Pinkie Pie 495 members · 1,045 stories
Comments ( 22 )
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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Since NotSoWickedWitch is the founder, they'd normally be the head admin. Taking a look, though, they haven't been online in a month.

Some of the other admins have been missing as well. I had been bumping down to contributor the ones that haven't been on fimfiction for a while, such as Summer Dancer. (negatorri's missing as well, though not a contributor, so I'm not sure if that was me or not.)

As such, I'm going ahead and acting as the head admin for the moment, so that someone's running things, and the other admins currently left are Ceffyl Dwr (who's running the new group collaboration), SuperPinkBrony12, and SecretPlotTwist. If anyone was an admin and got bumped down in error, or left for a while and came back, let me know.

I went ahead and revised the list on the main page to reflect the current admin list. I'm not sure at the moment if we need more admins or not, but it's something I'll be thinking about.

Now, is there anything anyone things needs to be updated or changed in the group?

And if one of the other admins has some ideas and would prefer to be the head admin, I can work with that, too. I just want to make sure somepony's running things around here...

(And obviously, if NotSoWickedWitch shows back up and wants to take over again, that's fine.)
--Sweetie Belle

Comment posted by PixelMoon deleted Dec 12th, 2017
Group Admin


Hey, is there anyway I could be an admin? I'm a wonderful organizer, I've organized all of the stories in the group My Little Pony: The Movie ~ Fan Club (I didn't feel like linking it). I deleted my last comment because I forgot to tag it to your comment.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

No problem! I thought I'd make sure everyone was aware of the situation, and give some assurance that we do have admins and the group will continue.

The admin folders are an issue. When I looked through the folders, I wasn't initially sure what they were for, which is never a good sign. And two are for missing admins, as well. I'm thinking of moving them to be subfolders of an admin folder for now, and I might delete them later on.

I'd say new admins depends on how active the current ones are. We probably don't need more to do moderation right now, and I'm good at revamping rules and things along that lines. What we could use are people actively pushing the group forward. As you said, games, discussions, and so on. This doesn't absolutely need an admin role, of course, so we could always look at promoting people that are already doing this.

I did kinda want to make sure I wasn't stepping on anyone's hooves, especially since I'm kinda the safe option as these things go. I'm very familiar with running groups, but by the same token, I am running a lot of groups, so it's easy for things to slip through the cracks.

--Sweetie Belle

While I just joined, seeing how little Pinkie groups there are on the site no doubt fuels me to help — by being an active member, of course! Compared to even minor characters like Tempest, we seem to be lacking, and same Tempest’s groups has 500 members already!

I agree the admin folders could easily be smushed together into one, or erased entirely. The contest really will help us gain some attention, and as we're nearing 300 members, some sort of celebration could easily attract attention.

Maybe a Discord chat could help as well? Members could be able to discuss ideas to raise awareness for the group, etc. Even collaborations and alliances with other main character groups can raise some awareness.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


As it's getting late now, I'll give some thought to your points in the morning, and see if there are any suggestions or contributions I could make. I'm in agreement with regard to the admin folders though, for sure.

I went ahead and moved them to subfolders of the new "Admin Picks" folder, so I think that'll work for now.

Are you happy with running the group? Not sure if you get asked that all that often, but I'd check and make sure you actually were!

Well, I'm alright with it, anyways. I wasn't really looking to add a new group to the list that I'm head admin of, and I think I'm kinda drifting into head of the Twilight Sparkle group as well, I do i]like preventing groups from going adminless, and running them can be fun. I'm happy running it, but I'd be just as happy helping somepony else run it, if you know what I mean.

Well, there is that big 1000+ member Pinkie Pie group, but unfortunately that only has one admin, and while Donnys Boy is a good writer, he hasn't been on fimfiction since 2015.

You know, I hate to start up another Discord chat, since I'm already running one (The Writer's Group one), semi-running another (the Scootaloo group), and admin in two or so more, and I already feel like I'm neglecting those. If someone starts one up, I'll set up SweetieBot on it and such, tho'.

