PomLander 15 members · 0 stories
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I only need an editor for the first chapter right now and it sits at around 5.4k. The thing I need most is a technical editor.

It's an adventure that focuses around Fluttershy and Pom, but it will include the rest of the main 6 and their counterparts from the game as well. I don't know how long the final story will be, but I do know the basic structure of the story and the plot points.

It's titled The Bravest Souls are Those With the Most to Fear (A Thems Fighting Herds Crossover)

Here is an excerpt:

Then a soggy tongue slid across Fluttershy’s fur and she knew that something was very, very, wrong because bunnies did not have long slick tongues and Angel Bunny never gave her kisses. She tried to turn to look at the animal that had crawled into her bed but couldn’t. Instead of moving she heard a soft giggle emanate from herself and it did not feel quite right. She quickly came to the realization that she couldn’t move of her own volition. She couldn’t even open her eyes.
Fluttershy felt herself panicking, her mind racing, but she also felt her heart rate remain calm, serene even. It was as if her own body was betraying her, mocking her panic. Her head turned of it’s own accord and Fluttershy felt far too much fur moving much more than was normal. It was then that her eyes opened to reveal a small puppy with the cutest little button ears crawling on its belly toward her along a bed that was not hers. That was when Fluttershy realized that she was not home as the room was obviously not hers. It was much smaller with a curtain over the window to block the morning light.
Fluttershy tried to scream for help but there was no sound. She heard her scream echoed a second latter, coming from the odd mouth that she now possessed. Immediately the dog jumped to it’s paws and turned, scanning for threats to it’s master, only to turn back around as Fluttershy watched a pink woolen leg throw the bed’s quilt over her head and her body rolled into a quivering ball.

I want to release a chapter every two weeks but I can get a new editor each week if needed, though someone to stick around for at least 8 chapters would be appreciated.

If you are interested reply to this post bellow and I'll send the google doc to you privately. If I get two people all the better but I won't use more than two editors at a time. As I said, I need a technical editor most of all so if you're good at spotting extra letters, missing comma's, and the occasional double words then pretend that I'm making sad, pleading puppy eyes at you.

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