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Comments ( 17 )
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Dragonborne Fox
Group Admin

How will we go about grading stories? Individual merit, or by some sort of rubric?

Dragonborne Fox
Group Admin

6119464 The group was dead for 28 weeks since its founding until I showed up and started promoting it and such. So I'd like input from the members thereof before I do anything.

Dragonborne Fox
Group Admin

6119467 Alright. One for merit, none for rubric so far.

Though if I start reviewing fics in here, I may default to scoring them (I've been hanging around in Story Standards a bit too much as of late...) If I do, though, I'll prolly stick to the standard x/10 overall for the stories' entire merit.

Dragonborne Fox
Group Admin

6119475 Which story?

(One for rubric, none for merit.)

stories i read that would be in this group, i usually judge based on the potential. Intent behind it, and rather the potential behind it makes a good story in my mind. tell me again what rubric is?

Dragonborne Fox
Group Admin

6119488 A grading rubric, in this case, is a mathematical spreadsheet that you judge a story with. How well or poorly it scores would then determine what folder it goes in, if we're looking at the handful of subfolders I've made. You can have a rubric with as many or as few categories as you'd like.

Dragonborne Fox
Group Admin

6119565 Moved it (it copied in the Edge folder, so I had to delete a copy to round off the number.)

Having a rubric for stability would improve our ability to review fics, although I believe that merit could play into the rubric somehow. Merit could be a category or perhaps bonus points allocated after and on top of the rubric.

Some categories could include: grammar, sentence structure, prose, dialogue, characterization (in the event of a story involving canon characters), etc.

Dragonborne Fox
Group Admin

6119702 Two for rubric, and one for merit.

Thing is, if we were to do the rubric, I wouldn't want it to turn into the clusterfuck that the one used in Story Standards has become. So... as far as grading with said rubric goes, what would you suggest?


I have literally no idea how to construct a cohesive rubric, but if I were to attempt it I'd modify an existing English one.

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