Anon-A-Miss 1,336 members · 1,275 stories
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The human CMC are having a sleepover, talking about what to post next but Sweetie Belle on the other hand, is getting worried about Sunset. AB and Scoot, however, just ignore her worries and tell Sweetie that Sunset will be fine. They then go to sleep, only to be met with AB's parents, who express their disappointment in them, wanting Apple Bloom to confess to being Anon-a-miss. When she refuses to do so, Bright Mac sighs and tells her and her friends that they will visited by three ghosts. Apple Bloom brushes this off, thinking her Dad is just joking, only to find he isn't when they wake up.

(This pretty much goes how "A Christmas Carol" went)

It’s about time someone came up with a Christmas Carol idea.

I was thinking the same, but with the Rainbooms as well visite by the Christmas's Ghost.

I'd just came with a line:

"... Um, Mr. Ghost of Present Christmas, is Ray going to be fine? What will happen to him?" Asks Sweetie Belle.

Instead of looking at her to answer the question, the spirit keeps glaring at Sunset. "I can see an empty slot where a little gecko used to be... taken cared with love by her owner, even if he isn't there anymore..."

"What do you mean?" Scootaloo asks then.

"If the events around Anon-a-Miss remains unchanged... if you three don't confess and allow Sunset Shimmer to be blamed by your actions... then Ray will die."

Hey everyone,

I just released a brand new story based on SweetTeaFiend's idea with their permission. Please check it out! :twilightsmile:

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