Cutie Mark(ed) Crusaders 502 members · 2,623 stories
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The time has come. Our fourth Cutie Mark(ed) Crusaders story contest happened, with the fitting theme "Our First Cutie Mark Anniversary!" because when we started the contest, a very big and life-defining event happened for our Crusaders almost a year ago.
And today is the 1st Anniversary of it, the 1st Cutie Mark Anniversary of Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle!
And so, as promised, we elect the winners of the contest held in their honor today!
Without further ado, here are the places of the contestants:

CONTEST #4: "Our First Cutie Mark Anniversary!" - CONTEST WINNERS

Three talented authors got together to participate in this contest and sent their stories almost last-minute. It was very tight between some of the submitted stories this time, but in the end, only one could win the big 1st Place prize.

Congratulations and a big round of Cutie Mark Crusaders hugs for being the big winner of our anniversary contest go to you, Rubahhitam! Additionally, you will receive the following prizes:

+ A SFW, one-shot fanfiction of your choice, written by me, Fluttercheer!
Note: Due to the lack of cutie marks on humans and anthros, I will only write a story about ponies. Keep this in mind when deciding what the fic should be about!

+ Contributor status

+ A special mention on the group page alongside their winning story

+ A honest review of any one of your stories by Frost Vortex

Also, there is feedback for you! Unfortunately, Frost Vortex was not able to write up his thoughts on the submitted stories after reading them because of family obligations, so there will only be feedback by me and PrinceUniversa, but his ranking is lined up with our choices, so his feedback is in there in spirit:

Fluttercheer - Surpassing the other two stories, "Golden Hearts, Steely Nerves, Silvery Manes" makes its entrance on the first place for this contest!
Here, almost everything was done right. The writing style is well-developed, the scenario a very unique one with being set far, far into the future and the interactions between our Crusaders are very believable at their old age here.
The general writing gives a very nice feel for it that a lot of time has passed, with references to the past, as well as the mentioning of new element bearers and there's a tinge of dramatic and sadness when Sweetie Belle mentions she would like to retire to still spend some time with her family.
The story does a very good job with getting the feelings across here, when you read how much they did in their lives, the subtle implications that their lives draw towards their end makes you choked up a little.
All in all, I barely find any errors or flaws. There are a few errors like missing blanks and a bit of a logical stretch when Scootaloo returns from the bathroom in the half of a minute, but other than that, it's a very well thought-out work that quickly captures you and makes you even crave more!
A story that more than deserves its first place and brings Rubahhitam the second victory in one of our contests!

PrinceUniversa - There's not much here I can say that you've already noted friend-o although there is two unrelated things I wish to add. The title of the book is a bit long yet at the same time it also reminds of another one-shot that has the same idea with the title in question, and it was a CheeriMac shipping fic mind you :rainbowlaugh: Two, that Incredibles reference at the end had me laughing as well as filled me with nostalgia, I loved the movie so it was with joy that I see that on a book :rainbowkiss:

To claim the fic commission and review prizes you won, just shoot me and Frost Vortex messages and tell us what you want! If you want to make yourself a picture of what I've written so far, feel free to look through my story list!

The second place in our contest goes to bahatumay with his classical story [url=
Congratulations for getting on #2 and some less-tight-but-still-rather-tight Cutie Mark Crusaders hugs to you, bahatumay! You will receive the following prizes:

+ A special mention on the group page alongside your winning story

+ A honest review of any one of your stories by Frost Vortex

And now we come to the third place!
Only #3, but very, very close behind bahatumay's entry is The Next Generation by RuinQueenofOblivion!
Congratulations, RuinQueenofOblivion, and even though it was only enough for the third place this time, you will still receive a special mention on the group page alongside your winning story and the always obligatory Cutie Mark Crusaders hugs as prizes!

And that's it, folks, these are the winners of our fourth story contest dedicated to our three brave Cutie Mark Crusaders and their cutie marks!
Like last time, there will still be feedback for the submitted stories that couldn't make the top position, which you will find below:


Cutie-versary by bahatumay

Fluttercheer - "Cutie-versary" goes the most classical route from all the entries: It's a year since Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle got their cutie marks and they try to figure out how to celebrate their anniversary, sorry, their cutie-versary. Which leads to a trek around town to ask other ponies about how to properly celebrate an anniversary.
This story does well with its progression; almost every encounter with a certain pony is a bit longer than the last one and there's a noticeable diversity in how they can't get a good advice from the ponies they're asking. This part is executed very well and the shifts in scenery are placed nicely there. Especially the contrast between Rarity's and Spike's stance at anniversaries creates an interesting reading experience.
What else is done well is the characterization; everypony acts just like you would expect it. And in some cases, the characterization expands their personalities very nicely into interesting and unexpected, yet fitting, directions, which especially becomes apparent when reading Rarity's part.
However, the story is also not without flaws.
The pacing at the beginning is a bit off and the story feels rushed there, the sudden transition between them trying to think of something to celebrate and then coming to the conclusion that they have no idea how, comes across as a bit odd and the story could use a little explanation of their thought processes before they reached this conclusion.
The end of the story unfortunately suffers from a little plothole, when it looks like Scootaloo came up with an idea how to celebrate, but ultimately, only remembered what they used to do during rainy days, while the actual ideas how to celebrate come from Applebloom and Sweetie Belle then.
The story would also benefit from a little explanation why Scootaloo didn't remember this anymore and from a smoother transition to the last scene in the clubhouse.
"Cutie-versary" is also equipped with a lot of humor, which goes a little over the top at the end. When Sweetie Belle reacts slightly disturbed to eating marshmallows, it feels a little too meta and the immersion gets broken a bit there.
Other than that, the gags are nicely placed, especially Pinkie Pie's corrections, as well as the little callbacks to the past, which add a nice flavor of nostalgia to the fic.
All in all, a fic with a solid storyline, that could benefit from a good amount of polishing, though.

