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In response to Sanguinius Paladin desire to cleanse politics of the original group, I will be posting both here and there to try to bring those over there to this group.

Over the course of the day, I saw how The British reacted about the referendum results and many of their reactions are justifiable: Fear of what will happen to them or their families, joy of finally being independent, disacknowledge of the fact that none of the reasons they wanted to leave of the EU will be fixed because they leave the EU (those problems will be fixed once the Middle East, something they caused in the first place and Greece stabilize themselves).

But there was something that I couldn't accept: "The Old people didn't had the right to tell me what to do with my life, they're going to die anyway".

That was one of the most segregating comments I've ever seen in my life (that doesn't comes from my continent) because they act the same way as the old people ("Young men shouldn't be voting because they know nothing of politics") but on the other side of the spectrum.

And this also shows another big problem that the UK will have to deal with: Segregation.

No, I don't mean segregation that comes from racism, but rather, segregation that came from this election. The referendum came by a difference of almost 4% of votes and considering that a part of those votes came from people who voted YES because they thought it wouldn't win and other part voted without even knowing what the EU was, we can assume that at least half of the country has a different opinion about what the UK should do.

Normally the difference of opinion is OK, but when that difference of opinion is followed by hate (from both sides) you ca easily create a social crisis because now half a country is having a problem to choose what to do: the young kids doesn't know how to handle themselves and the old people aren't capable of leading a country where the future doesn't want to follow their direction.

It's interesting to note that (according to the polls) the older the british got, the more they wanted to leave the EU, while there are multiple reasons for that, it cannot be ignored that the UK was among the nations that wanted the least to be a part of the EU (ever since it was formed), something that many young people doesn't seem to understand, care or acknowledge. That kind of attitude was what led them to underestimate the voice of the kingdom and now Europe as a whole may be fracturing.

I only hope for the best for the UK and Europe as a whole (especially now with the French and the Italians that could try to use this as an excuse to leave the EU as well), for the problem isn't that the radicals talk, but rather, that they're being listened and now we're going to see the results of listening to that voice.

As a Venezuelan, I have more than enough reasons to laugh at the UK (with them stealing our Essequibo and also laughing at us for voting for Chávez in 1998 and saying stuff like "we deserve it"... it's really tempting...) but with their economy plummeting and a lot of people who are now facing something that they never thought was possible and now facing segregation without even knowing it. This isn't funny in any possible way.

Thank you all for reading, I wish you a nice day.

5336122 the thing with the younger generation getting upset over the older generation voting to leave is that they believe that their thoughts and futures aren't considered or even thought of beforehand. They will already have enough to deal with from the older generations without the recent events. This may be true, it may be untrue, I don't know. This whole thing has just gotten me angry and confused at the same time.


Understandable, but be mindful that the older generations (most of them) voted knowing full well that they are also going to endure the results of the Brexit (they don't know when they're going to die, it isn't like "Well, I screwed my grandchildren just in time to die, screw those wankers". I pretty much doubt anyone had that mindset), the biggest thing to do is to calm down and try to analyze the situation because that's the only way the solution will come.

Join Back to the EU would be almost impossible (not because of a second referendum, but because Brussels decided to give UK the middle finger and want them to leave now, not caring how damaging that would be) so now the British must figure out how to improve production in the UK and bring money of any kind (like other nations do). This would be a very different dynamic compared to the EU and it will require collaboration from everybody.

Again, I wish luck for everybody in England.

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