Pinkie Pie 495 members · 1,045 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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Is it her parties, her jokes, what is it? What makes Pinkie Pinkie Pie and the pony we all know and love?

I agree with Skye: she's a glass-half-full pony that would probably fill the glass up herself if necessary (her drive to spread happiness and make others smile). In a desperate situation, she's that small glimmer of hope others can count on to always be there and at least keep morale up until a solution is found. Of course, there have been times where she's made things worse because of her tendency to get excited and not think before she speaks, but that just means she's true to her heart.

There have been times where this has fallen through, though - and I think secretly, Pinkie's got some serious issues with stuff like feeling alone (trying to always surround herself with other ponies, especially her friends) and needing to make others happy in order to feel happy herself, "Pinkie Pie" being a persona for Pinkamena Dianne Pie akin to how Trixie has The Great and Powerful Trixie, except its sort of permanently fixed itself onto her and she did her best to toss out any of the "negative" parts of her personality she had during her early youth. And just like that, I've come up with a theory that the Rainboom itself somehow affected Pinkie's personality on a magical/psychosomatic level, maybe even granting her a wish that had come from the bottom of her heart. Silly, but interesting...

Anyways, skeletons deep in the closet or not, smiles will be associated with Pinkie Pie until the end of time. :pinkiesmile:


well said both of you. :pinkiehappy:

Yup, that's definitely it. No matter who the pony/person is or how dire the situation, she will never stop until she can make them smile.

What really got me to like Pinkie is her use of classic cartoon gags such as pepe le pew hopping while chasing her target like Rainbow Dash. She is a character that also can seemingly do anything and the more outlandish the better so that really appeals to me.

It also does not hurt that one of the first episodes I saw had her chasing after Rainbow Dash and just kept giving me the shipping vibe for them. That can really pull me in longer term for a silly show.

It's her gun-ho attitude and positivity in the face oddversity! Also the fact that she always seems to know more than she's letting on. :pinkiecrazy:

Summer Dancer
Group Contributor

Her emotional intelligence. She's not always great with social cues, but when she picks up she knows what a friend (Or stranger) needs.

Group Contributor

6424113 For me, I think it's that she's a character that would be very easy to mess up. She could very easily just be the comedic relief or the token idiot who never takes anything seriously and never listens. But that's not who Pinkie is. She's smarter than she lets on, in a way she has what might be considered a child like innocence to how she views the world. And deep down, she does what she does not of a nasty or selfish need for attention, but because she wants others not to feel sad and lonely.

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