Reincarnation-Verse 19 members · 6 stories
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Group Admin

A place to just discuss the Reincarnation-Verse without trying to adhere to certain topics. As long as you people keep it civilized and fun, I don't care what you talk about, even if it's only loosely tied to the Reincarnation-Verse.

So what do people think the threat that needs this many heroes is? So far we have Superman, Captain America, Monkey D. Luffy, and Fisk/Chara. With four more souls to come it makes me wonder just how dangerous threat is? Hopefully a few of the villain souls will side with the heroes in the final battle? So who could it be, my bet is Darkside.

5141758 Well, whatever is the origin of the vilain souls? And ponies made a big deal out of corruption, you would think it's its own entity like Discord.


I see the Jokers soul being because Hell doesn't want him and he cannot go to heaven. I see it as the evil entity seeing the amount of powerful hero souls and dropped the Joker in so he was away from the afterlife for awhile. Basically saying that since Superman/Hope and Captain America/Freedom is there it should all work out. I see the rest of the souls being a sort of cosmic balance put in by some dick of a powerful entity who is all about balance.


So which soul do you think will awaken next? My bet is that it will be Rainbow Dash's as it was supposedly easy to guess. If it is one of the ones we know about otherwise I am going with Fluttershy.

5191787 Well, my guess is that something evil is going to attack the dragons and a grumpy fox is going to wake up.

Ok it has been a bit but does anyone remember what the titles for the hero souls where going to be? We have hope, family, freedom, change, and determination. We have three souls not named yet and do we know what their souls titles are yet? I keep getting the feeling that they where listed somewhere but I cannot find them.

Group Admin

That's because the titles were revealed in a blog that I think I took down. I have everything on my computer still though if you still want know what they are.


That would help restart the guessing game I think. With only a few guesses left we should hopefully get the final ones down.

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