasonable. I'd normally want to add canon to that list, but there're a bunch of AUs and crossovers out there that would demand attending to, and canon by itself is a very broad terminology.

Dragonborne Fox
Group Admin

6123576 Mhm, so if anything I may use it... but only for fics that aren't either crossover or AU.

Group Admin

6123623 6123576


Hey, I'm about to do a review for a fic, so I'll try to come up with a template review that can be more or less used as a model.

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