polyamorous discussion group 34 members · 0 stories
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Group Admin

Hey guys, welcome to this new group :)

This thread is for all your introductions, so if you are like me and interested in other poly people here drop a few lines on yourself and how you do poly^^

I have been polyamorous for about 7 years now after being in lots and lots of unhappy mono relationships and somepony opened my eyes to alternatives ( god i was so dumb back then , you have no idea :D). So i have lots and lots of experience on how being poly feels :)
Unfortunately i can't tell you much about my "partners" since this is a difficult concept to me, being a relationship anarchist which essentially means ( feel free to ask more about it ) i just have friends, some of which i am romantically or sexually inclined to but not really speacial partners.

Another interesting thing about me might be that i got some kind of an academic background on the subject since i studied quite some psychology and sociology so i might be able to see some things through completely different lenses. However (disclaimer follows ;)) i am in no way a medical or psychological professional nor therapist, so i don't speak as such here^^

Love and Light

5820500 Okies (god I hate introductions i never know what to say) well I've been poly for about five and a half years. I used to just like girls. Used to, but then a cute little dork found his way into my heart. So now I'm dating two girls and one adorable guy XD That's all I got really:twilightsheepish: I suck at introducing myself

Group Admin

5820506 well... who doesn't? :D I really think that introducing yourself is sth. that nobody is really good at^^

Group Admin

Suppose I'll join in with the awkward introduction making :twilightsheepish: I'm Krickis (although that's probably oblivious) and I prefer they/them pronouns.

I'm still fairly new to polyamory, although it's something I've known about/been interested in for years. I've been with my girlfriend/more-or-less wife for ten years now, and we were exclusively monogamous for the majority of that time. About six or seven months ago we decided to open our relationship up, and now we each have another partner.

I've been saying a group like this should exist for years, so I'm thrilled to see it finally does :yay: Here's hoping it remains an active one :raritywink:

I don't know whether I consider myself polyamorous, but I'm in two relationships and they know about each other, so yeah.

Never been in a polyamorous relationship myself, though not particularly due to disinterest or disapproval. I suppose I can't guarantee what my attitude towards the situation would be if I haven't actually done it, but I'm pretty sure I'd be open to trying it if someone I was dating was okay with the idea. It's just never really come up before. Of course, considering I'm single right now I don't see it really being something that I'll be trying any time soon. So I guess I'm mostly here because I find different types of relationships and lifestyles interesting to learn about and discuss, and since I've known a handful of people (in person and on this site) who are polyamorous I figured it might be a nice place to hang out and talk/hear about more people's experiences.

Group Admin

Unfortunately, most societies still aren't really on board with polyamory. Still, some are worse than others, and I'm sorry to hear that the attitudes of yours are so harsh.

Falling for couples? I'd say it definitely sounds like your polyamorous :raritywink: It's a pretty broad category though, with lots of different ways it can work. Hopefully this group will help you with figuring anything out.

Glad to have you here, whatever the reason :ajsmug:

I guess I should drop by and say hello.

I'm a big old weirdo (as if being on this site wasn't proof of that in the first place) but I think weirdos have more fun. Gonzo always was my favorite Muppet.

I'm genderqueer, poly, and kinky as fuck. :trollestia: Currently married but in a fairly open relationship. (I say "fairly" because we do have some boundaries, we both want to make sure that our bond stays strong whatever happens, so it's not a total free-for-all.) We have a kid who's turning one this week, so that eats most of my life, and has made it hard to keep other partners, so at the moment I don't have anybody else serious in my life. (Taking care of a baby is a full time job and then some!)

I haven't written much that's explicitly poly but my fairly successful clopfic Ember's features characters who are poly, it just hasn't come up in the story yet. I'm actually writing the part where it does now. :twilightsmile:

Hm! So the other group fell through, huh? That didn't last long.

For those of you who missed me first time around, Hello!

I've been Polyamorous for... wow, Almost 9 years now. I've had several (what I consider) successful poly relationships, and am currently enjoying one that's lasted for 2 years. Incidentally, I also used to offer my services on several other websites as a peer counselor. My responsibilities included talking to people considering the Poly lifestyle, letting them know what they could encounter, facilitating healthy communication between partners, and just sort of acting as a sound board for people considering or currently engaged in the lifestyle.

