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I ask this considering that most of you [probably] comes from Europe and I would like some info on this.

My mainly concern was made after I read this article which made me wonder what would be the next country leaving Europe.

I wouldn't be surprised if France or Germany follow suit (in the case of a Right Wing/Pro-Exit victory for the coming elections in their respective countries) even if they entered to the EU for ideological reasons instead of pragmatical like the UK, but there's also Italy and I'm sure I'm forgetting countries here.

So any opinion? I need the feedback because this kind of stuff affects my country.

5436210 I sense Venezuela posts looking over the corner.

5436210 Greece, Spain and and eastern europe

I'm actually going to predict that the UK won't leave the EU. The vote isn't legally binding; only an act of Parliament can invoke Article 50. Most MPs were against Brexit in the first place. The Conservatives, uncertain of it passing, will kick the can down the road until they leave power. They are already saying it won't be this year or next year and are talking up 2020. Whoever replaces them will patch up a new deal with the EU that will be trumpeted as resolving whatever issues it was that made Britons want to leave in the first place, thus solving the problem once and for all.

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