The Grammar Nazi Group 56 members · 24 stories

Welcome, fellow Grammar Nazis! Welcome to a group full of corrections, and proper usage of language! I am your host, 654321! (But just call me LOLTM, my former name.) This group is currently seeking for a banner, do not worry on the Group Icon I'll try my best to make one. Enjoy your stay on this group fellow Nazis!

Say, you'll have to introduce yourself! Make sure to go to the introduction thread. If you got suggestions or complaints for this group, please, send me a message! I'll try my best to look at it!

Put stories you want to be checked on, in the Stories That Other Users Needs A Nazi To Look At folder. (Quite a mouthful, don't you think?)

A member we'll take a look on your story, and put their thoughts about it in the forum! An admin will then take a look on the thread and move the story into either the, Good Grammar folder, or the, Needs Editing folder. It'll depend on the rating the member rated it. I even prepared a sample. And I made this thread in case two members take a look on the same story.

Feel free to put your thoughts on a story even if it isn't on the folder, just make sure you notified the author about it, wouldn't want them to be confused as to why their story is on a folder here.

If you wanna know the purposes of each role in this here group go to the, Purposes Thread.

The Rules:

#1. Even though this group is filled with corrections and criticism. There is no need to fight a user, we must maintain peace at times.

#2. Please don't post any NSFW images here. This is not an NSFW group!

#3. Well, pretty much the site's rules too.

#4. Rate fairly on your thoughts of a story.

#5. Admins should not use their role in an abusive way. If an admin does this, they'll be demoted.

1st offense, an admin will give you a warning. 2nd offense, admins would give you a last warning. 3rd offense, you'll be banned from this group.

Spread the group out everyone! Let people know about us!

Current admin(s): 654321

Enjoy! :pinkiesmile:

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