MLP Create - A - Season 23 members · 0 stories
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I actually have an idea for a Season 8. I don't have the ideas for each and every episode but I do have the synopsis for the season overall.

Twilight Sparkle and the Mane Cast, including her apprentice Starlight, are alerted to a growing problem. Many ponies are decrying The elements and Celestia for the ideals of friendship, which to them are nothing but lies. When asked where they got such an idea, they're pointed in the direction of Amadeus Quill, a writer for an underground newspaper which lambasts the idea's of friendship as a purely self serving survival mechanism. Upon meeting him, they are rather rudely rebuffed in their attempts to get him to come around. Desperate, they turn to Princess Luna for aid by going into Amadeus's dream mind, naturally he's not happy to see them. Once inside they also encounter what appears to be his "imaginary friend" Abaddon, who is also not happy to see the Mane Cast.

After rebuffing further attempts to win him over, Amadeus consults with his friend and they determine a plan to use this chance to get Twilight and her friends to come around to his way of thinking, for when even the princess of friendship decries it, everyone else will follow in turn. As they go through his memories to reveal his hatred for the concept of friendship, each of the cast one by one is corrupted by Abaddon. As the trip goes, it's revealed that Amadeus was once a Canterlot rich kid, who at first had a happy life until one day he heard his other rich "friends" talk about him behind his back. He soon discovered all the elite bad mouth each other behind closed doors, yet remain "friends" with them to further their own social standing. He had repressed his hatred and displeasure until one night it all came to ahead and he left Canterlot for good, after which he "found" Abaddon. Before Twilight and Starlight can be corrupted, Spike alerts them to the others corruption. Triumphing in his near victory, Amadeus is betrayed by Abaddon, who shifts into a more demonic looking form and calls himself Malice, an avatar of hatred and anger. Before he can enact his own plans, he's defeated by the restored elements and promptly banished from Amadeus's mind, taking on his own physical form before escaping.

Crushed by being betrayed by the one thing he thought was his friend, Amadeus breaks down and demands the others leave him alone. Starlight however, extends her hoof in friendship to him and he hesitantly accepts.

The whole season will be about turning Amadeus's opinion of friendship around while also dealing with the growing threat of the demon Malice.

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