Give Angel some love 9 members · 0 stories
Comments ( 4 )
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Only in the stories of Merriweather Williams des AngelBunny bully FlutterSshy. Merriweather Williams is terrible at characterization.

Heh. Dismissing everything that doesn't fit the desired image. Nice.

I think Angel Bunny does have a certain jerkish streak. I interpret him as an example of the Jerk With A Heart of Gold trope. When it comes to pushing Fluttershy around, I'm not sure if she doesn't actually like that, at least to a degree. But I also think Angel Bunny would never do anything that would actually hurt her, neither physically nor emotionally.

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4760023 Precisely, his behavior is comparable to a child, which makes sense, given the fact that he's a pet. Also, rabbits in fiction tend to be somewhat impatient and scrutinizing, he's actually pretty tame compared to the likes of Mr. Herriman :applejackunsure:

Yeah. Or Bugs Bunny.

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