MacinDash Community 211 members · 122 stories
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I feel like we should kick of this group with a nice discussion post as we all gush about this ship ^

So my questions is "What do you like most about MacinDash" go forth fellow shippers, be free to express all your love for this ship with all of the magic horse words

(Please remember, you guys CAN post, practically anything you want, we can't let this group die. Have fun with it, get involved ^^)

Dash would need a stallion that would be a really good listener, but wouldn’t ramble on himself. Dash would have those times where she just wants to talk about her day, tell her stallion about some really awesome trick she did, or even have those rare times where she is emotional and needs someone to lean on. While a bad emotional state might not happen often with her, it's so important she have someone when it does. She would never have to worry about her stallion talking her ear off with random non-sense. She has her best friends for that. Looking at you Pinkie and Rarity.
Big Macintosh is a truly family oriented stallion, so if he were to have a marefriend, she would surely be treated just as closely to him as his own family. It wouldn’t hurt Rainbow to have something like that in her life as well. While she is an independent mare and can do whatever she wants, she has said before that she hates being alone and would rather be around someone to keep her company. There is just some company and comfort that your friends can’t give you that your coltfriend could. While people could say that any stallion could work for that dynamic, in the end, who better than the Apple Family to make you truly feel a part of something?
Rainbow loves to be the best and she would certainly have the best if she took up Big Macintosh. I could totally see her strutting around through town with him by her side looking at every mare with a “Yeah, that’s right, I got Big Mac.” face. All the mares that gave her a jealous or angry glance back, she would just revel in it. She’d be the #1 mare with the best available stallion in town. And all the while Mac would be getting red in the face and wishing she would stop bringing attention to him like that.
One of the best sides of Dashmac to me would be the relationship/interaction between Applejack and Rainbow. Whether AJ is the type of sister that endorses one of her friends going out with her brother or the type who gets driven crazy by it, it’s sure to be fun. RD already likes to get in AJ’s head as it is, but imagine if RD was with her brother. Rainbow would never let her hear the end of it. And when it comes to Big Macintosh, he and AJ are a very close brother and sister. So over their lives, I’m sure they’ve teased each other about all sorts of things, and can fluster the other better than anyone else can. Big Macintosh would certainly have some playful teasing toward AJ should she do something to deserve it. AJ could have both RD and Mac teasing her relentlessly if she isn’t careful. The Applejack/Rainbow dynamic in this is pretty much endless.

Also, MacDash foals. Is there really any other type of foal better? Future Wonderbolt captain(s) and/or future gold medalist(s) in the Equestria Games right there.

You did say gush. :rainbowwild:

4798141 DAMN YOU! You said it perfectly and stole my thunder!
One thing to add, though, is how being with Dash will influence Mac to strive to be an even better stallion just for her. Already an incredible stallion that the town highly respects because they can rely on him, imagine how much more he could do for her and the town as well if he had that reason to push even harder towards the goal of being the very best he could be.


Well I didn't steal ALL of it. :rainbowwild: I left out the part where Dash could maybe bring out the fun-side in Mac a little and Mac could bring out Dash's cute side a little, how Dash would be great help on the farm, how it's The Element of Loyalty paired with the stallion who is just as loyal in his own right, and the physical capabilities of both that could lead to some fun times*. I didn't want to break my keyboard after all. :rainbowlaugh:

*Whether you take that one way, or both, you're right.

4798272 Yeah... MacDash is Best Ship /)

The world of Wonderbolt stardom is a fickle place. Fan favorites can change quickly as new faces join the team.
Rainbow needs someone she can depend on. Someone who can be her rock.

Tecnically is all that. And at the dame time is more!! Just imagine all the possibility!!! XD

It's hard to post something from my cellphone!!! Damn it!!

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