My Little Muslim 32 members · 5 stories
Comments ( 12 )
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Post your most Wholesome Muslim images and photos

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7858776 If only it was like that all of the time.

Plenty of Righteous Muslims exist. Not every Mormon is Warren Jeffs, and not every Catholic is Anthony Joseph Maskell, and not every one of us Wodenist is a neo-nazi.

7859553 If only God was like that. At one point he committed a genocide on an entire planet just because people thought differently than He did.

Erm, this may sound weird but I heard that the books in the Bible which seem to have magical events besides the books of the new testament are actually written in a style common to parable based mythology according to a Catholic I met online?

7859624 So, the Bible is a lie?

No, were Jesus's Parables a lie? Myth whether it's the Poetic Edda, the Koran, or Bible does have a point even if it is not literally true. I once heard the saying, "Every story is a true story, the question is did it really happen?"

7859820 Why should anybody read the Bible instead of Harry Potter then?

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become the Bible wasn't writen by a living Terf !

7859922 Everyone was a terf back then, minus the feminism.

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