Human Kingdoms in Equestria 111 members · 28 stories
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Castok the Shadow
Group Contributor

Right now, I am working on three different civilisations, each being different from one another. However, they will not be out anytime soon as they are quite difficult to write about their culture and how they interact with other civilisations (One being in the Everfree, one who are a theocracy and another being exiled)

But then I thought of something else that might make my job a bit easier. That is asking you guys, what civilisation do you want next. So we're starting anew OC civilisation and you can decide on how that civilisation is formed, what government it has, how it interacts with the other kingdoms and most importantly; their history.

It can simply be a title like the Republic of Mankidom or you can have a paragraph explaining your civilisation. Then what I'll do then is I will combined them all and find a middle ground for all your suggestions to create a new OC civilisation idea.

I will leave you with a guide if you want to use it to break down your OC civilisation suggestion. So please give me some suggestions and let's build some civilisations! (no pun intended)

Name of Civilisation:
Diplomatic Relationships;

Group Admin

5918920 The Merchant Empire of Galosa. They live by the saying: Why make war when you can make gold.

Government: they are lead by a counsel of the top five trading guilds. Which guilds are on top is chosen by how much money they make within the last five years.

Pop: 30m

Diplomatic Relationship: On the surface they quite friendly with everyone, but they can be cut throat if it mean getting there way.

Magic: humans need a wond or staff in order to cast magic.

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