I'm still kinda assessing things and am not sure if we need more admins yet. (I'm also kinda waiting to see if the other two admins post here.)

If you were an admin, what ideas did you have in mind for the group?

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Well, to be honest, we probably don't absolutely need one admin labeled as the head, anyways. The two of us are the obviously the most active admins right now, so we're the main ones. You provide the direction and I'll provide the experience, and we'll just try to run anything major by each other.

Just for general group checks:

Banner and group icon: Both do look good, though what does bother me on the banner is that the "Pi" in Pinkie Pie is behind the group icon. It's not a priority, but it might not be a bad idea to change up the banner a little. Banners are something I can do, though this one's good enough that I might leave it.

Rules Thread: I don't actually see one. Not sure we absolutely need it, but I'm good at writing them, though obviously we'd need to know what rules we wanted. There are a number of them you normally want in any group anyways. (No posting NSFW links, for example.)

Stickies: Going through the stickies and deciding what should be stickied and what shouldn't is never a bad thing. I already unstuck the old collaboration.

The front page: It is kinda cluttery, and it's got a long message from NotSoWickedWitch. I used to have a front page on a group that had a conversation between me and the other main admin on it co-introducing things, and it got a little strange once that admin was mostly gone. Revising it to be a little less specifically from one admin might not be a bad idea. And, like a lot of groups, the "under construction" message has never been removed. :unsuresweetie:

Folders: We probably should go over them more to see if any categories are missing. Folders for every tag is typical. I think Tragedy, Drama, and Sci-Fi are missing?

Activities: I think you're doing that part. :pinkiehappy:

Thats what comes to mind for the moment. We should probably run any new admins by each other. Of the contributors, only one that's active on the site right now is Sketcha-Holic. Were they an admin at any point that you remember?

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

Well every once in a while we could host a contest for Pinkie stories.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


I see what you mean. I have limited experience in banners, so I'll defer to your experience there. I like the choice of art that we've got in each place, so I'm not particularly inclined to want to change any of that.

If I was gonna change it, it'd probably be cropping it down to just the part that says "Pinkie Pie", moving that all the way to the right, then improvising something on the left. As I said, not a priority and not absolutely necessary, though.

I can have a look around at some groups and see what type of additional rules might be useful?

I wrote the current set of rules for both the Writers Group and the Shameless Self Promotion Bureau, so I've got a fair idea. I'm just not sure if there's anything group or Pinkie Pie specific we might want to add.

You did? I thought I did that too, though I might have just locked it, now that I think about it.

I think you locked it and I unstickied it.

Hmm... I've waffled on a bit, there. What were your thoughts?

Well, rewriting older stickies is never a bad thing, since if you posted the sticky, you can edit it, and if the original poster is gone, nopony can.

Having two guide threads stickied is kinda confusing. Narrowing it down to one thread would be good, and if we need two, you could always only have one of the two stickied and the other linked to in the first.

Ponk day probably doesn't need to be stickied and can just be bumped near that day.

Rebooting the rolling prompt isn't a bad idea. I would probably say to throw out new prompts every so often if nopony does the last one, but weekly would be a pain. Monthly?

Do you have strong thoughts about what it might look like, based upon your previous experiences?

Well, it has plenty of the elements I'd already tend towards. Pictures, links to important threads, and admin list, and a description of the group and what you are getting into. We'll want a link to the rules thread, once we have one, and we can link some of the other stickies, too.

Yes, those ones appear to be missing, sure.  I think Random and Anthro are also missing, and I’m not convinced that Dark and Thriller need to be subsets of Horror?

Hmm, Random is missing, and it's the Pinkiest of categories. And yeah, Dark and Thriller as subdivisions of horror is a little iffy. We could probably stick Anthro, Human, and Equestria Girls together, tho'.

