Human Kingdoms in Equestria 111 members · 28 stories
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Castok the Shadow
Group Contributor

7th Vanguard Legion's Journal - Equestria
Rise of the 7th Vanguard Legion

It was less than a week since I awoke from the Glass Womb, opening my eyes to the multiple mothers and fathers in the room, and I was already training along side many fellow brothers and sisters. We were told to be loyal to only a kinsman called Highlord Theoreas and the Princesses of Equestria. We were told that we must obey our Equestrian commanders or any high ranking officers in the Equestrian Royal Army. We were born in a laboratory, a biological weapon to fight against a foe called the Changelings. Our training was hard, unforgiving and for some of us, fatal. All we were bred and trained to become, was a weapon unlike any other. We were known as;


With hundreds of us, including myself, passing our training in those laboratories. We were welcomed in the Equestrian Army with open hooves. Even Highlord Theoreas was impressed by our ability, combat skills, our adaption and independent thinking. We were more than the usual humans that were coming out of the Glass Wombs daily, we were something more.

With that, Highlord appointed me as the Commander of a new task force that will make those insects fear the sight of us. From this day on, the 400 humans that passed their training, formed the famous 7th Vanguard Legion.

7th Vanguard Legion's Journal- Equestria
Attack of the Humans

My frist day as the commander of the 7th Vanguard Legion, was cold, was snowing, chaotic. Nothing at all like the training in those laboratories. Of course that's pretty much the way it was for all of us, wasn't it? All that breeding, all those years of training, it was still a shocking surprise for the screaming and the blood, right? I'm still amazed we ever made it through the first assault, nevermind the first hour of that battle.

Amazingly, the 7th Vanguard Legion survived the snowy crusade of Northern Equestria. Emerging battle-hardened and ready for whatever the war would throw at us. We rounded up the bugs that surrendered and sent them to the prisons in Manehatten, even got a few medals for just pushing one of them into a cell. Still, it wasn't a surprise why they were obedient. They never saw anything like us, and I'm not talking about the Changelings.

7th Vanguard Legion's Journal- Equestria
A Blinded General

In the waning months of the Changeling Wars, the 7th Vanguard Legion faced missions critical to the questions of Highlord Theoreas, wondering why more humans were sent to battles to die for an Equestrian problem. When we arrived at the war-torn town of Hoofshire, our Equestrian General believed we had been sent to take out a hidden Changeling Base. What Feather Buck didn't know however was that our platoon of the 7th Vanguard Legion was after a book that contained the location of a being that could answer the truth about our creation, that our Highlord needs for his questions. Keeping Buck in the dark wasn't difficult, he thought that we were his closest allies and didn't believe that humans could keep secrets from their creators. Just like the rest of them though, he never truly knew what was really going on, until it was far to late.

The success of the mission in Hoofshire was something of a revelation for the brothers and sisters of the 7th Vanguard Legion. Now, we knew that the Equestrians could be fooled. And if they could be fooled, I wonder what else they could be as well? With the book in the Highlord's hands, some questions were answered, whilst others added more questions. But before he could read further through the pages, he had an order from the Princesses, an order that many of the brothers and sisters of the 7th Vanguard Legion began questioning on what the Princesses see us as.

7th Vanguard Legion's Journal- Zebrica
A Jungle fit for Tartarus

It's been common knowledge that the 7th Vanguard Legion got the glory of the war, we also got the horror. In Zebrica's largest jungle; Lust Stripeus, the bugs dug their wings deep into the muck of those foreign trees and dared Equestria to come after them or they'll massacre the natives without mercy. So they sent us, only to be met with the month after month of flesh devouring diseases, screaming nocturnal monstrosity and other sights that gives me nightmares to this day. Cut off from the outside world and for all we knew killed in action by our superiors, didn't even sent a scout to confirm their theory. Our only hope and survival was Numa'doi, our Zebra general to help me and my kinsmen. Without her, the entire Legion wouldn't have come out of that place with their sanity unharmed, or even if we could get out of that jungle nightmare on our own. When the time came, I hope she was safe in her homeland, hopefully she would never raise her halberd again, especially not against the Legion she saved in Lust Stripeus.

