The Shield of Authority 33 members · 19 stories
Comments ( 10 )
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The loser
Group Admin

we have a bully here we need to keep a close eye on he/she to make sure it don't happen again!

The loser
Group Admin

good work RainbowDashX12345!!!

Pencil Melody
Group Admin

While this does let people know who potential bullies are, the fact remains that pointing someone out like this constitutes as bullying itself. Secondly, only the victims know what type of bullying is going on. For all we know, there might be none going on. People will start to target the person listed as a bully, and that's when everything goes to pot. Because you will have now made this a bullying group that preys on other users. This isn't how this should work. This group needs a better system. Rather than target folks, we should work more on cyberbullying awareness and other things such as comforting victims of rl and cyber bullying.
That's my say in this.


The loser
Group Admin

5127832 any suggestions then? and yeah i didn't think that threw.

Pencil Melody
Group Admin

Well, firstoff, I would write up an ad and send to Eldorado to list in April's Group post. Every one usually sees those. Next, I'd suggest adding that members are to not poimt out bullies in threads, but rather notify an group admin or even a site admin if it's that serious. This group should also have a pinned thread that gives advice for bullying victims. The main page should be more fleshed out too. Not every one will check the forum for what happens in the group. People want to know what all we do and what our standards are. The main page is our first impression upon all visitors; we want to leave a good one.
I'll give you more ideas when I think of them.

The loser
Group Admin

5127906 thank you! if yal want you and the other administrators can start on that.

Pencil Melody
Group Admin

Alrighty, I might work on the front page a bit. Lol, I have a thing for writing. I'm sort of a grammar nazi. No typos to be found here. Maybe.

The loser
Group Admin

5127955 ok do all you want with it. fine with me!:twilightsmile:

5127405 be wary. if you put someone's name on a list like this and they complain you WILL get in trouble with the mods. I have wanted to make a group like this myself. I collected a list of names of people on site that were bullies and trolls. But I could not make the group because if they showed up and saw it they could bring down the group by saying that we are targeting them. However, Pm me and Ill point out a few people to add to the list which cannot be made public

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