Mad Mondays 61 members · 39 stories
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Group Admin

I hate Monday's so much. Monday's mean I have to fucking start the work week. The work week means I have to be up at 5am to make an hour long drive to my job. A job where the service manager I work with, yells at me for shit that isn't my fault. Broken window? "God damnit Mike, why'd you break that window?" Broken computer? "What the fuck Mike? Quit fuckin with the settings!"

Ok, I get it. Everything is my fault. Just fucking stop yelling.

Monday's are the biggest reminder that I'm growing up into the adult world where if it's broke, it's my fault.

Group Admin

being an adult sucks. let's be horses.

All in favor of quitting adulthood and coloring in the book fort, say aye.

5382589 That sounds like me with my employees.

*My conference call gets dropped*

Dammit Madeline! Why'd you do that? And why aren't we selling more cookies this week?!

Lol, jk, I try to be a good boss.

What if I do that already?

Does that really make me not an adult? :raritywink:

It makes you the best adult.

I'm staying on this track then. :pinkiehappy:

I don't like Monday Princesses.
Or Mondays....
Or princesses.....

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