Cutie Mark(ed) Crusaders 501 members · 2,623 stories
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One year ago, something great happened. No, not great. Something extraordinary. Something that was long awaited, by everyone, and that should change the lives of three fillies forever.....
Today, exactly a year ago, it was that Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle got their cutie marks!
There were a lot of bronies saying they would never make it, that they are just not clever enough to get their cutie marks and that they would never get them because of that, but they really showed them all.
Since then, they are not just the Cutie Mark Crusaders anymore, they are Equestria's first Cutie Mark Counselors too, helping ponies far and wide to get their cutie marks or to understand their special talents and cutie marks.
And how many ponies they already helped! Snowflake, Tender Taps, Bruno, Petunia Paleo, they even helped a griffon find her true talent and meaning in life! And this let them expand the Cutie Mark Crusaders beyond Equestria, to Griffonstone, by appointing Gabby to a Cutie Mark Crusader, who now helps griffons in her homeland to find their purpose in life.
They are young fillies, but since they got their cutie marks, they not only live their lives with their newfound talents, but also impact Equestria on a large scale. I wonder where this will lead to?
They influence and improve the lives of so many ponies by helping them, they even get consulted now by parents who are worried about their foal's cutie mark, as their recent case with Petunia Paleo shows!
They are famous now and if they continue helping ponies in such a tempo, they will soon be national heroes, not unlike Twilight and her friends.
And what could lie beyond that? Maybe they have powers they don't know about and will indeed become Equestria's defenders one day. The circumstances with which they got their cutie marks show that they are special; not only do they have special talents nopony ever had before, share the same special talent and have gotten their cutie marks together, all of which are events that never happened before in Equestria's history, they also created a magical outburst when their cutie marks appeared, an outburst so strong that they were unconscious for a few seconds. Which also never happened before with a pony and strongly differs from the way a pony gets a cutie mark.
All of those things are signs that they are special ponies, special ponies who are awaited by a special destiny. Season 6 did not deliver any signs or hints for it what this special destiny is, yet, as I expected it would, but something rests in them, something whose power depends on it that they are together.
Whatever it is, I'm sure it was not a coincidence that they met. It was meant to happen. Destiny has great plans for those three fillies.

And, of course, this is a day to celebrate. I did plenty and will probably continue to celebrate it for days to come.
I rewatched "Crusaders of the Lost Mark", read Cutie Mark Crusaders fanfictions and spend an extra amount of snuggle time with my Cutie Mark Crusaders plushies. I even reuploaded "Crusaders of the Lost Mark" to Dailymotion, when I found a severe lack of it there.
How about you? How do you, or did you, celebrate the 1st Cutie Mark Anniversary of our Crusaders?
Share your impressions about this greatest of all days here!

5554524 I'll be rewatching Crusaders of the Lost Mark.

Group Contributor

Can't wait to see what they'll do next! :pinkiehappy: :yay:


The Bricklayer
Group Admin

5554524 In honor of this momentous occasion, I'll start working on my CMC focused story again now that I have ideas for it once more.

5554524 I've re-watched CoTLM countless times (my favorite episode of the whole show so far)! The last time wasn't long ago. I'd like to keep long gaps between the re-watches, because this episode is so emotional and I don't want to get used to it. I cry everytime I watch it :pinkiesad2:

Group Admin


This is always one of the best ways to celebrate them, continuing a story about them! Is it "Grimlock, Dinobot... and father?"?
The occasion also let me think stronger about all of my fic projects for "Crusaders of the Lost Mark" that I have still on the backburner. A good amount of them should be written by now already, although..... certain things kept me from doing it.
Now I'm strongly thinking about continuing them sooner than previously thought, their 1st Cutie Mark Anniversary gave me a push there.


I know this feeling so well. I had this countless times in the past with other TV shows, even videogames, that I rarely watched/played them, because I wanted to preserve the original atmosphere as long as possible.
It's something that could never happen with "Crusaders of the Lost Mark" to me, though. Here, my love for the episode and for seeing their great dream coming true is so big, that it sustains the atmosphere for me automatically.
I watched it again yesterday, my 21st watch of it, and when I saw how they got their marks, I was immediately in tears again and choked up, from all the joy of it. :scootangel:
It never gets old seeing them achieving their goal. :heart:

The Bricklayer
Group Admin

5555460 Yeah, that's the one. I have a few ideas in store, hopefully humor filled if I ever get down to writing them.

Group Admin


You can do it! Let the energy of the Cutie Mark Crusaders guide you!

The Bricklayer
Group Admin

5555475 Well, in that case, I'll probably get to work on it later today. The Magic of... Music's latest chapter can be put off a little while longer I think.

The Bricklayer
Group Admin

5555499 May try and aim for Kids Day instead, which my good friend CaioCola informed me is tomorrow in Brazil, as doing a whole chapter in one day doesn't seem feasible to me right now. But I may be wrong, and get it all done today. Who knows? (Shrug)

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