Anon-A-Miss 1,334 members · 1,275 stories
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Another scene for another Anon-A-Miss idea I posted in the forums, I hope you enjoy it and let me know what you think.

Sunset was on cloud nine as she approached the school, the sleepover at Rarity's not only strengthened the bond between her and her friends but it made her feel like she finally belonged. She saw some students wave at her and she happily waved back, the students of CHS have finally forgiven her and given her a chance to make up for her mistakes. Sunset entered CHS and walked down the halls to her locker, humming a happy tune from Equestria, she spotted her friends waiting for her at her locker which caused her smile to brighten.

"Hey girls, what's..." Sunset's trailed off as she noticed the serious looks on her friends' faces. "Is something wrong?"

"Sunset, have yah lost yer phone?" Applejack asked, her expression neutral.

"No, I have it right here," Sunset answered, taking out her phone to show Applejack. "Why do you-"

"Then explain this," Applejack interrupted angrily as she showed Sunset her phone.

Sunset took the phone and gasped, the photos she took of Rarity's slumber party are posted on Anon-A-Miss's blog.

"How did they get our pictures?!" Sunset questioned as she scrolled down and saw the comments, people are making fun of the pictures and insulting her friends. She didn't read further as Applejack took her phone back.

"They're not our photos, they're yours!" Applejack accused.

"You don't mean..." Sunset trailed off, her eyes wide in shock.

"Anon-A-Miss showed up and posted mah nickname the day after ah told yah," Applejack said getting close to Sunset's face.

"But it wasn't me!" Sunset desperately said, looking at the rest of her friends, Rarity, PInkie, and Fluttershy looked sad while Rainbow Dash looked disappointed.

"How could you, Sunset." Rarity said sadly, she never suspected that Sunset would betray them, betray her.

"We trusted you," Rainbow Dash said bitterly, looking at Sunset with devastated eyes before turning away.

"No, it wasn't me. I didn't do this!" Sunset pleaded, tears welling up in her eyes.

"But you did!" Pinkie said. "You were only pretending to be our friend to learn our secrets!"

"You're wrong! This isn't me!" Sunset cried, tears running down her face as her world started to crumble. "I could never hurt any of you!"

"But you did!" Fluttershy raised her voice, angry tears streamed down her face.

"No," Sunset softly said as she watched Rarity comfort Fluttershy.

"Enough," Applejack said as she turned away from Sunset. "Say whatever you want Sunset but we don't have to listen.

Sunset collapsed to her knees as she watched her friends walk away, she covered her face with her hands and started sobbing. When the Rainbooms were no longer in sight, Sunset sobs slowly subsided and she started chuckling. It soon turned to maniacal laughter as Sunset threw her head back, her closed eyes snapped open to reveal that the whites of her eyes have turned black.

Oh my... this is already a great start!

Interesting. I'm quite surprised at the end to be honest.

Thanks! But this scene takes place a few chapters in the story.

But you did!" Fluttershy raised her voice, angry tears streamed down her face.

Doesn't Fluttershy say something about Sunset having never truly being their friend?

In any case, a development like that after such a short period of time,
(meaning the start of Anon-A-Miss) is sure to make for some intriguingly dramatic events to follow.

She does, it isn’t word for word and as Anon-A-Miss continues to post, Sunset will become the demon she once was.

And Demon Sunset reigns supreme. I wonder if she taunts them all.

"Thanks for freeing me, Rainbooms. I wouldn't have gotten out without your help."

Not until she’s at full strength, then she’ll taunt them and there’s not a thing they can do about it.

Will we ever get a daybreaker and sunset story i remember a forum post you made once it was a pretty cool idea.

as was with this one

Not at the moment but I might write a scene from it.

Would be better (in my opinion at least) if she got the demonic powers back and became a more morally grey character.

Damn that escalated quickly...

Who says he didn't get her powers back? She's not at full power and she won't be morally grey, she's a full villain.

7456373 To quote Futurama: "Aaaaand boned!"

is this from an actual story? Its got the plot i've been searching for for ages !

It's from a story idea.

ah! i rlly rlly hope itll become a story , i LOVE stories where sunset goes bad

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