Not Always Black and White 122 members · 161 stories
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[Repost from the Accusation Fic Collection.]

There's something that I've been thinking about for awhile now; in the show, Ponyville is presented as being a place that is the paragon of forgiveness. That ponies there are willing to overlook anything and just go about their business like nothing ever even happened. But I can't help but think....

It isn't far-fetched to think thatsomeponycan't help but notice that the Mane Six tend to create problems in Ponyville.....and then take no responsibility for the chain of events that occur because of it. But they're afraid to say anything because "Elements of Harmony" and such. What if ponies in Ponyville aren't as forgiving as we, and maybe the Mane Six, think but keep their mouths shut because they're so intimidated by the role the six ponies play in protecting Equestria? Rainbow Dash and the Weather Factory, Twilight and the Parasprites, Applejack and her stubborn pride getting a majority of the town sick, the Mane Six cause so many problems for Ponyville and almost never take any actions to provide compensation, fix what they did or even say "sorry" to everypony they wind up hurting!

I'd really love to see a fic that could go with an anonymous box being positioned in Mayor Mare's office and she reads them, most of them consisting of their concerns and thoughts about how the Mane Six seem to be completely self-absorbed when it comes to their actions and how they affect others. Something that could spawn into the six aforementioned ponies being called in for a meeting....

Why do I post this here, you ask? Cause I realized something that I didn't when I first made this thread; because they are the "Elements of Harmony", the Mane Six believe the ends justifies the means. That being the "good guys" absolves them of whatever harm they may have caused in pursuit of "friendship". But it doesn't work that way; being "good" and representing "good" things are two different stances. Equestria's black and white views on morality, however, make it seem like as long as you represent what they believe to be "good", it doesn't matter what you do. For even if you do do something reprehensible, you'll get a slap on the hood if even that...

But with this, it feels like the Mane Six are forgetting that being an "Element of Harmony" is only half the battle. Their actions, not just at the end and beginning of a dilemma, mind you, are what matter in the long run. And when you think back with this in mind, it isn't good...

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