When the 7th Vanguard Legion defeated the Changeling forces and was rotated out of Lust Stripeus, Numa'doi made a point of seeing us off personally. Calling us the bravest soldiers she'd ever seen. It's a good thing we were three feet taller than her, because none of us could bear to look her in the eye. The Battle of Lust Stripeus left massive scars on all of us, physically and mentally. I heard that after the Winter Movement, Private Gunthar 'Grinner' Schleich had a crush on her and went to Zebrica to see where she was. When he came back and rejoined his kinsmen, Gunthar 'Grimmer' Schleich's brutality became a stuff of nightmares to our foes and even ourselves.

7th Vanguard Legion's Journal- Equestria
Line of Defence for the Fillydelphians

When the Changeling Invasion of Fillydelphia caught Equestria flat-footed, an attachment of the 7th Vanguard Legion was sent in to stop the bleeding until reinforcement could arrive. It was a suicide mission and we damn well knew it. As we fought our way into the outskirts of the city, most of us believed that the only way we be getting out of this city, was in a body bag. However, there was a reason we were sent here beside saving the city. Highlord Theoreas discovered in the book we received from Hoofshire, that there was a artefact which could help the Highlord's researches and questions.

As the 7th Vanguard Legion finally broke through the Changeling defences in the city, I took a long look back at the battle that contiuned to rage behind us and wondered why so many brothers and sisters had to die for a bunch of flying horses. Then I followed my orders and head deeper into Fillydelphia, with a public and secret missions to complete.

7th Vanguard Legion's Journal- Equestria
The Artefact from Fillydelphia

When we arrived in the city centre, things were just as bad as we feared. The Changelings had us outarmmed and outnumbered five to one. What none of us had counted on was the Wonderbolts. We all heard the stories of course but we never fought next to them, never seen them take down a bug with just a swing of their wings, they were amazing. But this still was a suicide mission, that was until the Highlord himself arrived. Then it became a battle, a winnable battle at least.

With the timely arrival of our Highlord, the 7th Vanguard Legion was able to hold the line against the Changelings in Fillydelphia. With the ponies celebrating their victory, they were unaware of the large human forces heading to the city centre to find that artefact the Highlord wanted. Some kind of scroll with ancient language written on it. Luckily for us, being bred in those laboratories, we were able to understand the language. It was Sirenix, the language of the Sirens of the northern lakes. I wondered why the Highlord wanted it so badly. So that's where we were heading next, never minding the approve of the Princesses.

7th Vanguard Legion's Journal- The Northern Lakes
Truth and Answers.

When we arrived at the Northern Lakes, we stumbled upon what could only be a ghost town. Dust and debris littered the roads within town while unkempt gardens are cluttered with forsaken possessions. Some doors were shut tightly, others were broken down. Some forcefully, others had simply collapsed under their own weight as the elements continued to eat away at them. There were signs of fires, in some cases it was merely a trail of soot and smoke above a window pane, in others it was a pile of ash where once a building stood. Highlord Theoreas ordered the 7th Vanguard Legion to find a Siren by the name of Mutilu as she is to believe to know of our kind's creation and why we were obeying the orders of the Equestrians and not our own kinsmen. It'll be a hunting mission, but we humans are good as hunters.

After finding Mutilu, she was more surprise of our existence than an human army at her doorsteps. After explaining that we were made in the Equestrian laboratories, she quickly fell to anger and said it wasn't right to play with nature. Theoreas asked his questions only to find a horrid truth. The humans were a mighty race, once had an empire that never lost a single war. But all of a sudden they went extinct and their empire fell to dust, only the Dragons and the Sirens knew about the humans before our creation. We were also told that they made us loyal by making a hierarchy system in our brains to obey every order from the Equestrians like slaves, those were the Generals, Princesses and our Highlord. That's when we had an idea. If Highlord Theoreas just order the rest of our kind to not obey any Equestrian, we would only listen to the one with our flesh and blood. So he did, sending secret messages to other human legions to not obey the Equestrians and gather at the border of the Changeling Kingdom. If his plan works, we will need to end the current war we were facing.

7th Vanguard Legion's Journal- Changeling Kingdom
The Beginning

In our bones we knew the war was almost over. Equis held her breath, waiting to see which side would make the final daring move. Fortunately, Equestria moved first. After Highlord Theoreas informed the Princesses that Queen Pharix and her army were gathering at Fort Bug'Garia, they gathered all the human legions into an army large enough to capture three Equestrias. When the orders reached the 7th Vanguard Legion, our morale rose higher than ever. For better or worse, this would be the beginning of the end.