Please be aware that I was a PEER counselor. This was a volunteer position. I was in no way compensated for my time, and am not considered a medical or psychological expert in the subject. I just liked to use some of my time to help people understand what Polyamory is, and whether it was right for them.

If anyone would like to chat, or has any questions, feel free to send me a message. I'd love to help.

Group Admin


Oh i wanna see somepony being more kinky than Celestia. As long as i don't I doubt it to be possible for the same reason people don't believe in god! :D

But welcome on the dark side of evil ^^


The other group got disbanded for reasons that i don't fully comprehend, so i tried to fill the gap. And seemingly there is a need for it, which i am glad for. I like the brony/pegasis-community really much so its nice there are people that just want to talk about polyamory like me here :)
A warm welcome and thank you in advance for your offer, its really nice of you :)

Love and Light

I'd call myself more "poly in principle" than in practice seeing as (through a combination of college taking most of my time, asexuality making it more complex than usual to take the first steps, and relative youth) I've only ever been in one semi-serious long-distance monogamous relationship, but I remember even back in high school getting frustrated with how fictional characters never gave half a thought to resolving love triangles with triads. As such, I can't say exactly how I'd take to a poly relationship, but that same asexuality underscores how everyone is going to want different things in different quantities; why would I feel jealous toward someone my partner also loves (and who I could easily be close to as well) who fills desires that I'm less able or less inclined to provide myself? Yeah, even hypothetically I lean toward smaller, somewhat closed, asymmetric polycules. If nothing else, though, reading stories on here has taught me that poly shipfics tend to give me more of those warm, fuzzy feelings than their mono counterparts (though those definitely aren't great slouches, either).

I'll probably lurk more than participate, but figured it would be nice to introduce myself anyway.

Group Admin

Happy to have you here, whether you choose to actively participating in discussion or not :scootangel:

I wouldn't take this as any kind of fact, but from what I've noticed there is a decent overlap between people being polyamorous and ace. I'm still sorta new to poly myself, but I've been getting involved with poly circles for about a year and change now, and in that time, I've met a lot more ace people than I ever did beforehand. It seems the two things just compliment each other quite well, as you said :twilightsmile:

Group Admin


Wow you're in a tough situation there. I am not really sure somepony can help you with this, but i urge you to consider ways of being not dishonest with your partner. For polyamory and relationships in general the key rule is honesty and trust after all.

Group Admin

That's pretty rough. It sounds like you've got a pretty good grasp on your situation and are just commenting about it sucking, but it could improve from here (even if it doesn't ever go into the perfect ideal for you).

Does your wife know your feelings? Even if she isn't okay with you having another partner, if she's understanding of the fact that you can't help how you feel and that it doesn't change your relationship with her, then being open about it may help you feel better (if you aren't open about it already, that is). Hiding things away can lead to guilt and resentment, and you don't want that in your life or relationship. Of course, you also know your wife and have a better idea of how she'll react. I do generally advise openness and honesty in relationships, but that doesn't mean you should just up and tell her "By the way, I'm also in love with one of my friends" if you think the basic idea of you loving someone else will blow up. If that's the case, then figuring out how she feels about polyamory in general would be the best first step. If you do bring up your feelings with her, then make sure you emphasize that she still comes first and that you aren't saying you expect her to change on anything. Just being honest about what's happening with you.

I don't want to put this forward as likely, but sometimes people's opinions do change when given enough time to get used to something. I used to reject the idea of polyamory myself, and when my more-or-less wife told me she was in love with someone else, it still took me a long time to come to terms with it enough to actually give poly a shot. I'm not saying that this is what'll happen with your wife (I think I always leaned towards poly, I just denied it to myself), and it would be unfair to her to go in expecting that someday her opinions will change. Just noting the possibility.

And if she continues to be uncomfortable with the idea of you being with someone else, I think the most important thing is to be realistic with yourself. I know you don't want to do anything that would hurt her, and under normal circumstances, I'm sure you wouldn't. But a major part of remaining faithful is identifying situations that could cause you to not use your better judgement. It varies from person to person, but the most common is alcohol. "I know I'd never do anything dishonest, there's no harm in going out for drinks, just the two of us" can be a recipe for the worst mistake of your life. Again, that's just an example. You know yourself a lot better than anyone else could. Just be honest with yourself and know what situations could be problematic for you.

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