Anon-A-Miss 1,334 members · 1,275 stories
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Anon-A-Miss has destroyed Sunset’s standing with the students, her friends broke off their friendship with her and she’s left alone to not only find the real Anon-A-Miss but to face the students wrath. Her only friend that believes she is innocent is another world away, but as Sunset was home trying to uncover Anon-A-Miss identity, she heard a knock on her door. When she answered it, she was surprised to find Rainbow Dash. The rainbow-haired athlete explained that she had a fight with the Rainbooms because she didn’t believe that she was Anon-A-Miss. Sunset couldn’t believe what she was hearing, one of her friends finally believed her. Rainbow Dash apologized for accusing Sunset and leaving her to face the angry students alone but vowed to help her if she gives her a chance.

Sunset happily agrees and the two get to work on figuring out the identity of Anon-A-Miss, but little does Sunset know that Rainbow Dash lied to her. She never had a fight with the Rainbooms and only said she did to gain Sunset’s trust so that she can secretly spy on her and collect evidence that she is in fact Anon-A-Miss. She planed this with the rest of the Rainbooms who will pretend to be mad at her at school to keep Sunset fooled. But the more she helps Sunset the more she begins to see that she may not be Anon-A-Miss, and she sees first hand how Sunset has been miserable since they abandoned her.

Honestly, I can’t tell if this makes the situation better or worse for Sunset.

I predict rainbow coming around and then confessing only for sunset to either blow up or brake down at the betrayal leaving rainbow at an absolute low

An interesting idea, certainly. A nice twist would be having Sunset knowing that Dash was lying to her this entire time.

There are so many interesting ideas about anon-a-miss.

Now you 2 good stories to work on.

Eternal Sunset has -countless- story ideas that are nothing short of brilliant that she shares with the herd/class/funny farm/forum. I love sitting here and absorbing the creativity that comes out of her mind whenever she posts one of her ideas.

My only sad bit is that I wish she'd actually post more realized stories, but I don't want to put more pressure on her than she already puts on herself.

As a writer suffering terminal burnout/writer's block, I know that feeling.

p.s. I apologize if I'm presuming your gender with the use of the she pronoun, Eternal Sunset. Is there something you would prefer to it?

A double betrayal of loyalty?
Rainbow...!? Oh Rainbow.😞

In a way it makes it better, even if it’s a lie, Sunset has someone close by that will support her.

Apology accepted, and you can refer to me as he/him. ^^

Comment posted by Eternal Sunset deleted Oct 2nd, 2023

That would be a nice twist, and when Rainbow asks why she still let her be close if she knew she was lying, Sunset would respond that if she was close by then maybe she can see for herself that she is innocent. Also, that she was feeling so lonely that even though it was a lie, it felt great having her around again.

WAy late for this, but if I was Sunset I would ask Rainbow on what made her change other than "feeling bad"

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