Soul Sacrifice 11 members · 2 stories
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Welcome, fellow Sorcerers, to the beginning of your tale. I hope that you all have had a fantastic, and most relaxing day... Because this is just only the start of something new!

For those who are new to the world of Soul Sacrifice, it is a world where you are nothing more than a slave; the next coming sacrifice for the godly tyrant: Magusar. The only hope that you have in order to defeat him and keep your life, is by reading the contents of a talking book: Librom, but not only that, you have to relive the past of the sorcerer that had written it.

The life of an ordinary Sorcerer is difficult, as there are hundreds of terrifying and deformed creatures lurking about: from the common Goblin, to the enormous Leviathan. As you relive Librom's memories, you battle these creatures to continue the story, but you have a choice in the matter of Saving your victims, or Sacrificing them for ultimate power.

The Right Arm of your character changes as well with how you go about in the past. Acts of Sacrifice make you more powerful in dealing Damage, but make your arm look demonic, or Dark for that matter. Saving creatures and allies however, makes your arm angelic, or Divine, as well as giving you more resilience to taking damage. Depending on how you play, you choose which Faction you associate yourself with.

Avalon is the go-to place for Sorcerers, and is more attuned to those with Dark Arms.
Their code follows as such: Sacrifice all, whether they be monsters or not. Former allies are no exception.

Sanctuarium is one of the newer choices for those who favor Saving rather than Sacrificing. They also happen to be filled with those who have Divine Arms as well.
Their code follows as such: Save all, former allies, and creatures alike. All deserve a second chance.

There is one other faction that has suddenly appeared out of the blue, and that happens to be Grimm. Grimm is for those who are renegades: those who don't especially care if they Save or Sacrifice, but instead leave it up to Fate. Fate is randomized, depending on how the victim has lived, they will either be given a second chance, or die. Most who join this group also have a Neutral Arm: looks absolutely normal, for the exception of either bandages, or vines growing under the skin.
Their code follows as such: Leave it to Fate to decide what happens. Save and Sacrifice by choice, but only those you feel deserve the right.

Now, as I have given you a brief description of the game and it's contents, I will ask you a series of questions:
1; Who are you?
2; What is your arm attuned to? (Divine, Dark, or Neutral)
3; Avalon, Sanctuarium, or Grimm?
4; What is it that you use your power for?
And 5; What is it, that you would give up in exchange for ultimate power?

For example:
1: Hi, my name is CloudGazer45, or realistically Cody.
2: Fourth degree Dark Arm, as horns have jutted out of my elbow, and my eye is reptilian.
3: Avalon would be an obvious choice, but Grimm would most likely be number two in my opinion.
4: Even though I have a Dark Arm, I protect those I can, and never leave my comrades in the dust. If they wish for me to sacrifice them, I will grant their wish.
5: I would give up my very life to see the world happy, to see that there is good in awful situations.

And now, I shall bid you all a very fond farewell. Get to know each other, and let your tales unravel. Remember: Sorcerers always have one another's back.

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