I noted your comments regarding a Discord server. I'm not sure on the activity levels of members, but I'm willing to explore that option. I'd probably have to pick your brains on the administrative side of running one of those, though. I've only really participated as a user until now.

I can help set one up, but I'll note that the ones I've run aren't on the more active side of things. The Scootaloo group tends towards mostly Sweetie Bot posting random Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle pictures and the occasional comment or discussion. The Writers Group one is a little more active, but still not that active.

As far as an account for collabs goes, that used to be more popular, but it's iffy by site rules, and lately I've mostly seen one person putting it on their account. (There's a site rule against sharing an account.) Usually whoever the "editor" of the collaboration is hosts it, which is probably you.

Coordinating could be an issue, and I see what you mean about creating a new group, like this one. Collaborating via PM doesn't work too well, because you can't send pm's to more than one person at a time. You could probably do some of it via google docs, sharing a document with outlines and notes and such, chatting there, and giving everyone collaborating on it rights.

I remember horizons "Drunkwritening" thing, where a buncha writers, theoretically drinking, collaborate on a google doc while possibly being on a discord chat talking about it at the same time. It's a silly event, especially if you're watching the comments in the google doc as things get added.

I'll admit I haven't done much on collaborations, though. Usually they were being run by someone else in groups I was adminning.

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

No problem, I get pretty busy too, sometimes. We're at 299 right now, too!

Since Pinkie Pie is friends with everypony in Ponyville, I'm thinking one of group rules is that everypony in the group is friends (or at least acts like it)...

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I think I'll see how much of the rules I can phrase to be about being friends and parties and pinkie pie promotions. (Though probably tomorrow.)

I haven't heard from either of 'em. I figured that any admins that were active here would see this thread and comment, so I'm guessing it's probably mostly the two of us...

-\textit{Sweetie Belle}

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Here's something I quickly typed up as far as rules go. It was mostly off the top of my head, so do you see anything that's missing, or should be added or changed?

Pinkie Pie Group Rules

1. Everyone is friends.

You know how Pinkie Pie is friends with everpony in Ponyville? Well, while you are in this group, you are friends with everyone here as well, or, at least, I'm expecting you to act like it. You can disagree, but no namecalling, personal insults, trolling, flamewars, fighting, and so on.

2. This group is safe for work!

As such, no discussing things that aren't safe for work, no posting links to them, and no posting NSFW pictures. You can embed mature-rated stories, because the embed won't show up if you have mature off, and you can put mature-rated stories in the appropriate group folder, though.

3. No breaking site rules.

This should be obvious, since this group is on the site, but it never hurts to be explicit about it.

4. Don't spoil things for other members.

If a new episode comes out or a leak, don't post threads with spoilers for it in the title. The thread should say "Spoiler" on it if it has any, and they should be in spoiler tags in the actual body of the comment. Nothing from the big Season 8-9 leak is allowed either, until the show catches up with it.

5. Have fun!

That's what you're in this group for, right? If you want to post party threads, play games, do contests, be silly, promote pink party pony posts, and so on, feel free! Just try and keep things Pinkie related.

It's a little minimal, but I'm not sure we really need that many rules at the moment, and I was kinda trying to keep things Pinkie themed.

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I'll create a sticky for it. I just wanted to run it by you first, before I did that, in case you spotted something that should be changed first.

As far as admins, I think right now we can manage between the two of us, but it'd be a good idea to pick up another admin or two at some point, so that we have people around if we're busy, and so that if both of us were suddenly hit by a bus the same week, somepony was able to pick up as admin.

There are some people I'd probably almost immediately accept admin offers from because I've already been an admin with them. (Though I'll still bring it up first.) Anyone else, we'll probably want to talk over. It's always tricky deciding whether somepony you don't really know should be an admin or not...

--Sweetie Belle

Being completely honest, I did not read this entire thread but I do have a small suggestion. I don't know if it's still being done or not, but there used to be an official group advertising blog to give groups more traction. If that's still around (and not already been suggested) maybe someone could put in for that?

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