With the death of Queen Pharix at the hands of Theoreas, the Bug'Garia Raid broke the back of the Changelings and they surrendered without even signing a treaty, not that we needed it anyway. Under normal circumstances it would have been a time for celebration. But our next orders, put paid to those thoughts. For the Changeling Wars are over, but our enemy is not done.

7th Vanguard Legion's Journal- Equestria
The Winter Movement

What I remember about the rise of the Winter Movement is, is how quiet it was. During the waning hours of the Changeling Wars, the 7th Vanguard Legion was discreetly transferred back to Fort Direstand, near the location of the laboratories of our creation was. It was strange, as we marched north, the locals cheered us heroes, some even called us saviours of the Kingdom of Equestria, how naive they all were. It was a silent march, we all knew what's about to happen, what we're about to do. Did we have any doubts? Not likely. Any private traitorous thoughts? Never. Any thoughts of mercy? Perhaps, but nobody said a word. Not on the march to Direstand, not when the Winter Movement came down and not when we charged into the Fort's garrisons' barracks....Not a word.

With the fall of Direstand and knowledge of our betrayal, Highlord Theoreas quickly ordered all of the legions to gather and move out, there was nothing for us here. We knew that the Equestrians will try and stop us, so we need to get to our laboratories and recuse every human in there along with destroying the research of making more of us and their scientists. For the brothers and sisters of the 7th Vanguard Legion, our loyalty to our Highlord earned us the well deserved reputation as 'The Iron-Tide'.

7th Vanguard Legion's Journal- Equestria
Civil War

Officially, there never was a Human Civil War in the laboratories. Unofficially, approximately 30 years after we were created, the full might of the 7th Vanguard Legion along with our fellow kinsmen legions charged into our birthplace, to be met with a new army of humans that was bred to fight against their own kind. This only made us more determent to destroy the laboratories, making us fight one another was the biggest mistake those scientists had ever made. They were responsible for our creation, now it's our responsibility to be their destruction.

After defeating the last New Human and breaking our Glass Wombs, we rounded up the scientists and executed them one by one. Afterward, we began destroying every single information on our creation and scientific equipments to make sure no one else creates more humans. From now on, new humans will produced by nature, beside we had enough number and unlike the last humans, we were a more improve version. We won't go extinct and most of all, we will build our own empire with Highlord Theoreas as our emperor. We left the laboratories in flames as we headed to the Northern Lakes, where Mutilu's species will welcome us with open arms. That is until the Equestrians arrived, let them come.

7th Vanguard Legion's Journal- Equestria
Our Finest Stand

Our people were almost at the Northern Lakes when a massive Equestrian army arrived under the cover of a snowstorm. They brought a very large amount of elite knights and even the Princesses themselves commanded this army. Emperor Theoreas was going to order all of the Legions to battle against the army, but I rejected that order, much to his and my own surprise. I told him that the 7th Vanguard Legion is the most trained and well prepared legion to take this army down, for evidences I simply told him of me and my soldiers training days in the laboratories and all the pervious missions before this battle. He approved, and I gathered all my soldiers in the 7th Vanguard Legion and readied them for our final stand against the Equestrians. Ironically, our last battle was the same like our first, cold, snowing, chaotic. But no one complained about the cold, we never felt it. Even though we were blinded by the snowstorm, we could see the final ending to our service to Equestria. Was it only a illusion? Perhaps, but on that day, on that battlefield. Our blood ran hot with dreams of victories and sacrifice, melting the ice that stood in our way. To each of us falls a task. And all our people- both old and new- requires of the 7th Vanguard Legion is that we stand the line, and we die fighting. It is what we were bred for and what we do best; We die standing.

If you are reading this, then you know that I'm not the commander of the 7th Vanguard Legion that has wrote this journal throughout his lifetime. I am just a historian, that wish to end his and his legion's story on what happened on that battlefield. The land was littered with weapons, bodies and blood. Red, brown and silver are the new colors of what was once a serene, growing greenland, which has now become the stage of a bloody war. An army and a legion fought each other for the fate of the human race, but at this point it was undeniable which side will win. The wounded were scattered across the land and the faces of the fighters are grim with anguish and gloom, but they refused to give up. The 7th Vanguard Legion was surrounded by waves of Equestrians, not a single one of them was slain by the ponies as they strike without mercy and without a thought. Some had succumbed to bloodlust and were carelessly charging any enemy without a care for their own safety, while others fought by only focusing on their enemy and not the carnage around them. In the end, the Equestrian Princesses knew they couldn't defeat them. So they sent waves of magic down upon the legion, destroying them with sadness in the princesses' eyes. As the finally human laid dead, the remaining of the Equestrian army tried to chase after the other humans. But unfortunately for them, they were long gone, safe beyond the borders of Equestria and into the deep parts of the Northern Lakes where they would build their empire and live free and uncontrolled. This wouldn't of happened if not for the 7th Vanguard Legion's sacrifice, and to this day their motto became the motto of the entire human Empire; 'We die standing'.

