polyamorous discussion group 34 members · 0 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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We all have little pet peeves when it comes to writing. Many of us also sometimes see little, seemingly inconsequential tidbits in a story that just make us happy. No doubt most of us also probably have a fair share of gems stuck in there that aren't honestly that good, but that we can't help but enjoy anyway for one reason or another. I think there have been enough poly relationships in fiction (if not in the mainstream, then certainly in fanfiction) that at least a some of us here have probably developed a few of the above when it comes to how poly characters, relationships, and themes are portrayed.

So, what sort of things do you find it annoying to see in poly stories? Is there anything you see in poly stories that's kind of silly and ridiculous, but you can't help enjoying it anyway? What are some of the nice little touches you've seen in poly stories that give it an extra dash of fun and make it easier to relate to? And, last but not least, is there anything in particular that you'd like to see in poly stories, but haven't really seen anywhere yet?

I find it frustrating that most all poly stories assume all participants are polyfidelous. It's always exclusive triads, maybe a vee once in a while, but always really strictly in the group. I want to see sprawling relationship topologies nobody really knows the extent of, metamours who barely even know each other, unexpected connections (oh hey we're both dating the same person, who knew!), that sort of thing.

Group Admin

The biggest problem I have is when characters just decide on polyamory as if they themselves invented it. Like, a charter going "Hey, I just had a crazy idea, why don't we all just date each other!" without having any prior idea what polyamory is. I'll also agree with 5836910 even if I'm guilty of only writing a triad and a V myself :twilightblush:

But as far as things like guilty pleasures, I can't really think of any. I suppose that because my own experiences with polyamory are still growing, what I find relatable/interesting to me specifically changes a bit too much to have anything definitive.

Honestly, I think my only pet peeve so far is that there are hardly any poly fics out there. I know I'm guilty of it myself, I write mostly mono ships, (mono romances are just easier to write!) but I'd just like to find more good poly stories.

Maybe we can start using the stories section of this group, and add all our favorite poly stories/poly stories we've written?

Group Admin

5836852 I tend to like stories with some kind of tension or drama ( not counting comedy here). So i tend to find poly stories that have about 1/2 of a chapter and BANG optimal triad relationship usually a bit silly. As we all know, poly is not all triads and threesomes ;)
I'd really like to see some more stories with less idealized poly concepts. They could still be romantic, idyllic even, but i don't like overidealized relationships , neither in fiction nor otherwise :D I just always feel like those have only one option : standing still. There's no way of development or learning.

I remember watching a mini documentary about amazon's 'Hand of God' and was thinking the director must be dumb if he's still trying to figure out the difference between justice, fairness, and retribution at his age. Then again, I still crave vengance, retributive justice, conquest and didn't realize the concept of truth was just another game of lies and virtue signaling couched in morality until I was close to thirty.

But, now that I think about it, a fiction exploring the difference between infatuation, attraction, lust, attachment, and love (platonic or otherwise) would be in a similar vain and it probably would sound just as dumb if I expressed it as "I wanted to figure out the difference between love and attraction. So, what I thought I'd do was make a Mini series about a serial killer like Jeffery Dalmer (spelling?).

At the same time I do suspect (based on readings alone, and a good portion of those crime drama) that Serial killers have to work in concert with multiple partners to get away with a murder including the victim themselves...

So, I suppose I'm arguing that I don't like the idea that having multiple love interests or acting on them should be put in the same category of deviance as getting away with murder or portrayed as an irrational expression of avarice similar to an obsession with the control or manipulation of others. Granted that would make the story very intriguing as sex, sadism, and snobbery often does.

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