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For those who don't understand: Here

As you read it, after causing all of this chaos, after hundreds of businesses were looted, after hundreds of innocent civilians were shot down (both as casualties and death people) by the National Guard, after people lost whole days (and one dude died making a line in Valencia) making lines to deposit their paper money and getting bouchers from the BCV, after militarizing the Bolívar state (and the military looting the citizens), after making the whole country go wild for a day. Maduro decided today December 17th to make the 100Bs. valuable again until January 2nd (people still must deposit them) and while keeping the borders with Colombia and Brazil closed.

While holding on his hands the real sword made by bolívar...

This, my friends, is called evil and I cannot fathom anyone (neither Hitler, Pinochet or whoever you can imagine) from pulling something like this.

This was so bad that the leaders of the opposition decided to put aside their differences (as in stop making political campaign to gain votes on a potential Presidential election) just to make an agenda to get rid of him before this year's end.

On a related note, Canada's phased out the penny. The worthless copper coins are no longer being minted. You know how long they gave Canadians to deposit their deprecated currency? Forever.

And that's the penny. The least valuable unit of money. Why the hell would anyone slap down a ridiculously short time limit on their biggest note? I mean, I can imagine a couple shady reasons, but not any legitimate ones and I can't envision anyone but the most sheltered ivory tower individual expecting everything to run in lockstep like clockwork. So, yeah. Evil.

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