PrinceUniversa - This was a funny story in my eyes from start to finish but I can say that certain jokes did seem a bit much into retrospect. In any case, the pacing was a bit awkward at times but again, not too much that it bothered me as usual. Some of the interactions definitely got me as well as the characterizations of those that were asked on how they handled it. The ending was a bit questionable to me considering that it kind of deterred from the goal in mind, but again, not complaining.

The Next Generation by RuinQueenofOblivion

Fluttercheer - This story leads us quite a bit into the future, as it is set at a time where Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle have foals on their own.
It impresses with its pacing, that is mostly done just right to fit all the important events in. Although, the story could definitely benefit from more interactions between Cloudy, Pearl and Golden Delicious, considering that it's supposed to be a fic where they meet each other the first time and become friends.
It is at the end where the pacing gets a bit downhill when the story gets wrapped up a little too fast, which leads to it that the last dialogues sound a bit stiff and cold. Furthermore, the end suffers a little from an overlooked plothole in the middle of the story.
Something "The Next Generation" could use explanation on is the part where it states that Applebloom and Sweetie Belle haven't met with Scootaloo for 17 years, even though the description speaks of it that it's a "decade and a half" since they got their cutie marks.
Did they part ways immediately after getting their cutie marks for some reason in this universe? This is a part that is in need of getting more fleshed-out.
Other than that, though, the writing is of a very immersive nature that draws you in quickly and makes you very soon curious what is going on and to what the events lead.
What unfortunately interrupts the reader, though, is quite a big amount of grammar issues and overlooked errors, as well as a bunch of issues with tenses, that switch around from past to present tense throughout the story.
The immersive writing and the basic idea of passing on the legacy are the most stand-out points of the story, but due to the issues with the plot and the errors scattered throughout the story, it is only enough for the third place here.

PrinceUniversa - As you noted already, the story is set seventeen (I presume so) years into the future. Here we see the CMC as adults living their lives like normal people. The pacing at the beginning to the story goes well and does so right up until the ending. It's not much to complain about as it doesn't bother me much but its noticeable. I've noticed some grammar issues and some spelling errors upon a second read-through. What I kind of wished was more interaction with the fillies in question and perhaps a bit more time into it presumably. Maybe a few words might be a bit much but at least it helps the story out filling in certain blanks.

And that wraps up this contest! If you won a review of one of your fics by Frost Vortex, hit him up with a message to tell him the fic of your choice.
The winners are already listed on the group page and the first place winner will be placed in the "Contest Winners" folder shortly!

We hope that you had fun participating in the contest and that you enjoy the prizes while celebrating this fateful and special day!
For a while now, there won't be new contests after we had two almost back to back now, but there will be more contests coming up for sure, so, keep an eye on the group here to find out about when they happen!
The Cutie Mark(ed) Crusaders AND the Cutie Mark Crusaders thank you for participating and hope to see you next time!

I, probably should've specified the time better, that was my bad... it was more supposed to be them catching up after a few years, not really getting to talk much, sorry for not being more clear.

Also the grammar thing, well I've never really been that good at grammar and I don't have a spelling and grammar check so I don't have any excuse for that.

And the lack of interactions... I was really rushed, but I might make another fanfic having the three of them interact more now that you've said that.

Group Admin


It's fine! As I see it, most issues with your story come from it that you tried to squeeze it in in the last hours of the contest and that you had to rush it because of that.
And there are always more contests! We hope to see you in the next one!

5552644 Yeah, next time I'll hopefully be better prepared.

5552644 All this reminds me that I really need to get a proof reader, though really ultimately the fanfic was supposed to be about passing the torch as well as reflection, and I think I did a decent job on that at least.

Group Contributor


My reaction:

And my response:


Group Contributor

5552611 P.S.
I followed the link and sent the artist a note, asking if I could use the pic as the cover art. Thanks for finding it, Flutterscare! :pinkiehappy:


Group Admin


You're welcome! I'll be awaiting your message about the story commission. Whenever you got an idea you would like to see as a fic, just send me a message!

Group Contributor

5552752 Okay.


Wait, did you change your name from Fluttercheer to Flutterscare?


Group Admin


Eeyup! Just for the month, though. It's Nightmare Night. :pinkiecrazy:

Group Contributor

5553003 "I see," said the blind mare. "I see your name, written in stone..." :pinkiecrazy:


Group Contributor

5553003 The artist was cool with it. That picture is now OFFICIALLY the cover art. WOO HOO! :yay:


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