Reactionary Christians 32 members · 0 stories
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The 2020 US presidential election is being stolen right before our eyes and nothing is going to be done about it. And even if that wasn't the case, the mere fact that half of the country or more would vote for a man (Biden) who supports abortion on demand, sodomite unions, gender madness, forcing Catholic institutions to provide abortaficient drugs and contraceptives in health care plans, among other things, proves people are too in love with their pet sins to be trusted to vote.

We need a dictatorship made up of an educated Christian elite who will govern by Biblical principles. It's the only way.

What do you do when the dictator becomes corrupt and needs to be removed?

All forms of government are bad, democracy is just the "least bad."

Comment posted by knightcommander deleted Nov 7th, 2020
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