Pinkie Pie 494 members · 1,042 stories
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What do you like about Pinkie Pie? Is there anything you would like to change about her?

Absolutely nothing. I wouldn't change anything.

She is the best hyperactive-optimistic-psychic-genius-madmare in existence and may she never change.

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5861591 She's always so cheerful and upbeat, and just wants to make others happy because she can. She's not doing it out of a selfish desire to feel wanted, she's doing it simply because it's what makes her happy. If there was anything I'd tone down, it would perhaps be her tendency to sometimes shriek her lines if she gets really excited or upset, as well as likely tone down the number of times her problems tend to get played for laughs outside her focus episodes. Just because she's always smiling in public, doesn't mean she doesn't have feelings beyond that.

No pinkie pie is fine the way she is.:pinkiesad2:

>What do you like about Pinkie Pie?
>Absolutely nothing.


Pinkie Pie is the best. I wouldn't change anything.

I love how she's can always look on the bright side, never lets anypony-thing get how down or get in he way of her making somepony else's day great. :pinkiesmile: We could all learn something from Pinkie, and everypony everyday should strive to be a little bit more like her. :pinkiecrazy:

*throws hoof-fulls of cherry-chimichangas into the thread*

Piece, yo.

Pinkie is ADORABLE and I wouldn't change a thing.

5861591 I really like her mane

I like how she goes out of her way to make everyone fell better and laugh.:pinkiehappy:

Things I don't entirely like about her? Her more stalker-ish and "insensitive" moments, to be honest. A Friend In Deed, for instance, has me feeling a lot more sympathy for Cranky than for Pinkie, and she makes me cringe in Filli Vanilli.

Now that's out of the way, the things I do entirely like about her, I can explain better with examples, so some of her best moments/aspects for me are:

- The Smile, Smile, Smile Song from A Friend In Deed. It so perfectly captures her cheerful and helpful outlook on life that I feel better every time I listen to it.

- Pinkie Pride. All of it. This is a glorious bout of cartoonish insanity, especially since it challenges Pinkie with a rival just as crazy as she is. I really hope Cheese Sandwich comes back; they work so well with/against each other.

- Her growing relationship with (possible) cousin Applejack, especially in Hearthbreakers when she's determined to unite both sides of the family. It's sweet yet indescribably saddening when she's caught between AJ and Limestone Pie, and cries that she can't choose between them.

- Her hilarious histrionics. The Gift of the Maud Pie is a funny episode for me because she's teamed up with Rarity, who is just as histrionic as she is, and Maud Pie, who is... not. The plot for that episode is rickety, but Pinkie et al make it so fun to watch just by being themselves.

- Her good-natured naivety, especially when it's proven right. In Spice Up Your Life, for instance, she's the one who champions the restaurant and refuses to compromise because she sees what's valuable in it straightaway. At times like that, she's the sincere core of the show.

5861591 Well, I'd like it if she were a bit more sensitive (Cranky Doodle Donkey showed that she has a habit jumping in, metaphorical happy guns blazing, when a party isn't always the best way to handle something), but otherwise I like her character, and season 5 showed how far she goes to try and make everyone happy.

I like most things about Pinkie, but I think she is in need of some character development in the show.

Fluttershy had an obvious problem (insecurity), that everypony saw and tried to fix, but the actual process of self-improvement took a couple of seasons, and left her stronger but still her caring self.

Pinkie on the other hoof is so extraverted and strange to the other ponies that they don't see that she has definite problems. The bits with Cranky and Fluttershy in "A Friend Indeed" and "Filli Vanilli" have been mentioned, but I also thought the bit with her and the mailbox in "Wonderbolts Academy" was worth noting. It may have been funny, but it was not the actions of a well pony.

In short, Pinkie feels that she has to make everypony happy all of the time, that she's the only pony who can do this, and that she's not allowed to be unhappy herself. Basically, the "Party of One" problem is still there, it's just that she won't have a nervous breakdown over it anymore. I would really love to see an episode where Twilight (or even better, her student in fourth-wall breaking: Spike) is trapped in a cave with Pinkie for a couple of days, and comes to find out who she really is under the mask. And let her know that she can be something other than happy all the time and still be accepted by her friends. And just like with Fluttershy, this would only be the beginning and not the end of her character arc, to make her into a pony who's still funny and fourth-wall breaking and bizarre, but also more caring and capable of not only loving those around her, but of being loved herself.

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5868416 Eh, while that would be nice, I think it's saying something about Pinkie Pie when she's more or less been fine without a definitive character arc or long term goal. Like Applejack, she seems content with her life as it is, but unlike Applejack she still has her personality that makes her stand out and can bring her into conflict.

I would like to see less dependence on others for acceptance and more sensitivity, but at the same time, Pinkie can pull through and overcome both of these things fairly well. She is a great character who is just full of joy and I absolutely love that about her.

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