This Journal is a proud historic artefact, protected by the Imperial Royal Family and it's words contains the proud symbol of what makes us humans. the entire names of every soldier in the 7th Vanguard Legion will be written in the last couple of pages in the Journal, and I think I have enough room for every, single one of them. Let their names be never forgotten;

Commander Knodeus Baleloki
Private Italfi Far-Gut
Private Agarur Fair-Singer
Private Assuming Silver-Blade
Private Ysgrrnfid Secret-Seeker
Private Ulrarald the Sufficient
Private Valudulf Ironhand
Private Beirondir Outlaw
Private Oslavar Fenaraldersen
Private Ulfboldr Torvorneson
Private Rigervar Harisorsen
Private Furana Salt-Foot
Private Astrine Autumn-Strider
Private Jensnmund Horse-Sayer
Private Emfny Dwarf-Breaker
Private Huksteir Easterner
Private Rigmnja Easterner
Private Ondfa Long
Private Inguy Bjoaelddottir
Private Eisi Sororkedottir
Private Hidaritte Hahrardedottir
Private Wec Moglat
Private Ras Brecdet
Private Pris Gragnute
Private Preg Ecrano
Private Ton Sobraru
Private Obran Gogleta
Private Grilkeg Wadranu
Private Reslaus Alkago
Private Aystibber Erdima
Private Povvigris Barkoz
Private Wiea Wacdusi
Private Siea Nartiro
Private Sea Anova
Private Ligo Ganbor
Private Vogu Tribrulo
Private Gogu Ovvede
Private Haho Emdos
Private Aieta Brilami
Private Uaega Umvoda
Private Aizo Grolnol
Private Semplicio De Piano
Private Concetto Villella
Private Efisio Apuzzo
Private Tatsukichi Sekiguchi
Private Yodo Kawamura
Private Lonnie Nadon
Private Torben Glade
Private Jan-Martin Kreil
Private Tanaydin Taskiran
Private Goksel Salman
Private Valentina Calcaterra
Private Quartilla Vullo
Private Maria Barbano
Private Koko Hy
Private Te Hua
Private Regina Norman
Private Lindsay Breisch
Private Harriett Gombert
Private Alageyik Bayramoglu
Private Onay Erdem
Private Karl Schütz
Private Hartwin Schönberger
Private Reimar Gerstaecker
Private Winfried Bethmann
Private Hartmut Kapp
Private Dankmar Neufeld
Private Gerolf Honigmann
Private Bert Kielholz
Private Gerlach Sehlmann
Private Alberich Diebisch
Private Everarda Spies
Private Landriche Schuster
Private Diemut Heim
Private Loreley Heidler
Private Rotraud Mommsen
Private Huguette Prager
Private Arnolda Bahnsen
Private Ubalda Weinberg
Private Randi Mengelberg
Private Ishilde Loeb

Hello, this is not really a Civilisation idea, more of a alternate world and trying to make some history in journal type style. I wanted to try and make something different when I'm working on the other Human Kingdoms ideas (Which by the way, I'm nearly finished with one of them) and wanted to get this out of my head as it was to me a good idea but at the same time I couldn't really expand it than this. So if any one of you clever people out there can think of a continuation of this idea, I give you my blessing. This was heavily inspired by a certain sci-fic that I thought I would give it a fantasy setting in the world of Equestria.

The next Human Kingdoms Idea will be out soon.


Castok the Shadow.

5763003 Holy shit, I love this idea, but this idea is not meant for me, especially when I already have too many fics planned.

To all that is holy, hear my prayer, please have someone make this a fic and make it very well done. This is a fantastic idea that must become reality.

Group Admin

5763003 I second what Lord said, this was very good. :pinkiehappy: Which reminds me I need to finish my own human write up.

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