Auraverse 124 members · 5 stories
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Well, I personally have created a species.
They range from about 4-6 (on hind legs) feet tall, with very cat-like physiology. They can stand on either four legs or two, though two is merely for formal occasions. They quickly realized they should work together, so war hadn't been an issue in a long time, homelessness was non-existent, poverty was not as large a problem. They were excellent scientists, but of course invasion.

Well, potentially anything can exist. Rules of the multiverse say if it can be imagined it exists. So by that token I will create....

[Birdmen in slang]
Short by human standards they stand between 3.5 to 5 feet tall. Essentially a bipedal avian race the key feature that has led to the sucess of the race is their adaptabiliy and the ability to fly. Two Humanoid arms with hands and fingers, two birds like wings allow for flight. Though their torso and legs are humanoid their feet are talons similar to a bird of prey. One of the most distinctive features of the race is the myriad of varieties and colors their head can display. All Avrine have a humanoid face with a beak, but the shape of the beak are widly varied. Their head is widely varied with most having feathers some having elaborate crests or even skin in the form of a comb. Rarely some will be born with hair but ususally head color will match the wing plumage. Avrine were of a mid evil technological Era when first contact was made. And with a rich history of warfare and political squabbling, the Avrine were able to survive the regime change. Through genetic Manipulation and cyber augmentation, they are some of the best aerial scouts. The more colorful of the race tend to become prized servants or even entertainers because their small agile bodies are useful and sometimes entertaining to watch.

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