A Place Where You Can Have Opinions 56 members · 87 stories
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Islam is a scourge, the greatest threat to civilization humanity has ever faced.

The West's embrace of Christianity was a mistake, but not nearly as bad a mistake as the embrace of atheism.

Magneto was right.

Paganism and Buddhism are the best religions.

A two-state solution to the Israel/Palestine problem would be possible if either side had any sense which they do not.

Zionism, while a justifiable response to the Holocaust, is no excuse for dispossessing Palestinians of their land.

Constitutional monarchy is the best form of government. Direct democracy is second best. Representative democracy is worst.

All ponies are best pony. The show works based on the character's interactions not on one character being more interesting.

Distributism is the best economic system.

Both big business and big government are threats to our civil liberties.

The early Crusades were justifiable. The later ones were not.

Martin Luther was right. Except for what he said about the Jews. That was very wrong.

The fall of the Holy Roman Empire was the greatest calamity the West ever experienced.

Napoleon was right.

All ponies are best pony, but Twilight and Pinkie are cutest.

The last episode of Teen Titans was a work of unparalleled genius as was the entire show.

The later seasons of the Simpsons have been good.

Twilight's ascension was an excellent story and Magical Mystery Cure was awesome.

My Little Pony is still the best cartoon on TV.

The Confederate flag is more aesthetically pleasing than the American flag.

Donald Trump is the greatest performance artist of our time.

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