Pinkie Pie 494 members · 1,042 stories
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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

As most of you know, pretty much the only two admins on this group have been myself and Ceffyl Dwr for a while. Ceffyl hadn't been doing well, and had mostly had activity on the site on hiatus for a while.

I went to check back on him, and noticed his latest blog from a few weeks ago. On the good side, he is doing better. However, he's also apparently isn't as interested in My Little Pony or fimfiction any more, and has mostly left the site. You can read the blog for more details, but that pretty much does mean I need to remove him as an admin if he's not going to be here. (I set him as a contributor, in case he decides to come back.)

So that does mean it's pretty much just me running the group at the moment. And I'm admin in a lot of groups, so I'm mostly stepping in if things need an admin, fixing things up occasionally, and so on. Things like the Pinkie Pie Prompts, the Year of Shipping, Pinkie's Periodic Puzzlers, and the Worldbuilding Collab were being done by Ceffyl.

As such, you can consider all of those to be on hiatus at the moment. With the collab, if someone else already in the collab wants to take it over, that'd be great. I think the fate of the collab's mostly going to be in the hands of the people already in it that want to continue it. As far as the other things I mentioned, if anyone wants to take them over or wants to start new group activities here, reply to this thread, and we'll see, since I hate to see group activity totally die out.

Anyways, that's the state of the group at the moment. Not great news, but I'm still here, at least...

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

How does one become an admin, and what are the qualifications you would be seeking?

Group Admin

If you want, I could help you in some way... I'm admin in a few groups...

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Well, pretty much "I promote you to an admin" would be the only way to become an admin at the moment, unless NotSoWickedWitch came back.

The things I would tend to look for include:
People that are interested that I already know do a good job as admin in other groups. (hawthornbunny or gamexpert1990, for example)
People that are actively helping out in the group.
People with previous admin experience, though if I'm not already familiar with them as an admin, I'd probably want take a quick look at some of the groups.
In general, people that aren't likely to get upset about something and ban people unreasonably, suddenly take over the group, and generally act like an admin should.

Right now, someone that wants to start back up some of the group activities that are now on hiatus or wants to start up their own Pinkie Pie related activities would be good, though having another experienced moderator wouldn't be a bad thing either.

Having concrete ideas of what you want to do as an admin is something I generally like to see, too...

Which groups, and what sort of things were you interested in helping out with?

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

Well just to name one, I am admin in My Little Pony: The Movie ~ Fan Club. In that group I mostly organize what stories go where. I also do some general revising and fun activities such as contests to keep the group alive.

Group Admin

Well, I thought the year of pinkie pie ships was an interesting idea and how each month would be different, and each month would have a winner from that month moving on to compete at the end of the year for best overall story. I've thought about trying my hand as a helper to groups, but need to run things by those in charge. Pinkie isn't my favorite character, but I hate to see a good group fall dead because a previous helper stopped caring or wanting to contribute.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Just to mention, I'm probably not actually going to start adding new admins to the group until the weekend, since I'd rather give people that aren't on at the moment a chance to have replied before making any decisions, and, well, I'm less busy on the weekend anyways.

Hmm, looks like nothing much happened with the contest, but then, there were only three entries, which is around the time that you're likely to either cancel things or extend the deadline.

Were there any activities or contests you were thinking about here, either existing ones that were dropped or new ones?

It was an interesting idea, though I think it would have to be rebooted at this point, since it only got as far as February. It'd be nice to see a reboot, though and if you wanted to start it back up, that'd be welcome.

I do know what you mean about seeing groups fall dead. That's one reason I'm an admin or the head admin of so many groups! And while I do like Pinkie, I'm an admin in groups for Pinkie, Fluttershy, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and multiple Sweetie Belle groups, to name a few, and the head admin in most or all of those.

I think that's part of why you see certain admins over and over in different groups, too...

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

I could host a Party Pony contest where everyone could participate and write a story with Pinkie at her best - being the silly, forth wall breaker partier we all love.

Summer Dancer
Group Contributor

I hate to see this happen, I'd like to help more often whenever I can! Once Finals are over, I could post a few more discussion threads

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

That could be good!

That'd be good, too! I hate to see these things happen myself, which is one reason I accept admin positions so often.

--Sweetie Belle

Summer Dancer
Group Contributor

Yeah, maybe some character reviews for each episode she is in or something like that. This will be the season of pink!

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Character reviews could be fun!

I think I'm just gonna make all three of you admins for the moment and see how things work out. Let me know if you're going to do really big changes, though most of the things we've been talking about here probably don't need it. And don't go and delete most of the stories in the group or anything like that, of course. :unsuresweetie:

Also keep in mind that if you leave the site for more than a few weeks and I don't know about it, you might need to ask about admin rights again when you come back, because I tend to demote people when they leave fimfiction, both because you can't really do any administration if you aren't there, and also to avoid confusion on who you can go to if you run into trouble in the group.

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

Okay, got it.

Group Admin

Um, I don't have my laptop at this time due to a failing hard drive but it should be back to me fixed within a few weeks. Right now my connection to this site is either my phone or an old desktop which is often not available due to my ex hogging it, but I'll do my very best!

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Doesn't sound fun. I'd suggest setting up a bootable linux usb stick and running from that for a bit, but it sounds like you've got somebody else repairing it at the moment.

And don't worry too much. Do what you can, and the group should still be here in a few weeks, barring NotSoWickedWitch suddenly coming back and deleting it.

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

Sent it to HP, it's getting fixed for free since it was still under warranty. It wasn't even a year old yet....and I shall! Pinkie pie would expect nothing less then my absolute best!

Summer Dancer
Group Contributor
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