Flashfic 253 members · 77 stories
Comments ( 6 )
  • Viewing 1 - 50 of 6

I thought the first contest was in April sometime? Where are all the stories coming from...? :rainbowhuh:

Ah, Pascoite. Hmm.

The group's not just about the contest, but about flashfics in general. The story folders, unless I misread them, invite anyone to add their own flashfic anthologies or full stories that were expanded from flashfics. Two others had already added their anthologies.

Group Admin

Yes, that's correct -- anyone's free to add their own stories as Pascoite has done. I guess I could add a folder specifically for stories expanded from pieces posted in this group, but we'll see on that one.

Also, "April sometime" will be very shortly. Inside the next hour, in fact. :rainbowwild:

Would an expanded Flashfic be any story that was written as a complete 150- word story, then expanded, or does it have to have been made for a particular contest or event?

I once wrote an exactly 100 word story, then expanded it to exactly 1000 words, so I'm curious...

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

5883576 That would qualify; stories in the "Expanded flashfics" folder just have to have started life as flashfics and now be long enough to post as standalone fics on this site. It doesn't matter where they started life.

  • Viewing 1 - 50 of 6